After ID Verification updates pls!!!

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season After ID Verification updates pls!!!

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by brittany.
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  • #4537295 Reply
    Kaitlyn Martin

      I verified my identity over the phone today, just want a place for everyone that had to verify to keep each other updated on when the verification button disappears from irs account; when you get transcript update, when you get a ddd and when you get your actually refund…

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      • #4538178 Reply

          I just checked my acct and my tax money came in yesterday!!@ see yall next year

        • #4538177 Reply

            I called yesterday and agent kept putting me on hold too and coming back with more questions each time, mothers full name and father and where I was born but said I had no verify on my acct?? Said to check wmr and transcripts in couple weeks for update but nothing wrong with my acct?? As of date keeps changing and 152 disappeared from WMR couple weeks ago.

          • #4538174 Reply

              How do I know I need to verify identity my WMR just say tax topic 152?

            • #4538173 Reply
              Kaitlyn Martin

                No update on my transcripts except my as of date changing to march 11th. But this morning my verify my identity notice went away on both wmr and my irs account. Hopefully that’s a good sign!

              • #4538121 Reply

                  I verified on tue in person and today I got an update on my record with a DDD of 2/28!!! Good luck everyone!

                • #4537313 Reply

                    I have had the “Action Req’d-verify” since 1/27. They have mailed 2 letters I haven’t received. Called today and they said wait 2 more weeks for yet another letter??? They said I can’t do anything without a letter. I don’t think they know what is what.

                  • #4537309 Reply

                      I’m on the phone right now verifying. It is taking forever though?! She kept asking me info about my 2022 return. Now she keeps putting me on hold and coming back every 5mins to check in. Saying that she is waiting for the system to “reverse everything”. I don’t even know what she’s referring to. Reverse what?! lol. Maybe my refund freeze?

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