Anyone else w/NO PROGRESS?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Anyone else w/NO PROGRESS?

  • This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by TammyKh.
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  • #4099472

      Filed 1/20 accepted 1/20 one bar one WMR, can’t access 2014 transcripts, addess have changed from last year, cycle date 0603 last year.. Anybody else w/NO PROGRESS?!!

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      • #4099739

          I used TT too! It was accepted in mins. Maybe mine were not accepted until the 22nd!
          I have no tax return filed on my account trans 0000 2-16-2015 all the same stuff. I have had no bars or amount on my wmr for almost a week
          This is the first year I have used TT I will never again!

        • #4099736

            Filed via TT around 2:30 PM on 1/28, accepted within 10 minutes same day. 1 bar on WMR was given same day, and no changes ever since. No DDD, not able to view transcripts either. This is dumb. No progress indeed.

          • #4099709

              I also found out that Turbo Tax site gave me an incorrect acceptance date! Said accepted 1/20, IRS said they didn’t accept till Friday 1/23!

            • #4099706

                If you got blank transcripts on 1/27 you should see a transcript update tonight, WMR tomorrow night, and DDD Friday 2/6. If you got blank transcripts 1/30 you should see a transcript update Friday 1/30.

                That’s if the whole “recycled” theory is right.

              • #4099702

                  I’m in the same boat also. I called the irs this morning and I was told they didn’t get mines until the 22nd but filed on the 20th ad was accepted in minutes.still on one bar she said my return was blank also but I did look on my last year which she fax kindly and it had a cycle of 0601 don’t really know what that mean but she didn’t have nothing to say is that I still wasn’t process that they just got it so hopefully something will come up soon last year I was under review but it got that handle. it took 6 months and that’s because I didn’t know about hardship advocates. and I was getting letters every 45 days. then I called and they told me that those letters was generated so I called again got fussy and I told them I depend on that money because I am a single mother and my hardship advocate helped me and after waiting 6 mos. I got I 21 days later. I hope I don’t have t go through that again. fingers crossed.

                • #4099685

                    Hopefully we will see a update either tonight or tomorrow night (after 3am) from what im seeing maybe n/a transcripts are better then blank transcripts.. I’m just trying not to worry too much until it really get close to feb 10 and I haven’t heard anything or get a letter.. My previous years cycle dates have been 0603 which means I should get a update 2/2 or 2/3 with a ddd by 2/10 without any problems *fingers crossed*

                  • #4099491

                      You’re not alone. I filed on January 23rd via turbo tax and haven’t seen any progress yet. Im stuck at one bar ppl have filed jan 27th and have a refund… the only thing that’s changed is my address.. what’s the hold up??

                    • #4099482

                        We were accepted according to TT on 1/20 but called IRS two days ago and was told we werent even received until 1/22. Not using TT again. We have had no movement on IRS WMR and our Transcripts still are blank with all 000. State (GA) was random reviewed but have alrdy gotten them what they needed. Two years in a row we have been screwed

                      • #4099477

                          I’ve have backwards progress. Filed on 1/21, accepted minutes later, had one bar for a couple of days but no transcripts available. Bar disappeared around 1/28, no refund amount shows and still no transcripts. Very, very frustrating.

                        • #4099476

                            Same here filed 1/20 with no progress. I have an cycle date of 0605 from the last three years and if they are going by that I will not see my refund until 2/20. Although I don’t remember waiting that long for my return in the previous years.

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