Anyone else with no updates?!

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Anyone else with no updates?!

  • This topic has 19 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by mamato6.
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  • #4538385 Reply

      I filed on 1/25 accepted 1/26-
      No updates for transcripts- They have a as of date 03-04-24 but haven’t moved since the path lifted. Cycle code is 20240405
      WMR- it says – still processing etc. I called them and the guy refused to look at my account. What is going on??

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      • #4538551 Reply

          Both my husband and I filed on 2/9 and both were accepted that night but I got my DDD of 3/4 but no movements on his WMR and no transcripts showing except the bottom two that are blank. He already received state. No clue what’s going on this year.

        • #4538547 Reply

            Filed 1/18 accepted 1/19. Received letter to verify and I did that 2 weeks ago and still no movement. Transcript still shows as of date 2/12/24 and n/a. I know it said 9 weeks but that is ridiculous

          • #4538532 Reply

              No updates still my as of date still says 2/26/24 and head of house and nothing else on the bottom and top two still show n/a. Filed 1/29 been weekly for years but being in car see transcript don’t know what cycle I am on and calling doesn’t help they know nothing just tell you call back after 60 days if not processed .

            • #4538481 Reply

                Filed 1/28 accepted 1/29. Top two still NA. No updates with an as of date of 2/19. Have not received any verify letter & nothing in todays mail either.

              • #4538480 Reply

                  Filed 1/29 as of date 2/26/24
                  Receive letter for wages 2/13 and completed 2/13
                  2/14 went back to processing
                  2/23 nows says verify my Identity attempted through portal and says unable to assist so I called Friday 2/23 states I did t need to verify and no other letters called again 2/27. Told same thing and to wait 60 for them to review from date of fax 2/14
                  Transcript has nothing no returns filed as of date still says 2/26/24 and it’s 2/28 no movement at all

                • #4538479 Reply

                    Still no update on mine filed 1/29 and accepted, I had a ID verify me which i completed 3 weeks ago. Transcript still shows n/a I called today and they stated they sent a letter out on 1/23 to verify which I already did. This is to much.

                  • #4538478 Reply

                      Still no update on mine filed 1/29 and accepted, I had a ID verify me which i completed 3 weeks ago. Transcript still shows n/a I called today and they stated they sent a letter out on 1/23 to verify which I already did. This is to much.

                    • #4538470 Reply

                        filed & accepted 02/02/24 Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available no tax topic 152 is all shows no transcripts n/a this is my first time filing

                      • #4538474 Reply

                          Filed 2/17 accepted 2/19. ZERO updates for 9 days. I’ve been filing the same for years. NEVER has it been such a waiting game for ANY type of updates or movements for me.

                        • #4538468 Reply

                            Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when ava filled and accepted 02/02/24 no transcripts available first time filler

                          • #4538457 Reply

                              Filed and accepted 01/22 . WMR still processing , Transcripts N/A no return filed . Called IRS yesterday , agent said no notices show in my account , no verification ..just stunk processing and it can take up to 90 days . 😫

                            • #4538441 Reply

                                Filed and accepted 2/16 and no update yet

                              • #4538437 Reply

                                  12:05am est

                                • #4538436 Reply

                                    Mine updated from n/a to ddd of 3/4

                                  • #4538427 Reply

                                      Filed 2/7. Accepted same day. No updates or anything. 05 weekly. Not a Path. So hopefully an update this week!

                                    • #4538396 Reply

                                        Same boat here. I filed 1/19 and was accepted shortly after. Have an as of date for March 4th so hopefully will get an update this week or at least by Monday.

                                      • #4538395 Reply

                                          Same boat, submitted and accepted the same day as you. I feel like our returns got forgotten or something.

                                        • #4538390 Reply


                                            Yes absolutely, I hear we might see a update on Thursday or Friday. Maybe a refund next week! We shall see though.

                                          • #4538389 Reply

                                              Same boat! At this point no need to stress there not gonna move any faster or even do anything about it.

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