Any 1/20 Receive DDD or Refund?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Any 1/20 Receive DDD or Refund?

  • This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Jay.
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  • #4100034

      I trying to decide if I am going to call IRS tomorrow preemptively because I don’t want to panic if I get a letter. I am wondering if anyone HAS received refund or DDD for this specific acceptance date 1/20?

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      • #4100105

          Accepted 1/20, no DDD, no transcripts, stuck on one bar… same crap as the last two years… 21 days will be February 24th, which is next Tuesday. IRS better get moving.

        • #4100101

            I’m guessing since I can see order my transcripts I may be in an 02 group my past years have been 01 and 02…

          • #4100100

              Ok my transcripts are up for ordering my address successfully changed etc… I’m not sure of the cycle date but i should see an update on WMR this week…

            • #4100083

                I filed 1/20 and accepted same day. I’m weekly due to past offsets which mean I update once a week on Thursday so Friday morning I got my DDD of 2/4. Remember, from all the info I got of this site, Daily people update everyday minus Saturday and Sunday. So if you haven’t had an offset in the past 3-5 years, You should see something by Friday the latest.

              • #4100073

                  I just got my cycle date too!!! Now have to figure out what it means :-)

                • #4100070

                    @MarylizTn I got the same thing. :D I am hoping for a DDD of Friday the 6th.. That would be sweet!!

                  • #4100067

                      WOOHOOOOO!! Transcripts just updated with a code of 20150502…

                    • #4100059

                        Oops – I meant I was told by IRS agent that it was actually accepted on 1/30, not 1/20.

                      • #4100055

                          Oops – I meant return was actually accepted on 1/30, not 1/20.

                        • #4100052

                            Exciting update for me finally! I filed 1/20, was accepted 1/21, had one bar on wmr for 3-4 days but no transcripts available, then my bar went away on 1/27 and refund amount disappeared too. I’ve been in that limbo since, made 3 mostly unhelpful calls to IRS, pled hardship and got one agent to finally tell me that my return wasn’t accepted until 1/20.

                            I’ve been checking transcripts every few hours and my return transcript just surfaced!!! No $$ amounts, only 0.00 but a cycle date of 20150502, which is progress!!!!

                            Hope all the rest of the 1/20s stuck in limbo get some movement tonight too!

                          • #4100041

                              No filed and accepted 1/20 no update still have bars amount etc.. Had to order transcripts account only not return. Word is some of our returns were resqeunced…..

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