Any Rushcard users

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Any Rushcard users

  • This topic has 21 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Tye.
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  • #4094461

      Rushcard receives dd 2 days earlier. I have not received mine yet but when I do that means everyone else will get taxes within the next few days. Let’s try to figure this out

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      • #4108409

          IRS website say my refund DDD was Febuary 19, if it’s not credited to my bank (rushcard) by Febuary 24 contact the bank to make sure it was received. I called yesterday Febuary 20 to see if I had any pending deposits and there was nothing in the system yet. I double checked the routing number, and card number on my return and everything is correct. Is anyone else currently having this type of issue or had to wait a few days? Come on people please gimmie some hope lol

        • #4104471

            Simple info, no story, just facts and my two cents:

            -I’ve been using RC since 2008.
            -I receive SSI every month, on the 26th – no matter when RC says they are depositing, it comes the 26th (or closest weekday to that).
            -I found IGMR site in 2012.
            -I started using my RC for Refund in 2012 and then used it again in 2013 and 2104.
            -The deposit hit the day WMR stated all three years.
            -This year, I used my husband and I’s joint BOA because he’s not on my RC account and we filed MFJ.

          • #4100887

              My tax refund is pending. I talked to eight reps today n they are not releasing tax refunds earlier the the date the IRS says

            • #4097366

                I got mine around 10 pacific time. Good luck all!

              • #4097300

                  Just woke up and and sbbt has released my refund,… Good luck every1!!!..

                • #4097294
                  ASHLEY J

                    Got mine in the last hour some time

                  • #4096841
                    ASHLEY J


                    • #4096828

                        Hey just curious if any rush card users got there refund yet? Looks like they are waiting on tomorrow for me.

                      • #4096269

                          Hey Rushcard users,
                          I have had my tax refund placed on my rush card for the past three years and they have never posted it early, They can see the pending deposit but you will probably not get it until the DDD listed by the IRS. However Metabank took over the rush card process so they may do it like they do their netspend cards.. Lets be hopeful.

                        • #4096259

                            I have RUSHCARD and file myself HRB online
                            Filed 1/19- Accepted 1/20- DDD 1/30
                            Just Called Rushcard and I have a pending Deposit from US TREASURY for 1/30. Rep said it will release anytime now but they are able to see my refund deposit pending In the Rushcard system but I cannot see it when I check my rushcard online.

                          • #4096114

                              Hey, so I got the card… it was a difficult process to get it activated in total about 4 hours ! I filed and was accepted on the 20th have a ddd of the 30th and have not received anything yet and i dont know how to check if anything is pending but i will update if i do! Good luck everyone! Maybe tonight! :-)

                            • #4096084

                                I have no pending filed the 20th and DDD of the 30th and nothing yet

                              • #4096079

                                  I was in a Family Dollar today, the lady in front of me was paying with a Rushcard, she seemed to be unfamiliar with it, as she asked the cashier if they accepted them, then mentioned that it had her tax refund on it. She swiped it and it was accepted. No idea when she filed or who she filed with, but she did claim that her money went on the card that morning and she had never used it before.

                                • #4095986

                                    Got DDD of 1/30 have pending deposit with chase but have not received refund yet-

                                  • #4095980

                                      Anyone got dd

                                    • #4095706

                                        Hey, this is my first time using the rush card i just applied for it last week I was able to get the deposit information via text I have not received the card yet, I am hoping it comes today… I filed the 20th excepted the 20th finally got a ddd for the 30th.last night. if the card comes today after I activate it i will let yall know if the deposit is on there I hope so!! Hope everyone gets there’s soon! Good luck!

                                      • #4095202

                                          Any rushcard users received money yet

                                        • #4094585

                                            Same here. When did you all file? Have you been approved?

                                          • #4094583

                                              ANY WORD ON RUSHCARD USERS

                                            • #4094463

                                                Also using Rush. I called like an hour ago and had no pending deposits yet

                                              • #4094462
                                                ASHLEY J

                                                  I’m using rush card as well.

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