anyone bank thru higher one ddd 2/4/15

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season anyone bank thru higher one ddd 2/4/15

  • This topic has 34 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by topwatchmarkets.
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  • #4098921

      does anyone with ddd 2/4/15 bank with higher one ? we should track our refunds together to see the differences

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      • #4112537

          Additionally, there are two metal bracelets offered, and those are usually 648 with no VAT (about $736). Whilst visually it may seem like you’d probably want it knocked a little more for the edge from the dial, they have place in a means that does not cut-off the indice found right now there, which is a great touch. Gumball 3000 was developed in 1999 simply by ex-racing motorist, designer plus British business owner Maximillion Cooper who a new vision to mix cars, songs, fashion plus entertainment to produce a lifestyle occasion that happens once each year. Well, gowns always the particular toughest query. The call of this Swarovski Lovely Deposits watches is definitely mother-of-pearl and it is surrounded simply by another band of deposits. Again, there is not inherently anything at all new, but instead a new taste – that is exactly how Panerai prefers this. Yes, I believe so. Energy reserve is definitely 48-hours. Instead, the LM54 caliber, constructed for Louis Moinet by way of a movement producer Concept, continues to be specially designed so the traditional operation of the automated mechanism are usually hidden aside on the back again of the motion, beneath the dish, leaving only the chronograph system exposed for the dial. The particular reference 912. ND. 0123. RX Hublot MP-12 Crucial Of Time Skeletal system watches is restricted to twenty pieces and it is priced at $288, 000. This particular watches stands apart immediately because of its retro-styling plus eye-catching call that features a unique chronograph size. Each time I realize the “singing bird action” in operation We quickly create a smile upon my encounter. Frankly, which is overall develop of the timepieces for me — it simply looks great. Retail cost is $3, 250 (production is not limited). And while the particular rigth part of the call is artisticthe left part is more centered on the motion, revealing the particular beating center of the timepieces as well as the off-centered seconds. Girard-Perregaux have had achievement with a lots of the exterior components within this watches, yet it’s the motion that shop lifts the display. The shape through the side proceeds the soft modern really feel, as it lightly curves right down to contour towards the wrist. Lately, TokyoFlash actually seems to be right into a sort of seventies SciFi kind of a theme, mixing wooden (for the situation and bracelet) with slanted shapes plus vivid DIRECTED displays.

        • #4103510

            My DDD is today. It still hasn’t posted to my account. Anyone know what time there’s posted into there higherone?

          • #4102648

              I had my refund sent to my higher one. I just got married this year and did a joint return. I found out today because our last names are not the same, higher one is going to reject the deposit no matter what. I think that is a little unfair given that my name is on the refund. Has anyone else dealt with this?

            • #4102642

                meh.. i better see mine tomorrow..

              • #4102634

                  I had by refund get sent to my higher one account my ddd is 2/6/15 I called to see if anything was pending the rep told me that it could possible take up till Tuesday to see any money. But hopefully something shows tomorrow morning.

                • #4102303

                    Ddd 2/6 anybody else

                  • #4101515

                      Any Higher One customers have a 2/6 DDD? No sign of any money for me yet. I’m hoping tomorrow, but if it doesn’t come until the 6th then that’s fine too.

                    • #4101404

                        I’m jealous. :( My DDD isn’t until the 6th. lol

                      • #4101400

                          Got my refund about 2hours ago. :) Anyone else???

                        • #4101224

                            Still waiting…. Havent gotten my paycheck for 2/4 yet either… I should see something in the next couple hours!!!

                          • #4101075

                              I keep typing and nothing shows up!

                            • #4101052

                                so i just talk to higher one and my refund is not there yet, she said she thinks it will show up tonight when it does its system updates…. one mad mommy here

                              • #4101036

                                  so …. still waiting for refund, nothing for my bank account and wmr still not updated…. i hate this ….. i would feel so much better if i could at least see a pending deposit….

                                • #4100973

                                    I have ddd for February 4. Still no movement yet either on my end. I hope to see it in tomorrow! #refund

                                  • #4100899

                                      Ah, yeah, i forgot about Premier.. I’ve got that too. I have a small refund anyway, so I’m not too worried about it.

                                    • #4100893

                                        I am a premeir account holder so mine is same day

                                      • #4100890

                                          My understanding is that direct deposits go through Higher One same-day as long as it’s $1,000 or less. Any more than that and you might have to wait, I think.

                                        • #4100843

                                            I have higher one with DDD of 2/4/15 as well. Haven’t seen any movement here yet.

                                          • #4100291

                                              Anyone get their refund yet? I jus looked at my acct and I got my check from work, but they didnt text me like they r supposed to, so who knows…. sux to have to check acct all the time, cuz clearly they wont text me. :(

                                            • #4099364

                                                nope its coming out of my return same as last year

                                              • #4099352

                                                  WOW!! well you just gave me hope tonight! I will be checking tomorrow after 9 a.m….by the way did you pay your fees up front/ or free file

                                                • #4099351

                                                    @mommy02071112 It really does suck that you can’t see pending deposit even worse they are closed on the weekends

                                                  • #4099350

                                                      yes i did

                                                    • #4099349

                                                        @mommy02071112 Did you use Higher One last year?

                                                      • #4099335

                                                          i got mine last year like 4 days before my ddd i do mine thru taxact so idk hopefully mine is there tomorrow morning , i hate that we cant see pending deposits on our account

                                                        • #4099334

                                                            I have deposited my tax refund in my Higher One account for the past 5 years and always received my taxes the day of my DDD and that’s using TT with the fees deducted from my refund. It would show up on SBBT (Turbo Tax bank) 2 days before my DDD and be in my Higher One account by 9 a.m on my DDD, BUT this year I paid my fees up front so i wouldn’t have to deal with the middle man and wait , I just hope that Higher One really releases the funds as soon as they get them. I will keep every posted. Happy waiting.

                                                          • #4099078

                                                              Also i dont have any fees i am a premier holder so i get same day deposits and all the perks

                                                            • #4099075

                                                                I have never had problems with direct deposit. I had major problems with a refund but I don’t think it was Higher One’s fault.

                                                              • #4099063

                                                                  I got my refund last year with higher one no problems got refund within 8 days of filing

                                                                • #4098974

                                                                    I have higher one too. My ddd is 2/4…. I usually use a different bank account… dont know how its gonna be this year.

                                                                  • #4098965

                                                                      @waiting did you already get your refund? If so did you have any problems receiving it on time?

                                                                    • #4098960

                                                                        I used higher one

                                                                      • #4098949

                                                                          I was using Higher One until the fee change the first of the year. Beware of a charge per transaction and transaction limits. It’s probably cheaper to move the money than pay the fee’s. I started getting cash whenever I could at the grocery store until I got the balance down. The fee is fifty cents but I am used to my “real bank” card that charges nothing. I have had four debit card breaches in a year, I need to keep some money elsewhere for when it gets shut down when fraud detection gets it.The jerks used it to pay their utility bill last time which seemed insane.

                                                                        • #4098948

                                                                            I am with Higher One. I don’t have a DDD yet but I’m also interested in how it will go with Higher One … I’ve heard lots of bad things but never personally had any problems.

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