Accepted vs approved

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  • This topic has 14 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Pksma.
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  • #4093632

      I notice on the refund calendar that this site it says when the irs accepts your refund and than a DDD. I just noticed these 2 words seem to be interchanged a lot online and I was Hopi g for some clarity. Taxslayer sent me a email saying my refund was accepted and I only have 1 bar on the WMR site. Does that mean I also still need to be approved? Also does that mean I woildnt fall most likely into the 2/5 DDD group?


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      • #4094298

          How long can a return stay in pending? I had an EIN one number off in the first attempt to efile so it was rejected. Now it’s been pending for almost 2 hours. This has never happened to me before?

        • #4093695

            I’ve gotten a refund in January every year except the past 2.

          • #4093692

              That’s not true in my case. 2012 I got mine on January 28 and that’s when they only did deposits on Fridays

            • #4093691

                I really don’t think any refunds will go out before February. Because, if you think about it… the government won’t earn all that interest on the money if they pay out before the first. The last time I remember a refund being issued in January. Was for 2009 tax season I believe it was Jan 31st? Why would they pay and lose interest when they can wait till the next month? They say within 21 days, if they were nasty they could make us all wait a full 21 days, but they don’t. Some country’s you have to wait like 4-6 months for a refund. I don’t expect to see any DDD for January. Only February, no matter if they opened early or not.

              • #4093654

                  Last year it took 6 weeks to get mine. Well 4 weeks if you count from the day IRS actually opened. I learned my lesson! This year I filed on the 21st just to be safe. EVERYBODY I know got their tax return at least a week before I did and filed AFTER I did. I have a simple return.

                • #4093653

                    I seriously doubt the first payouts will be issued on 2/5 or 2/6. Payouts went out around that time last year and they opened 11 days later. Some payouts will go out next week for sure.

                  • #4093651

                      Accepted just means that they have received your info and it has passed a basic info check…meaning names and SSN matched. Approved means they have reviewed your refund and processing has been completed! DDD should come shortly after approval. Hope that helps my mom works for IRS.

                    • #4093644

                        My spell check is seriously mentally challenged. I hope you can figure out what I was trying to say. Sorry for the typos.

                      • #4093643

                          Jmac supposedly even though we got accepted early they didn’t begin processing early filers until the 20th. I of course am just going by what I hear, that’s all I can so. When I contacted SBBT I personally asked them is there a chance of me getting my return sooner than the 6th and they told me they don’t know. So they don’t IRS could very well deposit it before that, that would be great but I have nothing to show that it’ll happen.

                        • #4093637

                            I don’t know why this 2/6 or 2/5 date is floating out there for early filers. Those dates are more than 2 weeks from the start of IRS processing and it never takes that long its always 7 to 10 days from acceptance unless you have a complex filing or something special.

                          • #4093636

                              21 days from the accepted date. I’ve always gotten mine in about a week though.

                            • #4093635

                                The info I got was from this website they have a chart posted. So it’s usually within 21 days from the accepted or the approved date? I looked on SBBT and it still shows no info on me but I only have 1 bar

                              • #4093634

                                  Accepted and received are interchangeable. You’ll see on WMR it says received. You’ll have one bar.

                                  Approved is the next step. You’ll have a two bars and a DDD.

                                • #4093633

                                    Correct accepted simply means they have your return, they accepted it. Approved means they approved your refund. Acceptance is the 1st step then approved, then ddd and deposit. You still may fall into the group of 2/5 but if you don’t mind me asking where did you get that date from? SBBT informed me my deposit is scheduled to be deposited on 2/6 I’ve been accepted since 1/16.

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