Anyone else with cycle date of 20150503?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Anyone else with cycle date of 20150503?

  • This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Jamie hitch.
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  • #4101588

      I have a cycle date 20150503 and was wondering if anyone else did to? I was told that’s a 2/9 DD. Still prosessing on WMR.

      Filed 1/26
      Accepted 1/27

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    • Author
      • #4102341
        Jamie hitch

          I have a 20150503 code on my transcript but No 846 code. Does that mean it’s a problem.

        • #4102202

            Just as I figured WMR updated for me over night from bars missing since sat to refund approved DDD 2/9/2015. Hang in there everyone!

          • #4102199

              Cycle date 20150503 and just got my WMR update to two bars today. DD Date says 02/09/2015 if no refund posts to my bank by 02/14/2015 then to call my bank inquiring about the deposit. BOOM!! So far, so gooooood! I’ll update you as to when my refund posts. I bank with Chase.

            • #4101692

                Oh! And still 1 bar on WMR

              • #4101691

                  Yes I have 20150503 cycle date with a code 846 and I filed and was accepted the night of 01/31.

                • #4101681

                    I have the same cycle date and will let you know if there is a status change with mine as well.

                  • #4101648


                      The cycle date is only referring to the day your return was processed. To figure out the DDD, you add 4 days to the day of processing. So in this case 03 was yesterday, Tuesday, and 4 days after that would be Monday. Which I know is what you guessed, just wanted to clear up any confusion for anyone else.

                    • #4101647

                        Also I am reading that cycle date 20150503 – means 5th week which is next week 03- meaning 3rd day which would be Monday since the cycle dates start on Thursday being 1, Friday being 2 and Monday being 03. So if that formula is correct we should have our DD by Monday 02/09!!

                      • #4101642

                          I to have cycle date 20150503, filed 01/29 accepted same day, bars disappeared Sunday. Transcripts became available this morning with cycle code. WMR says I’m still processing .

                        • #4101631

                            To be honest it’s best not to stress about the WMR tool. It’s not the most accurate and in your case will most likely update late if at all. Quite a few people have reported having their Direct Deposits in their bank account with the WMR bar still being on one or two bars.

                          • #4101615

                              Me too. I have that cycle date but still processing and “refund date will be given when approved” on WMR. I wonder if we will still get it since it’s not showing on WMR?

                            • #4101609

                                Yes, I have 20150503 cycle date, filed and accepted 2/1, no DD in WMR

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