account vs return transcript???

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  • This topic has 13 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Marisa.
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  • #4097477

      So finally after filing early on 1/16 and still as of today not receiving any update past accepted on WMR, I was finally able to order an account transcript but not a return transcript, was wondering what this meant. I am not able to log in and view the transcript online, it keeps telling me I am entering info wrong and locks me out. Am wondering if this is some form of good progress or not

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      • #4108372

          So I filed 2/9 about 10pm & was accepted 2/10 about 1am. I am a weekly updates. So I finally got an update on my transcripts lastnight. They had been saying N/A, but it will not let me open it. It gives me an error of 122. What does that mean???? We did have an identity theft issue 2 years ago so every year they mail us a code we have to enter to prove who we are. So could this be why we can’t look at our transcript? Is it a good thing that it at least showed up now which means they are working on it? I still only have 1 bar on WMR, but last year I had 1 bar still when I had already received my refund so that’s not to dependable….. Do u think though since I at least got an update on my transcripts that I could possibly be looking at a deposit in the next couple weeks? I have nothing weird that could hold it up or an offset.

        • #4108349

            You will be getting something in the mail, 971 is notice issued. If both dependents are your kids and it just messed up or glitched, (which has been happening this year with different tax software companies) you can get the refund they did issue and file an amended for the one they missed and they’ll issue the rest. The irs actually states to take the smaller amount and then you can work out the rest. At least they don’t hold it all hostage to figure it out. I just read that 5 minutes ago on their site, funny enough.

            If the dependent left out wasn’t a minor child, it can be a slippery slope with what they allow. I’ve known people that tried to claim boyfriends and girlfriends that were out of work and even people that claimed their 18 or 19 year old student, and they didn’t allow any of it. They use to just pay it out and hit you up 2 years later for the overage refunded plus 2 years of interest.

            I hope it all works out!

          • #4108337

              I checked my transcript today and noticed that my refund was less than expected. My refund expected was for $4276 but the refund issued was $2726 my transcript includes code 766, credit to your account -$777 and another for -$305, code 768 EIC -$1709, code 971 noticed issued and 846 refund issued $2726, why was my refund less than expected I do not owe back taxes I file every year, I do not owe any student loans and I’m not on child support however I did notice that my refund states one dependent when I filed 2 what happened

            • #4097695

                Code 971 notice issued

              • #4097677

                  Here is a list of codes. You might have an offset, what other codes do you have?

                • #4097667

                    Hi my transcript says refund freeze code 810. Does anyone know what that means? I have a cycle date of 20150405.

                  • #4097519

                      Well here it is, I went to view my account transcripts, but of course I am locked out for trying to view it too much yesterday, so I i requested the mail version for 2014…….My account transcript is available, but my return has not been processed yet…….Looks like I will be next week as well……

                    • #4097503

                        On the righthand side of the screen whn viewing transcripts, it breaks down the information you can obtain from each transcript..

                      • #4097502

                          I had the same thing and it said 846 code for a refund issued for Feb 16 so I am going to take it as good news. I am going along with the working theory that my WMR will update Saturday night to give a DDD. The bottom of the transcript stated my refund amount and that it was issued for feb 16. I feel like its really good news…

                        • #4097497

                            You want the (account transcript) thats a good thing! Your return transcript is just the information you’ve entered when filing.

                          • #4097494

                              Me as well. No return but account. However I can view mine. It still gives a cycle date which for me is reading 20150405 and a 846 code so yes hopefully this is good news.

                            • #4097488

                                Same here. Wonder what it means in terms or our refund.?

                              • #4097480
                                luv luv

                                  I’m in same boat.

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