account balance updated sunday

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season account balance updated sunday

  • This topic has 32 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by Angie.
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  • #4536927 Reply
    Lucky who

      hey when i log into my irs account it has (!) on account balance for 2023 . it says info is not abai for this year the rest of my years say $0.00 owed. i also. have had 152 768 570 code on bottom of my transcripts since last week. this week friday and saturday there was no movement on transcript or wmr it just showin path message. today i signed into irs account and it now shows account balance for 2023 as $0.00 . but my transcript still the same…. DOES THAT MEAN THEY HAVE PROCESSED MY RETURN and i’m just waiting for update??!

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      • #4539832 Reply

          Has any updates to 0.00 on account balance by details for 2023. I updated Monday to night when I sign it it says I owe nothing and check by details and all my years show 0.00 owed including 2023. I have heard that means it’s done and I am waiting for a ddd. Filed 1/30 faxed 12c wages 2/13 verify 3/16 transcripts loaded 3/22 140 4/8 806 4/15 and 810 2/29 and no other updates since 3/22 until my account balance changed over to 0.00 on 4/16 and have stayed that way since

        • #4538820 Reply

            We verified in person 2 hours away on 2/29, still no updates?

            Anyone out there with any ideal of when it will or should update something for us?

            Lady at the in person said the same thing y’all have heard the allow 9 weeks

          • #4538819 Reply

              We verified in person 2 hours away on 2/29, still no updates?

              Anyone out there with any ideal of when it will or should update something for us?

              Lady at the in person said the same thing y’all have heard the allow 9 weeks

            • #4538818 Reply

                Update :
                Hi guys
                Well 3/1 update for the first time on my transcript to 810. 2/29/24 0.00
                Still says no return filed and my as of date updated to 3/18/24.
                Check account balance 2023
                2/27 it said return not filed and 3/1 went back to if you requested an adjustment , will not be available until transaction is completed … I pray I have updates this week I did call about 810 and they said 60 days from fax but no need to verify even though my WMR says it but won’t allow me to verify

              • #4538315 Reply
                Lucky who

                  the same nothing has changed

                • #4538281 Reply


                    Its sad but it look like you may be right , when i call they are no help in providing any type of information but they ask you so many question to be let down because they don’t know anything either. That will be my 60 days beginning of April. If it moved ill post back but its been since 1/29 and nothing

                    thanks Ted

                  • #4538280 Reply

                      @Angie, I don’t think you’ll see any updates on your transcripts till Friday since you are a weekly.
                      If I was to follow last year timeline, I would expect the refund in your bank account in the beginning of April or so….

                    • #4538279 Reply

                        @ Lucky just wanted to update you , no updates and mine still says the same 2/26/24

                      • #4538065 Reply

                          @Lucky let’s see if this 2/26/24 date will do anything on Monday

                        • #4538066 Reply

                            @Lucky let’s see if this 2/26/24 date will do anything on Monday

                          • #4538064 Reply


                              I am in the same boat I checked this morning and nothing I was so heart broken and my as of still says 2/26 but no other details and the other one at bottle is still blank nothing at top…. I truly though we would get updated last night :(

                            • #4538063 Reply


                                I am in the same boat I checked this morning and nothing I was so heart broken and my as of still says 2/26 but no other details and the other one at bottle is still blank nothing at top…. I truly though we would get updated last night :(

                              • #4538020 Reply
                                Lucky who

                                  checked transcripts this morning and nothing has changed except at the top use to say 3/4 now it says 3/11 . but all my other dates say 2/26.

                                • #4537881 Reply


                                    My as of date says 2/26/24

                                    I want to say to them WHERE IS MONEY !!! They want theirs soon as you owe or they coming for you lol

                                    Chat back later with more updates

                                  • #4537880 Reply


                                      Lol I truly understand the feeling … been with mine 18 years but we got this we both will update tonight found out the as of date means-

                                      What Does The “As Of” Date Mean On The Transcript? While some people may falsely believe that the ‘as of’ date listed on their tax transcript represents the date that the tax payment is due or the date they will receive their tax refund, this date is actually referring to when their tax balance was calculated.

                                    • #4537873 Reply
                                      Lucky who

                                        hoping we update tonight to. ddd of 2/28. this is weird and frustrating i’ve been at the same job 11 years what’s the hold for !??? . in my ig wentworth voice I WANT MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW 🥹🤣

                                      • #4537848 Reply

                                          @lucky called during lunch really wish I got someone who didn’t sound as if reading from a script or not knowing what to tell me and back and forth placing me on hold but was told 8 weeks after I send in wage for and they received 2/14 then hit me with 8 week turnaround but could be sooner but I am
                                          Processing I am
                                          Hoping for tonight to get an update my as of is 2/26 with no updates on transcript but you know I’ll keep you posted good luck tonight !

                                        • #4537817 Reply


                                            Ok and hoping we both get updates tonight , I am calling on my break to see what they tell me .. I’ll post back later after I call too

                                          • #4537807 Reply
                                            Lucky who

                                              original letter they sent in the mail

                                            • #4537806 Reply
                                              Lucky who

                                                @ angie
                                                i called irs and representative said they sent out a letter on 15th and she don’t see anything wrong i’m just up for random review . to verify one of the following income , wage , or credits. so if no update by tomorrow i will just try and get tax advocate

                                              • #4537795 Reply
                                                Sour punch

                                                  Same @ Angie

                                                • #4537791 Reply

                                                    No change and no updates to my transcript

                                                  • #4537764 Reply

                                                      Question lucky

                                                      Did mean an additional letter besides the request or you meant your original letter like me

                                                    • #4537763 Reply

                                                        Hi lucky

                                                        I am still on adjustment being done but no letter came in the mail and my transcripts are still blank and I field 1/29 I wonder if they start from filed date when you send the requested form or from the time was sent

                                                      • #4537756 Reply
                                                        Lucky who

                                                          still no movement on mine either but i did receive a letter in the mail but no 971 code on transcript

                                                        • #4537728 Reply

                                                            Still no movement

                                                          • #4537391 Reply

                                                              As of today no updates and account balance still fir 2023 says the same if you request info I have to wait for the adjustment is complete I filed 1/29 still no movement

                                                            • #4537214 Reply

                                                                Update check again this morning and same message for balance 2023 and no movement on transcript top two and bottoms two still just say 2023 and I filed 1/29 sent Info they request 2/13 reviewed and pack to received one bar and processing I know my job sent them my wages

                                                              • #4537076 Reply
                                                                Lucky who

                                                                  now my account balance went back to (+) saying information is not available 🤦🏾‍♀️ omg

                                                                • #4537053 Reply

                                                                    I had that on my account and then it went away this morning. I am back to no account status. I don’t know what is going on.

                                                                  • #4536999 Reply

                                                                      Hi I have the same message for my account balance for 2023 but no movement on my transcript at all. No codes or anything still show no return field but my balance for 2023 2/18 says
                                                                      If you requested an adjustment to your account your information will not be available until that transaction is complete. so I am hoping that means they are truly processing because on Friday 2/16 it said for balance no return filed but I am hoping when it says 0.00 it’s completed

                                                                    • #4536946 Reply

                                                                        Not sure, but my account did the same today. Had 152 the whole time but also have 570 and 971.

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