Anyone else enter wrong account number on 2015 tax return???

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Anyone else enter wrong account number on 2015 tax return???

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Joanna.
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  • #4102353

      My DDD was 2/4/15 and was worried when I didn’t receive it. I checked my return and realized I put the wrong account number I called my bank and the IRS and they say I have to wait till the bank rejects it and they will mail a paper check in 4-6 weeks any one in the same boat? Or experienced this before? Does it really take 4-6 weeks :(

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      • #4107039

          I called the IRS and told them that i entered the wrong number. I called everyday but they kept telling me the whole process takes 4-6 weeks after the DD. I would call the US Treasury and ask if they have mailed out your check, they will tell you the status.

        • #4106895

            I had the samd problem left out the first number on my account number for direct deposit. My DD date was 02/04/15 still nothing. Shoukd I call or just wait for the rejection process too play out. I am worried about it going into someone elses account….. I bank through Higherone believe its Wexbank

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