Account and wage transcript all 0000

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Account and wage transcript all 0000

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4101459

      I filed 1/27/15 and was able to view account and wage transcripts on 1/28 but the wage transcripts say no record of return filed and the account transcripts show the 0000 no return on file and the as of 2/16/15 date. I know several people are having the same thing with the account transcripts but haven’t really seen any that say the same as the wage and income transcripts. I filed hoh, 2 children, 1 w2, eic, and I schedule c for self employment but went standard deductions. Does anyone have any in sight?

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      • #4101533

          Ok that makes sense but I wonder if that could also be part of the hold up. My aunt works for the same company and hasn’t heard anything on hers either so I wonder.

        • #4101470

            Wage transcripts won’t update until your employer sends matching W2 to IRS. As for your account transcript, it should update with your refund amount and refund issue code of 846 *AFTER* your Return and Account of Return transcripts update from N/A. Check them again this Thursday evening. They will probably come up seeing as a lot of us expect another big update on Thurs evening to overnight Friday morning. If you don’t see an update then, it may happen next week.

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