Anended return

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Anended return

  • This topic has 24 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Maira.
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  • #4539917

      Just wanted to make a tread for prople ŵaiting on their amended returns. Has anyone had experience in getting it back sooner than expected. Filed mine 4/15. I have 1 bar but says up to 16 weeks.

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      • #4540364

          does anyone have any updates on current waiting amended returns? i filed amended 8/20 i called today and he said it was processed 11/22, but IRS transcripts and where’s my amended return shows nothing

        • #4540311

            Well guys time to say its over!!!!
            570 6/10
            570 7/15
            Amended 6/18
            291 10/28
            846 10/21
            Hope everyone has updated I’m just glad its over -Had to amended to get the rest of my money , have a great Friday all

          • #4540306

              Spoke to rep and was advised i was adjusted on 10/1 and to allow 4-6 weeks. She said i should see updates Friday so we will see, but i did check my IRS online and the account balance now says we are adjusting your account and this takes about 2 weeks. So i hope its two weeks and not 4-6

            • #4540304

                Amended my 6/18 return to add 2-1099 and increase gambling debt which was higher then I first put in. Got two 570 which I knew the 1099 I add that is what they were for 570 6/10 and 570 7/15. No movement and as of date is 8/5/2024. My 16 weeks will be up 10/7 but i am calling to see why I have no updates today.

              • #4540303

                  Still waiting my as of date changed to October 14th this time still stuck in 290 code

                • #4540242

                    Amended return received March 8th. Today as of date changed to August 26th and refund adjusted and issued for August 14th

                  • #4540135

                      Got an update, my as of date just changed to June 24th.

                    • #4540133

                        Someone filed a fraudulent return with my son’s SSN. Had to do an amended return with proof he was in college and ID pin number by paper since initial return was rejected electronically. USPS said it was received by IRS on April 15. Called May 15 because wasn’t showing in the system. IRS rep said they had bins of unopened mail. Mine still is not showing up in the system today. This has been a very stressful tax season. I wish you guys way better luck than I’m sadly having.

                      • #4540112

                          Filed amended return (accepted date) 5/3
                          Adjusted 5/31
                          I have two bars on the where’s my amended return.
                          Transcript reflected to show the amendment refund amount 8 days ago.

                          Code 846- 6/3
                          Code755-credit to my account 6/10
                          I have an as-of-date on the upper right hand corner of June 17th anybody

                        • #4540109

                            I did not amend but in April 2024 I sent In a 1040-series along with form 4852 due to me just finding out I been filing taxes wrong, I didn’t know we was supposed to get back how much we make. So today I got my ID verify and it say I can check the overpayment owed to me on my transcripts for an update in 1-2 weeks.

                          • #4540106

                              Lucky who I tried to get congressman involved and they dod nothing. Did you call them?

                            • #4540080

                                Lenafffd that 846 code for 6/10 means you’ll be getting a refund on that date depending on wether it’s direct deposit or mail.

                              • #4540078

                                  I wanted to file for amended and my federal due date was $700. I received W-2C from my employer and wanted to amend it but said I owe federal tax of $700. My previous refund was $2750 and after i got my W-2C my refund reduced to $2050, what does this mean please ?

                                • #4540077

                                    Amendment 4/15
                                    Accepted 5/3
                                    Transcript updated but I’m not sure when.. today it has codes 846 776
                                    846 is for 6/10
                                    Can somebody explain

                                  • #4540068

                                      Sorry sent for processing 4/17 not 5/17

                                    • #4540067

                                        Lucky who. So getting her involved helped? Would like to know if it would help me? Filed 3/22 regular, had to amend ⁴/15 due to late w2 and was sent for processing on 5/17 and been stuck there since. :(

                                      • #4540063
                                        Lucky who

                                          amended mines in march got congress woman involved beginning of may. saturday transcripts and end say ddd 5/22

                                        • #4540062

                                            I amended mine on Feb 26 after I got a TC 810 for a 1099 I had forgotten.
                                            I did the amendment and then also paid the extra tax due and I’m still on a TC code 570 with a date of 5/6/2024 . I checked my transcript today and there is no change. My 16 weeks should be up on June 10. I hope I see something by then.

                                          • #4540061

                                              I amended 3/14 and updated Friday with a DDD 5/22

                                            • #4540048

                                                Oh nice! Not too long!

                                              • #4540045

                                                  i got 846 for 5/22 this morning

                                                • #4539961

                                                    I filed the amend early March, but for whatever reason on my transcript it back dated and shows 2.21.24.

                                                  • #4539926

                                                      When did you file your amended return? And tyvm!

                                                    • #4539919

                                                        ive had all 3 bars since the 26th of April. I will keep you posted. last code on my transcript is 290 additional tax assessed for 4/15 with the amount of $0.00

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