Anyone else?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Anyone else?

  • This topic has 49 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by rob.
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  • #4092625

      Get accepted today

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      • #4110504

          So i got the whole still processing thing showimg w no wmr bars gone still shows topic 152 my filing status plus my ammount. I also got the identity letter in. The mail to call or go to web site which i coukdnt acesss but i finally got through tuesday with irs verified my identity and was told i woukd receive. My refund in a week so tuesday coming up will be a week. Fingers crossed and praying . please pray for me

        • #4110459

            I lost my bars but I do not have a code any ideas

          • #4101765

              My return was rejected as someone filed using my social. I had to fill out an identity theft affidavit and print my return and mail both in with copies of my social, I also for precaution photocopied my drivers license, birth cert and my sons social and birth certificate. Who has had this happen to them? How quickly were you issued your refund?

            • #4099467

                I filed with TT on 1/8 accepted 1/12 and TT says i’m accepted no bars just tax topic 152 message so I tried to order transcripts and this message pops up We cannot process your transcript request. Please contact the Identity Protection Specialized Unit (IPSU) at 800-908-4490.

                Ok State says this Your return has been processed; however, your refund has not been approved.

                Someone please help Should I be worried?

                Thank you in advance

              • #4096078

                  @ Katie, call the IRS. See what they say. This is the safest solution.

                • #4096072

                    I have no bars after I had one yesterday… but I have no codes and my expected refund amount is still there? Help please

                  • #4093272

                      Someone also said they aren’t updating transcripts like last year as fast due to budget cuts

                    • #4093270

                        Call the IRS. I’ve heard from many sources today that things will update tonight whether you lost a bar or not but call and ask for supervisor. That’s what others were doing. They should be able to tell you. Been there saying a few prayers for you

                      • #4093268
                        DEBBIE MEYER

                          Now also I cannot order 2014 transcript yet even though it has been accepted since 1/12 and now bar as well as amount is missing from WMR, REALLY DESPERATELY NEED my refund to avoid eviction and utility cut off due to job loss, please HELP!!!!!

                        • #4093264
                          DEBBIE MEYER

                            Your tax return is still being processed.
                            A refund date will be provided when available.

                            Please read the following information related to your tax situation:
                            • Tax Topic 152, Refund Information
                            REFUND AMT. ALSO MISSING

                            FILED WITH TT ON 1/8 AND WAS ACCEPTED ON 1/12 AND HAD 1 Bar and refund amount, a few days later they both disappeared and are still gone…please help…facing eviction if it doesn’t come by 2/5

                          • #4093115

                              Get TranscriptWe cannot process your transcript request. Please contact the Identity Protection Specialized Unit (IPSU) at 800-908-4490

                              Had anyone got this when trying to order transcripts?

                            • #4093111

                                Filed tonight at 8 pm and got a text saying it was accepted at 10 pm, and I have one bar on WMR.

                              • #4093105

                                  Posting this on this thread too, hope no one minds. I apologize if I anger anyone just trying to get help…

                                  I can not post a new thread for some reason and have a question. My return was rejected 6 times today (yes, 6) It is due to no error of mine however, I filed through TaxAct. I have never used anyone else and never had a problem until this year, I have 2 W2’s from separate employer. When I submit my e-file I would get a notification (usually within mins after the intial one) that said my return was rejected due to EIN and employer name not matching, okay fine. Go in to fix it and find out it is from a 3rd W2. No employer name or address or EIN or amount, nothing on it because, well, it does not exist and I do not have it. Just says W2-My Name-0.00 So, I delete it. Resubmit taxes and BAM! there it is again. WTH?! I contact TaxAct, they lead me through steps, try some different thing, rejected, rejected, rejected. Last thing they tell me to do is to download a new browser and try that so I did and now it is pending…If it is rejected again for this reason what do I do? Call the IRS? Could this be their system? Or could it only be TaxAct and do I just need to file through someone else? It’s driving me insane! Help!

                                • #4093087

                                    @Danielle I got that message today too about transcripts

                                  • #4093031

                                      Code 152 is great it just goes over your options for getting your refund!!!

                                    • #4093030
                                      Bruce Jaraczewski

                                        I filed with TurboTax January 13 today is the 20th still says pending greeter!!

                                      • #4092917
                                        Kristi h

                                          Am I making it up or in years past, do I remember tax topic 152 being a good thing? If memory serves, when tax topic 152 shows up, it means the processing is almost complete, and on the next update you may receive a direct deposit date. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but that’s how I remember it.

                                        • #4092833

                                            Ok after reading a lot of posts. I’m glad to see im not the only one with missing bars. But when the web site where my refund works. My info was there. Just the bars missing. From what I understand a lot of people lost both I would why. Guess the mystery will be solved ties are weds

                                          • #4092822
                                            Stephanie H.

                                              If processing doesn’t begin until Tues we won’t see any updates for awhile, will we? My bars disappeared also and refund amt is gone but the site is unavailable right now…do you think they are processing early accepters early this year?

                                            • #4092815

                                                Got accepted on the 16th and it shows in WMR, this is the first time I have been accepted early so im hoping this goes better than last year. I had to end up suing the irs last year just to get my refund.

                                              • #4092795

                                                  Filed 1/7, accepted 1/13 and today on 1/16 my bar disappeared but still says topic 152 (direct deposit). I also cannot get my transcripts, getting a scary error msg when I try to login to the online system. “We cannot process your transcript request. Please contact the Identity Protection Specialized Unit (IPSU) at 800-908-4490. ” I am seeing a few others with this msg tonight too, not sure if we should freak out or not. My return is very straight forward and usual, same kids, same job, same address etc.

                                                • #4092733

                                                    Yea Im a little concerned here. Went from one bar at the top with the status accepted, and refund amount on the left hand side on the WMR website to the following day: Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available. With no refund amount on the left side (it wasnt 0, it just wasnt there) and no bars at all up top. This makes me a little concerned.

                                                  • #4092732

                                                      Not matter I meant

                                                    • #4092730

                                                        I had the one bar with topic 152 and today no bars with topic 152 but being processed and will have a date or something, I don’t remember exact words then topic 152. I don’t know why some lost bars and some haven’t yet or if they will or won’t but it seemed to have happened last year too from what answers I have received so might matter

                                                      • #4092729

                                                          Thanks! I remember seeing it last year and shortly after had a ddd! Was just curious on how some had the topic 152 w/o any bars. :)

                                                        • #4092728

                                                            Information on tax topic 152

                                                            Kimberly RuizTurboTax

                                                            February 9, 2014 at 7:55pm · Harrisburg, PA · 

                                                            Usually when you receive the topic 152 message you will receive your tax refund within the next 10-14 days. Topic 152 is a code that the IRS uses to tell the status of each group of refunds. 151 says you are under an audit. 160 says that your refund has been deposited. 161 says your refund has been mailed out to the recipient. 171 means that the IRS is still processing your refund. The code number 149 is the one you do not want to see. 149 means that your refund has been rejected. And last but not least, THE ONLY NUMBER THAT A PERSON DOES NOT WANT TO EVER SEE IS ” TOPIC 148 “. Topic 148 means that the individual or individuals filing there taxes with the IRS are under a fraud alert and are being subjected to an audit followed by a Identity Fraud, Tax Fraud,and Attempted Larsony of the Government of the United States and is punishable up to 25 years in prison.



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                                                          • #4092726

                                                              We filed through Turbo Tax on 1/9; Federal was accepted 1/12 & KS 1/13. On 1/14 we had one bar at WMR. Today 1/15 we have one bar and tax topic 152 at the bottom and it also states refund is still being procesed. Just a little impatient this year :) I’ve noticed many with the tax topic 152 but there bar is gone.

                                                            • #4092725

                                                                tt on 1/8 still not accepted

                                                              • #4092708

                                                                  @Vero89 it doesnt look like alot of turbotaxers are getting submitted, mine also still says pending from 1/12 :(

                                                                • #4092707

                                                                    I filed 1/12 it says pending still on my turbo tax anyone else still pending from that date?

                                                                  • #4092706

                                                                      I filed on 1/8 got accepted on 1/12. Now my status bar has disappeared and says that it is processing and form 152 does anyone know what is going on

                                                                    • #4092694

                                                                        filed with tt on 1/13 anyone got accepted yet from tt on that day?

                                                                      • #4092692

                                                                          filed 1/14 with TaxAct, Accepted 1/14 within minutes of filing, received confirmation email from TaxAct within the hour of filing, WMR ticker bar at position 1 “processing”
                                                                          EIC, Ed creds, self employed. Hoping for the best :)

                                                                        • #4092679

                                                                            Filed last night through TaxACT. Accepted this morning.

                                                                          • #4092678

                                                                              I filed o 1/8 accepted on 1/14, WMR is showing accepted so hoping I’m not recycled back ito the system like last year, an early refund would be greatly appreciated. Filed with FreeTaxUSA

                                                                            • #4092677

                                                                                Anyone showing approved yet? When do we expect to start seeing those?

                                                                              • #4092675


                                                                                • #4092674
                                                                                  Peyton still sux

                                                                                    Filed 1/14, accepted within an hour

                                                                                  • #4092673

                                                                                      Filed on 1/11. Was excepted on 1/12. I really hope this year goes smoother than last year. I don’t want to have to wait another 5 months to get my refund.

                                                                                    • #4092668

                                                                                        I filed 1/13/15 about 6:15am. I got my TT email saying it was sent successfully. Around 8am I got another email saying that my return was accepted by the IRS with the standard 21 days chatter. Later in the afternoon for grins and giggles I checked the WRM tool on the IRS site and it said it was accepted and being processed. I took it one step further and went to the SBBT website, entered my info and there was my account. So far so good. Now just sit back pray the rest goes as smoothly.

                                                                                      • #4092650

                                                                                          Same here… Filled TT on 1/12, accepted 1/13…I got the quick acceptance I was praying for …Now lets pray the rest of the process runs as smoothly ;-)

                                                                                        • #4092649

                                                                                            I filed with Tax Brain on the 7th. It came back yesterday as rejected because of errors in their software. I refiled immediately with TurboTax and it came back as excepted. We have used Tax Brain every year for 8 years. Liberty Tax Service took it over this year and now there are problems. I will use Turbo tax from now on.

                                                                                          • #4092647

                                                                                              I just got accepted , filed 1/12 accepted 1/13 TT

                                                                                            • #4092646

                                                                                                Filed 1/7 accepted today 1/13, Freetax USA

                                                                                              • #4092645

                                                                                                  Filed January 8, Turbo Tax. Accepted January 12th

                                                                                                • #4092642

                                                                                                    I filed the 10th, got an acceptance notice yesterday the 12th. Hoping for a quick approved/refund!

                                                                                                  • #4092638

                                                                                                      nice,when did you file with TT? Just submitted mine today..praying for a quick acceptance

                                                                                                    • #4092635

                                                                                                        Accepted today and it says when I log into turbo tax that I should have my refund by feb 2

                                                                                                      • #4092631

                                                                                                          I got accepted today w/ generic email from turbotax telling me the IRS would not be issuing refunds until Jan 20th.

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