Account Transcript with cycle date but no 846 code

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Account Transcript with cycle date but no 846 code

  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Carolyn.
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  • #4099269

      I have gotten all my transcripts for this return year. Every thing looks good. A cycle day shows up for 20150405. the only code showing under transactions though are 150, 806 for the withholding, 766 for credit and 768 for EIC. But there is no 846. Is this a bad thing. Will the transcript just be updated by the cycle date?

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      • #4099697

          Check the transcript website again tonight, they are still processing your return. Transcripts are updated throughout the day. So far everything looks good, not much longer and if your cycle date stays the same, you’ll have a DDD of 2/4. Your just waiting for that 846 TC

        • #4099682

            This is how my transcripts look as of today. I keep calling the offset number and nothing. I tried calling the IRS and they stopped taking calls for today. UGHHH

          • #4099676

              I have the same, I knew I had a tax offset of under $100, they applied that to the old account. Now I have the message on WMR of refund delayed. I called and was told my account is frozen. But, cant get anyone who can tell me why.

            • #4099673

                Non update yet. Still has my codes but no refund issued. I’m tempted to call bit know they are going to just tell me to wait the 21/days. Hopefully it changes soon.

              • #4099632

                  Yup this has been case as well since 01/30. However my bars disappeared 01/31. I don’t know what it means. Has anyone have any insight on this?

                • #4099563

                    Did yal ever get a update

                  • #4099390

                      I got the same thing!! An now my bars disappeared as of yesterday!! I have no offsets either so Im not sure whats going on

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