Anyone ever seen this? *transcript

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Anyone ever seen this? *transcript

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  • #4538151 Reply

      My transcripts have been n/a and still are right now. I just checked again for the millionth time…
      I filed MFJ with my husband… told him no update for us and he checked his and it has our joint info on the transcript with a correct return info dd amount, and a ddd 2/28…
      Why are mine n/a? It’s never done this in prior years. They’ve always been the same. I’ve never seen or heard of MFJ people having different transcripts.

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      • #4538204 Reply

          Tried mine and hubbys still processing for both and no updates on its account.

        • #4538203 Reply

            @kittymaej did you update on WMR with a DDD

          • #4538196 Reply

              This is so odd but I put my social into wmr and IT updated yet my transcripts are still n/a!!! All these years I’ve NEVER seen my wmr update without my transcripts updating.

            • #4538160 Reply

                Mine are all blank. My husband has top two blank and bottom two says 2023 but are blank/say no return filed. I don’t remember having to look up his account last year. But I guess it’s because they only do the id me now and not regular accounts like I had. Just the main ss# first which is usually the husband. I have to ask him for a code daily because I dang sure keep checking!

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