All 02/28DD

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  • #4538002

      Woke up to all transcripts in there, WMR still one bar but should change tomorrow. Filed 2/09 2/28DD Taxslayer, and funds taken out so it’s going through Sbtpg. Let’s update each other for when DD hits.

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      • #4538453

          DD for 2/28/2024 hit my account. Good luck everyone

        • #4538452

            Refund came in this morning.

          • #4538372

              TPG Funded as of this morning, and should be getting deposited by the DD.

            • #4538302

                Checked republic website.It says that they got it today but fees wont be taking out untill tomarrow. Is that normal?

              • #4538329

                  Right after I sent last msg I checked tt app and my transaction says completed

                • #4538328

                    Filed 2/8, return was accepted within an hour. Updated Friday to ddd of 2/28. Fess taken out. Sbtg says unfunded. Looking back at prior years I think I’ve always received it 1 day before ddd, even when using an early deposit account. My guess is Tuesday afternoon.

                  • #4538323

                      I’m still unfunded as of now and it’s 2:30 pm eastern time (I live in VA)

                    • #4538321

                      I filed 2/7 accepted 2/9 (PATHer, funds taken via Fed refund, BoA).
                      Also updated over weekend with a DDD 2/28
                      One thing is, Wages & Income transcript still blank with “No record of return filed” even though other 3 all populated 846 date 2/28/24. Does this last transcript lag behind or should i worry.
                      Side note, my State refund (CA) e-filed 2/7 approved/authorized/issued 2/8 with DD hitting 2/14. Fastest refund ever!

                    • #4538320

                        Yeah I always use Chase or BOA or brick and mortar bank in general as I don’t want any mishaps of money being rejected that others experience using non brick and mortar banks. Usually comes by said day or at least by the day after so just chillin until then.

                      • #4538311

                          By the way and greendot affiliated bank cards all get 1st cuz sbtpg is actually a greendot corp

                        • #4538309

                            @Anthonys ….. yup chase is a real bank. And for those that got Tuesday last week vs ddd on Wednesday they didn’t hold the funds Monday was a bank holiday so they had no choice but to wait a day thats the only week that it comes the day before. Later this evening most will see or hear that its pending

                          • #4538308

                              I got Chase… my DDD is set for 2-28 i never get it any earlier than 7am the day of

                            • #4538306

                                Oh.. if you used a real bank… unless its a bank that allows early deposits then they definitely make you wait until the post dates

                              • #4538305

                                  And yes always ctc credits ect. When I used netspend they weren’t doing the advance so back then no but past few years with CK got advanced and fees taken out. People that pay fees upfront always get 1 to 4 day earlier.

                                • #4538304

                                    (which after 2pm in the bank world is the next calendar day) they will start to dispense funds im in NY used turbo over 10 years each bank deposits will hit separately. What I did notice is when I used netspend it would come by 6 or 630pm eastern time. Now past couple years I’ve used the CK it comes around 8pmE

                                  • #4538303

                                      Sbtpg doesn’t hold funds what will happen is ataround 2 or 3pm eastern time which is right before cali time lunch break hours it will say funded dispensed ect then normally people go crazy wondering why the money not there. When they return from lunch after 2pm cali time (which after 2pm in the bank world is the

                                    • #4538301

                                        SBTPG will show unfunded until day before or day of (throughout the day) your DDD. They hold the money and show unfunded until the last minute. They say they don’t hold funds, but they do. I pay upfront nowadays due to this and have my refund placed in a no hold bank (prepaid card) and receive mine 5-6 days early. Deposits same day the transcript updates with a 846 code.

                                      • #4538300

                                          SBTPG wl show unfunded until day before or day of (throughout the day) your DDD. They hold the money and show unfunded until the last minute. They say they don’t hold funds, but they do. I pay upfront nowadays due to this and have my refund placed in a no hold bank (prepaid card) and receive mine 5-6 days early. Deposits same day the transcript updates with a 846 code.

                                        • #4538299

                                            @ZEE also had fees taken out still showing unfunded. Keep in mind SBTPG is on the West Coast so I’m giving it until the afternoon as it’s still early there.

                                          • #4538282

                                              @superman. Still waiting on my dd with chime. I used tax act. I think with Jackson Hewitt you can go to to check if your refund has been sent. I used tax act this year and that’s who they use if u have fees taken out. I’ve been checking every hour lol

                                            • #4538293

                                                Did anyone get anything? My SBTPG is still saying unfunded. I used credit karma and had an advance. Just wondering when it’ll drop.

                                              • #4538272

                                                  Mine DD 2/27. Been seeing people geting it early. Still nothing yet. Used Jackson Hewitt, fees taking out. loseing hope that it will get here.

                                                • #4538240

                                                    @Zee SBTPG will usually show as funded 1-2 days prior to the DDD and supposedly sends it the same day they show as funded but I normally get mine the day before my DDD and that’s using credit karma. I think it was 2020 or 21 that I got it 2 days early. I hope they do better this year.

                                                  • #4538239

                                                      Does SBTPB release on exactly the day of DD? Do they do it before? I’m still saying unfounded and just wondering when they might release it

                                                    • #4538213

                                                        2/28ddd !!!Wmr finally updated now on 2nd bar time for the waiting game good luck I’ll update when dd is available 🥳

                                                      • #4538208

                                                          I wish SBTPG would get their stuff together for once! If I would have paid my fees up front I would have likely got my refund today. DDD 2/28

                                                        • #4538193

                                                            Woke up to my DD this morning with wellsfargo!!!!

                                                          • #4538163

                                                              @Dior, your transcript is the only thing that actually matters, next to code 846 it should say refund issued meaning that they approved the transcript. Wmr sometimes updates and sometimes doesn’t. Most important info will always be on your transcripts.

                                                            • #4538157

                                                                Transcripts finally updated!! DDD OF 02/28/24 it says tax refund received on 2-28-24 but wmr still on 1bar what does that mean

                                                              • #4538155

                                                                  Transcripts finally updated!! DDD OF 02/28/24 but still stuck and 1 bar got code 846 on last update to transcript,need help on knowing if that’s a good or bad thing

                                                                • #4538153

                                                                    I have WellsFargo, DDD 2/28, paid fees upfront!!

                                                                  • #4538145

                                                                      Transcripts updated today. All of em. It was nice hanging with you all another year. Stay safe. Be blessed and I’ll see y’all next time.

                                                                      Save some of that money, if you can!

                                                                    • #4538144

                                                                        Transcripts updated today. All of em. It was nice hanging with you all another year. Stay safe. Be blessed and I’ll see y’all next time.

                                                                        Save some of that money, if you can!

                                                                      • #4538143

                                                                          Transcripts updated today. All of em. It was nice hanging with you all another year. Stay safe. Be blessed and I’ll see y’all next time.

                                                                          Save some of that money, if you can!

                                                                        • #4538140

                                                                            Same! Finally ddd of 2/28!

                                                                            Filed 1/31
                                                                            Accepted 1/31
                                                                            No updates to WMR
                                                                            Transcripts updated today DDD 2/28
                                                                            SBTPG not funded

                                                                          • #4538103

                                                                              Transcript updated today to DDD 02/28. I used TurboTax, paid fees up front with no advance and deposit to CK. It just deposited. Good luck to everyone else.

                                                                            • #4538039

                                                                                Filed 2/11 and weekly. CTC…etc. Last Friday my transcript updated to 2023 but showed no return filed. Checked yesterday and still showed no return filed. Woke up and checked today since I update Fridays for the past 6 years and boom…..Code 846 – 2/28!

                                                                                I use USAA so will update when posted. Seems the later I file the faster it is processed. This year was super fast.

                                                                              • #4538007
                                                                                Jenny Wilson

                                                                                  Same here! I’m so freakin happy been waitin & needing this. My bank gets it early & I did fees up front so I can get it early rather than day of so I might see it Monday

                                                                                • #4538006
                                                                                  Jenny Wilson

                                                                                    Same here! I’m so freakin happy been waitin & needing this. My bank gets it early & I did fees up front so I can get it early rather than day of so I might see it Monday

                                                                                  • #4538034

                                                                                      I have chime as well I hope they deposit early!

                                                                                    • #4538030

                                                                                        @Anthony it’s ridiculous how the super early filers seem to be the most verifications or slow and delayed refunds. I just seen some say they filed like 2/16 and got a DD for 2/28 as well. Seems like the earlier you file the more they hold you up.

                                                                                      • #4538017

                                                                                          I filed on 1-31 at 7pm
                                                                                          Accepted 1-31 at 710pm
                                                                                          I have no EIC or CTC
                                                                                          Schedule C only
                                                                                          My IRS account page shows no letters at all
                                                                                          I have bottom 2 transcripts 2023 blank with a as of processing date of 2-26-24 with no codes either
                                                                                          Top 2 transcripts are N/A
                                                                                          WMR is saying delay message
                                                                                          It’s never took this long before

                                                                                          I just checked my transcript and got a 846 DDD of 2-28-24… it’s never ever took this long…. But I’m glad it’s over

                                                                                        • #4538014
                                                                                          Michelle C.

                                                                                            Oh and WMR is still on one bar forgot to add that lol

                                                                                          • #4538013
                                                                                            Michelle C.

                                                                                              Transcripts finally updated!! DDD OF 02/28/24!
                                                                                              FILED&ACCEPTED ON 2/8/24
                                                                                              PATHER, FEES TAKEN OUT OF RETURN, NO ADVANCE, USED TT & CK THIS YEAR. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

                                                                                            • #4538010

                                                                                                Same, transcripts updated 2/28
                                                                                                I’m TT and CK with fees taken out.
                                                                                                Never used CK before so I don’t know, not expecting it until day of or later. Heres hoping for early deposit though. Not likely.

                                                                                              • #4538008

                                                                                                  @Refund2024 chime for me so you may see yours before I see mine!

                                                                                                • #4538005


                                                                                                    Yeah I got it coming to chase bank, so I expect to be Morning, of 2/28 deposit. It’s been like that every year for me.

                                                                                                  • #4538003

                                                                                                      Same here. 2/28 fees through SBTPG. Earliest I’m expecting it is 2/27 but we shall see.

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