Anyone able to view transcripts but missing refund code 846?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Anyone able to view transcripts but missing refund code 846?

  • This topic has 16 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4094863

      I can view all 2014 scripts, and I have all the usual codes, except I don’t have a refund issue code. I have cycle code 20150402. I wonder if I’ll see my money deposited or if I’ll have to wait for another update.

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      • #4103357

          rwil – any word on yours?

        • #4096047

            If you don’t have TC846 on your script you don’t get a refund— yet. 570 isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Last year a TON of ppl had that code because of an IRS glitch. I’d give it until Monday. I have a tax topic 201– I owed back taxes. I’m due a refund, but don’t have a DDD and WMR isn’t even showing the difference. Just a lousy “we applied your refund” notice. I have TC896 on my script as well, but it don’t have 570. Forbes published an article today about the 570. I wouldn’t sweat it. Just give the system a little more time. :)

          • #4096033

              Cycle 0402 with transcripts and codes 570 and 896. So does this mean the ddd do not apply to folks in our situation? Funny thing is I get a Native American waiver on health insurance but the marketplace still cannot verify my identity after 2 yrs and photo id copies…. so I pay the offset

            • #4095987

                What does 570 mean?

                I read on Forbes the irs says it doesn’t mean anything for sure, but others say it means offset while still others say audit…

                Any idea?

                Called offset line and they say they have no information at this time.

                Customer service line does not answer.

              • #4094972

                  @unsure im having the same problem I Cant find mine on my last year or this year either

                • #4094964

                    I am copying and pasting another’s post:

                    @JAY make sure you are looking at the right Transcript, ACCOUNT Transcript.. 2014, scroll down to bottom of first page, under TRANSACTIONS it will say “Code Explanation of Transaction” and it will say something like:

                    150 TAX RETURN FILED (CYCLE DATE) (2-16-2015) (AMOUNT)
                    766 CREDIT TO YOUR ACCOUNT (4-15-2015) (AMOUNT)
                    768 EARNED INCOME CREDIT (4-15-2015) (AMOUNT)
                    846 REFUND ISSUED (2-16-2015) (AMOUNT)

                    HOPE THIS HELPS!

                  • #4094944

                      I am experiencing the same thing, Elle. When i open my account transcript, all the codes are there EXCEPT for the 846. The last code on my transcript is 768, the earned income credit. I also have a tax offset, but when I call the IRS they have no record of it (YET, anyway). My cycle code is also 20150402. Wish I knew what has happening! Anybody have any ideas?

                    • #4094929

                        ok so I went to “account transcript” and now see the 846. Next to it is the cycle 20150402 but, it shows a date of 2-16-2015. So does this mean I will have to wait until the 16th to get my refund? I filed and was accepted on the 22nd, so that would be more than 21 days…argh this is soooo confusing.

                      • #4094923

                          i got a 570 instead of 846 joy!

                        • #4094922

                            I do not have any code resembling 846 on either my last years transcript (I received a refund) or this years transcript. Where are you looking that you see the 846?

                          • #4094908

                              Where would you find the 846 code at?

                            • #4094892

                                My offset isn’t even on the transcript. Not even the 570 code.

                              • #4094891

                                  896 is the last code (obamacare). The rest are basic. 150, the EIC code, wages and tips code, etc. the only code that varies from last year is the 896.

                                • #4094888

                                    I have read that offsets have delayed returns, but only by a few days. What are the last couple of codes?

                                  • #4094885

                                      Thanks for replying. I’m just hoping that our tax debt isn’t causing the hold up. I’d figured they would just take their money and give me the rest, but even that isn’t showing up on the transcripts. What confused me is that someone posted your cycle is when your return was completed and, well, mine doesn’t look too complete, lol.

                                    • #4094879

                                        For me … DAY 1) no transcript DAY 2) transcript appeared highlighted but information was unavailable (showed N/A) DAY 3) all codes, including cycle code and 846 appeared.

                                        Hope this helps.

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