Any 570 to 846

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Any 570 to 846

  • This topic has 30 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by Ejsmom.
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  • #4538164

      Anyone have a 570 Code that eventually updated to 846 and/or Direct Deposit? I got the 570 Code today.

      Filed/Accepted: 2/2
      Return Transcript and Record of Account Transcript updated on 02/23
      Account Balance is my refund amount with (-)
      150 Code with Cycle 20240805 Date 3/11 (Weekly)
      806 Code with 4/15 Date
      766 Code with 4/15 Date
      570 Code with 3/11 Date
      As of Date 3/11
      Schedule C Filed
      Taxable Pension/401k Filed
      CTC Filed
      No EITC
      WMR: We apologize, but your return processing has been delayed beyond the normal timeframe. You can continue to check back here for the most up to date information regarding your refund. We understand your tax refund is very important and we are working to process your return as quickly as possible.

      Please read the following information related to your tax situation:
      Tax Topic 152, Refund Information

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      • #4539499

          Just got off phone with them and was advised as of 3/7 they have my taxes and working on them filed 1/29 so what took so long but anyways rep stated they would be sending out a letter and they have 60 days from when they took over from 3/7 to send the letter out and as of today it still has not been generated to be sent out!!?? Other than that no other information, just have to wait 2 months for a letter and then probably wait more after I do whatever it is they need me to do IF ANYTHING.

        • #4539490
          Patiently Waiting


            Let me know what happens.

            I just called the Tax Advocate number and the rep told me the same 60-120 day review message they’ve been telling everyone. I did have her confirm that she could see both of my W2s and my 1099R which she said she could. Hopefully now that the 1099R is in the system I’ll process soon.

          • #4539484

              No change again, just called IRS again and was advised to call this number 855 873 2100 then press 1 English then 4 for IRS advised to call. On hold now with them to see what the hell is going on filed and accepted 1/29 eic ctc

            • #4539474
              Patiently Waiting

                No updates today…this is so irritating!

              • #4539410

                  Me too man me too…

                  I read how the IRS changed the software or system for Employers to upload Wage Reports this year and how it’s a process in and of itself to create a new account and register to use it….The alternative is snail mail….

                  Who knows if that is true and by how much, sounded reasonable though?

                • #4539408
                  Patiently Waiting

                    I have my notifications set to online and by mail. I have 3/18 beside the 971 code but I didn’t receive my letter electronically. I’m sure it will just be the CP05 letter that says 60 days…at this point they can just keep their postage until they release my refund. 🙄

                  • #4539372

                      Still no movement, my situation appears to mirror yours PatientlyWaiting….

                    • #4539370

                        No change again, 570 code with same as of date 3/25, no 971 code all these weeks but did receive a letter a few weeks ago just saying they are still working on return and they have 120 days. Called a few times and told no issue, SO WHY AM I STILL WAITING! Filed/accepted 1/29 eic and ctc, nothing has changed in past 10 years. FRUSTRATING

                      • #4539362

                          I filed electronically with injured spouse form Jan 22 mfj actc ctc am a weekly had 570 dated 2/26 processing date 2/26 and as of March 4 just got the 846 for 3/20/24 I had called twice wasn’t helpful was told injured spouse takes 8 weeks by 1 and 11 weeks by the other so hang in there guys they will get you processed. Wanted to bring some hope.

                        • #4539346
                          Patiently Waiting

                            No change this week…let the waiting game continue!

                          • #4539069

                              Filed 1/19
                              Accepted 1/22
                              570 as of 3/4
                              971 as of 3/11
                              Got my return verification letter 2/29, verified and was told it would be nine weeks.

                              Called 3/6 and was told to expect a CP05 letter in the mail and up to 60 days to finish processing.

                              Woke up this morning to 571 as of 3/25 and 846 as of 3/13!

                              There’s hope!

                            • #4539067
                              Patiently Waiting

                                Just noticed my as of date is now 3/18. Processing date is 3/11. Everything else is the same.

                              • #4539065
                                Patiently Waiting

                                  No update on my transcripts or WMR. Hopefully I’ll receive the CP05 letter soon. The last rep I spoke with stated that I would get by the 18th which is the date listed beside it.

                                • #4539034
                                  Patiently Waiting

                                    I received my Georgia return today. Now I just need my federal to process! 🙄

                                  • #4538945

                                      @PatientlyWaiting I just checked my wages transcript and it says the same thing! When those were first available, I could have sworn that info on there from what I remember and now it’s gone.

                                    • #4538944

                                        No letter, the rep told me the only thing the letter would say is that my return was selected for verification and that it can take up to 60 days to complete their research and that they would let me know if they require anything further from me.

                                      • #4538939


                                          Did you receive your letter? If so, what did it ask you to do?

                                        • #4538935


                                            They are told to tell us 120 days but the notice says 60 and the rep I spoke with said that is the more accurate time frame and that if everything is correct, it should be less than 60 days.

                                          • #4538934

                                              I spoke to another rep today that told me I will be getting a CP05 letter by the 3/18 and that the IRS has 120 days from the date of the letter to review my information.

                                              I verified with my employer that they did send my wage information to the SSA.

                                              This is very frustrating…

                                            • #4538762

                                                Transcripts updated yesterday.

                                                As of Date 03/18/2024
                                                Processing Date 03/11/2024
                                                150 Code with Cycle 20240805 Date 3/11 (Weekly)
                                                806 Code with 4/15 Date
                                                766 Code with 4/15 Date
                                                570 Code with 3/11 Date
                                                971 Code with 3/18

                                                I haven’t received a letter yet. To be continued…

                                              • #4538689

                                                  Filed: 2/11
                                                  Accepted: 2/11
                                                  05: weekly updates

                                                  Transcripts updated last Friday showing me the 971/570 codes with the same date for both, 3/11/24.

                                                  Checked transcripts today, now have 571 code (resolved) and 846 code for refund sent with a date of 3/8/24. WMR has not updated to reflect this.

                                                • #4538669

                                                    My transcripts finally updated from N/A but have code 570 with as of date 3/18 and $0 no 846 yet!! IRS website still showing no letters sent. What is this!!!

                                                  • #4538467

                                                      I just spoke with the IRS and was told that they haven’t received any income information from my employers which is why my return is being held. She said a letter hasn’t been sent yet so she updated my address since I moved last year. I’m hoping this just works itself out. This is so frustrating!

                                                    • #4538423

                                                        I’m just realizing that my Wages and Income Transcript says No Record. After realizing this I researched to see when employers are required to submit employer wages to the IRS. I found that income is due to the SSA by 01/31. This year there has been some type of change with requirements for efiling which may be why so many people are having to verify and have 570 codes.

                                                      • #4538186

                                                          I have the exact same thing.
                                                          I Have just the basic return

                                                        • #4538187

                                                            I have the exact same thing.
                                                            I Have just the basic return

                                                          • #4538176


                                                              Did you ever receive a letter? Did you have to verify? I’m hoping this is something that will work itself out quickly.

                                                            • #4538168

                                                                I oh and another 971 before the 846 release. 03/04. If you have those two with same date and 0.00 all good

                                                              • #4538167

                                                                  I had. Verify message and still do on WMR. I am cycle ending in 05 weekly. Filed and accepted on 01/29. Two weeks ago 971 and 570 and last night 846

                                                                • #4538165

                                                                    I also had W2 Information.

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