ALL DDD OF 2/22!!!

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season ALL DDD OF 2/22!!!

  • This topic has 55 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by maria.
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    • #4537125 Reply

        Hey, everyone! Anyone who has a DDD of 2/22, could you pls post here and let us know when you get funded? Pls put who you bank with, what time the deposit hit, and if you had fees taken out if your taxes. This way everyone can get an idea when theirs will arrive!!!
        ***Also, those who used TT. And had fees taken from their refund, post when you see that SBTPG has received your refund!!! Let’s get this money rolling in!!!

      • #4537147 Reply

          Not yet for me, but I’m not expecting anything yet. I use BoA, and they have always been exactly on the DDD, never early, never late. It’s usually in the wee hours. I have always paid any fees up front.

          Since other people using different banks are already getting theirs, I assume that IRS has already sent them all out, and banks like mine are just sitting on them. So at least I know it’s too late for them to suddenly decide something’s wrong and delay my refund!

        • #4537149 Reply

            My tax situation is the exact same as yours. However, I believe that since TT gives us our 21 days date like mines being 2/21 since I filed and was accepted 1/30, I will receive it tomorrow as opposed to the 22nd. However, if I do receive it on 2/22 our actual date I’m going to call the IRS so fast and ask them for my one day of interest lol. Idc idc idc, lol!

          • #4537156 Reply

              @cinnamon The IRS sent the payments out last week. They don’t send them on the DDD or the ACH transfer wouldn’t arrive in time. All of our institutions are just holding on to our deposits to gain interest until the DDD

            • #4537175 Reply

                The person that posted that the banks hold it is absolutely true. They see it on their end but they earn interest on our money while it’s in their coffers. Sometimes you can call up the bank and they will release it but usually they won’t.

              • #4537184 Reply

                  PNC Bank
                  DDD 2/22
                  I paid fees up front on turbo.
                  No deposit yet, but I don’t usually get funded early. I hope every year, but I will wake up to funds on 2/22 I’m sure.

                • #4537196 Reply

                    I have mine split between Chase and Betterment

                    Still nothing, will keep you posted

                    Tax act fees pre paid

                  • #4537197 Reply

                      Think of it like your paycheck at work. Your regular pay cycle is Friday, by Wednesday the job sends out the ACH as it typically takes 2 business days to deposit. Same thing applies to the refund, your DD, so expect the refund to be sent out 2 days prior which would be today. Some banks your deposit may land within 1 Business day, but normally it will take 2 business days which means early morning on 2/22 you will have your money.

                    • #4537216 Reply

                        I see mine pending in my bank acct. It has 2/22 as the posting date.

                      • #4537247 Reply

                          Filed 1/31/2024
                          Accepted within 20m
                          No CTC only qualify for EIC
                          My child didn’t qualify for CTC due to him being almost 18 in Mid March
                          Weekly here
                          2/20/2024 WMR showing Refund approved, I’m waiting on that deposit to hit NetSpend, DDD 2/22 we shall see

                        • #4537248 Reply

                            @refund2024 The institutions already have the $ they are just holding it for interest until the DDD. Since they have no legal obligation to release it before than. IRS sent funds out on the 16th for DDD of 22

                          • #4537385 Reply

                              SBTPG just updated mine and it now says funded! So, hopefully some time today it will be in my bank account! A few years back it said funded around this time, and it was on my bank account by 7AM, so hopefully! Now off to work!

                            • #4537398 Reply

                                SBTPG says funded USAA DDD 2/22 nothing in the bank yet though.

                              • #4537399 Reply

                                  @westcoast most peoples are just now updating to funded status with tpg, they wouldn’t get anything I’m interest by holding a return for a few days. IRS just was updating the status to let you know it’s on the way, but they typically not sending it out until few days before the date. The money is coming by promised deadline which is all that matters.

                                • #4537429 Reply

                                    my ddd is 2-22-24. I had an advance and fees taken out. shows funded and fees paid out to both turbo and me. any chance i’ll have it today?

                                  • #4537430 Reply

                                      My paper return was mailed on 1/23, accepted on 2/6 (Friday), the status changed to approved Friday night (so technically saturday) on 2/10,
                                      It says will be in my account by 2/22 and to call my bank if it’s not in by 2/27. I called my bank today 2/21, and they said it’s already there and will clear overnight today, 2/22 right in the dot

                                    • #4537439 Reply
                                      Pissed of h and r block

                                        On phone now with the emerald card supervisor came aware that we were paid as of the 17th that our money has been deposited and emerald is breaching contract let’s all call them they have our money all the ddd Feb 22 2024 call this number and explain that I have a consumer rights attorney 18663531266 and we need to bog down there is they are lying

                                      • #4537440 Reply
                                        Pissed of h and r block

                                          On phone now with the emerald card supervisor came aware that we were paid as of the 17th that our money has been deposited and emerald is breaching contract let’s all call them they have our money all the ddd Feb 22 2024 call this number and explain that I have a consumer rights attorney 18663531266 and we need to bog down there is they are lying

                                        • #4537468 Reply

                                            If my date is 2-22-24, issue date but I have a paper check sent to my accountant when would I get my check?

                                          • #4537471 Reply
                                            Impatiently patiently waiting

                                              I used turbo tax, walked the path, did 2/22, fees taken out, sbtpg shows funded 2/21 paid to me (posted 2/22) but says they paid me…..use credit karma, nothing yet. :( (AAAAAAAHHHHHHH)

                                            • #4537552 Reply

                                                Anyone use truist bank ? With HR Block ?

                                              • #4537561 Reply

                                                  TT filer here
                                                  Advance? Yes
                                                  Fees taken out? Yes
                                                  SBTPG: shows Funded 2/21 and amount paid to you 2/22

                                                  But no money yet. I read they will start dispersing at 2 PM PST. That would be nice if we get it today, if not then just 1 more day to wait. ugh haha

                                                • #4537564 Reply

                                                    Sorry, it looks like at 2:30 PM PST not 2 PM.

                                                  • #4537566 Reply

                                                      It sucks dealing with SBTPG when we could have had our refunds days earlier instead of the day before if we are lucky. Next year paying up front no matter what.

                                                    • #4537580 Reply

                                                        USAA DDD 2/22 deposit just hit within the last hour. I changed to funded this morning.
                                                        Good luck to the rest of you and see y’all next year!

                                                      • #4537585 Reply

                                                          Lucky you fingers crossed I get it within the next hour

                                                        • #4537588 Reply
                                                          Missy Poo

                                                            Chime just posted.

                                                          • #4537590 Reply

                                                              No luck for me yet but my tax transcripts says I’ve been funded as well as tpg

                                                            • #4537592 Reply

                                                                What is STBPG?

                                                                I did TurboTax and got the Credit Karma card with the $750 advance. It says that my phones will be available as of the 22nd but I know people with the regular bank accounts that got their money yesterday.

                                                              • #4537595 Reply

                                                                  Credit karma and turbo are full of crap NEVER USING THEM AGAIN

                                                                • #4537599 Reply

                                                                    Some just stated there’s came to there ck account 5 mins ago

                                                                  • #4537602 Reply
                                                                    Srg. L Harvey

                                                                      DDD date 2/22
                                                                      SBTPG says funded
                                                                      Got advance
                                                                      No fees
                                                                      Credit karma account

                                                                      Nothing as of yet. Got it a the day before DDD last year. Same account (Which would be today this year). Didn’t post last year to my account till 10:30 pm though.

                                                                    • #4537610 Reply

                                                                        Mine say funded 2/21
                                                                        But payment to me is 2/22
                                                                        I used turbotax and bank with cashapp
                                                                        Got a trace number but nothing in my account yet

                                                                      • #4537601 Reply

                                                                          Ok I’m seeing multiple banks cmon CK. Haven’t seen you yet!

                                                                        • #4537640 Reply

                                                                            I see why credit karma and turbo are under investigation

                                                                          • #4537641 Reply

                                                                              Cash just hit!

                                                                            • #4537642 Reply

                                                                                Meant cash app

                                                                              • #4537647 Reply

                                                                                  I’m using cash app. My app says they’re sending the money to the bank tomorrow. I still haven’t received or found out anything. I’m actually curious if I’ll be receiving my taxes tomorrow or if cashapp will put a hold on it until they send it out on their own.

                                                                                • #4537665 Reply

                                                                                    Got mine in Chime abt an hr and a half ago! So relieved the rumor abt SBTPG and Chime not accepting is just that, a rumor! Here’s hoping everyone has gotten theirs, or will be shortly!!! I get paid from work tonight, too, but I just want my DD from taxes to be here, so I can be done with worrying! This waiting game is no fun!

                                                                                  • #4537714 Reply

                                                                                      I use TT and get DD to BOA. They are always around 12am-2am on the DDD

                                                                                    • #4537743 Reply

                                                                                        I got a DDD for 2/22 nothing this morning so far using capitol one checking

                                                                                      • #4537754 Reply

                                                                                          sbtpg said funded on 2/21 at 11am.
                                                                                          still no dd.
                                                                                          got fees taken out.
                                                                                          i use greendot.

                                                                                        • #4537759 Reply
                                                                                          Cali Gurl

                                                                                            I had a DDD of 2/22, and my deposit just hit my account at 12:01 AM. I bank with BofA.

                                                                                          • #4537748 Reply

                                                                                              ‘Where’s My Refund’ tool says mine will be deposited by 2/22. It still doesn’t say ‘Sent’. It’s just on ‘Approved’. Is this normal? Will I still get my funds on time?

                                                                                              I filed using TT and bank with NDFCU. I also have EITC and CTC.

                                                                                              Thanks for any help.

                                                                                            • #4537765 Reply

                                                                                                My deposit just hit @3:45am (eastern) and we use M&T Bank. It’s been a long wait!

                                                                                              • #4537767 Reply

                                                                                                  Chase jut hit at 4 am EST
                                                                                                  Betterment still nothing.

                                                                                                  Had my deposit split between the two

                                                                                                • #4537769 Reply

                                                                                                    Finally hit at 5:21am on Chime

                                                                                                  • #4537770 Reply

                                                                                                      Still nothing here says approved but not sent

                                                                                                    • #4537773 Reply

                                                                                                        Cumberland security bank hit at 5:30

                                                                                                      • #4537774 Reply

                                                                                                          Im using Jackson Hewitt Serve card. I have the ddd of 2/22/24 and it’s 4:49am on 2/22/24 and I have not seen my $ yet. Has anyone using serve seen there dd yet?

                                                                                                        • #4537780 Reply

                                                                                                            I had a DDD of 2/22 I use US BANK my funds were in my account around 3:40 am

                                                                                                          • #4537772 Reply

                                                                                                              Mine finally hit at 2am……see yall next year!!!!

                                                                                                            • #4537810 Reply

                                                                                                                I filed early like Jan 12th via TT, ETC credits and all for 2kids, fees for using TT, and DD via credit karma account and TT advance. Acceptance was literally 4mins later so I received half in advance same day. Finally got info of approval on 1/19 but no DDD until 2/10, for 2/22.
                                                                                                                State deposited today at 2am est and remaining federal taxes deposited today at 5:44am est. check transcript.

                                                                                                              • #4537819 Reply

                                                                                                                  Got mine yesterday with Navy Federal

                                                                                                                • #4537826 Reply

                                                                                                                    Still no deposit. Trace number showed up yesterday….Bc if they had sent it I would already have it so they are lying about sending it.

                                                                                                                  • #4537845 Reply

                                                                                                                      Filed 2/1
                                                                                                                      TT – CTC and AOTC
                                                                                                                      No Path
                                                                                                                      Transcripts updated on 2/16
                                                                                                                      SBTPG took out fees on 2/21
                                                                                                                      Hit Huntington bank account on 2/21 at 4pm.

                                                                                                                      Good luck to everyone.

                                                                                                                    • #4537874 Reply

                                                                                                                        @Sumbeach That trace # is created by ACH. So, if you have a trace #, they have sent it to your bank. You’ll just have to wait for your bank to release it to you. That trace # cannot be created without funds being sent.

                                                                                                                      • #4537884 Reply

                                                                                                                          Hi. I have a DDD of 2/22 (today). I bank with Capital One 360, and I haven’t received anything yet.
                                                                                                                          I know they can be weird and post things late in the morning or in the middle of the evening so I am holding out hope. Has anyone with CapOne 360 received their refund?

                                                                                                                        • #4537931 Reply

                                                                                                                            Hi all, I filed 1/16/24, I am a Pather…IRS accepted 1/29/24. My DDD is 2/22/24, IRS approved me on 2/16…TPG funded on 2/21 at 10AM and my deposit was in 2/22/24 at 4:18AM. I hope this info helps someone even though I am a little late updating. Have a great year all😊

                                                                                                                          • #4537932 Reply

                                                                                                                              Hi all, I filed 1/16/24, I am a Pather…IRS accepted 1/29/24. My DDD is 2/22/24, IRS approved me on 2/16…TPG funded on 2/21 at 10AM and my deposit was in 2/22/24 at 4:18AM. I hope this info helps someone even though I am a little late updating. Have a great year all😊

                                                                                                                            • #4537933 Reply

                                                                                                                                Hi all, I filed 1/16/24, I am a Pather…IRS accepted 1/29/24. My DDD is 2/22/24, IRS approved me on 2/16…TPG funded on 2/21 at 10AM and my deposit was in 2/22/24 at 4:18AM. I hope this info helps someone even though I am a little late updating. Have a great year all😊

                                                                                                                              • #4537934 Reply

                                                                                                                                  Hi all, I filed 1/16/24, I am a Pather…IRS accepted 1/29/24. My DDD is 2/22/24, IRS approved me on 2/16…TPG funded on 2/21 at 10AM and my deposit was in 2/22/24 at 4:18AM. I hope this info helps someone even though I am a little late updating. Have a great year all😊

                                                                                                                                • #4538033 Reply

                                                                                                                                    Mine just says it should be there by February 27. if not there by March 3 to call my bank. So I have no idea on when my will drop

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