Accepted 28JAN13 fellow fans

Home Forums Archives Date Filed, Accepted and DD Dates Accepted Date (WMR Step 1) Accepted 28JAN13 fellow fans

  • This topic has 48 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by ms la.
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  • #4416

      Filed with JH on 21st Received Acknowledged email on the 28th , no info still on WMR site. IRS hotline says received and processing. SBBT site says no refund received still. Please post your status update my fellow 28th ACCEPTANCE fans.

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      • #19602

          Since nobody posted after the 2nd, i am obviously the ONLY 1/28er left in tax purgatory. (Sigh). 1 bar. Tax topic 152. No offsets. No problems except that the irs wont finish processing!!!!

          • #19618
            ms la

              @ Tammy-im with you too. i filed on 1/24 and got accepted on 1/28, used tt. a lot of hte early filers were placed to the side after the test batch was done, but they are doing them now. i was able to order a transcript today. finally!!! so i should have a ddd by tomorrow morning. try to get a transcript and that will tell you if they have processed it yet.

          • #5151


            • #5134

                Filed 1/25
                Accepted 1/28
                WMR Still processing……….

              • #5119

                  1.28 ….still nothing …on wmr irs2go or sbbt ..but i was allowed to order transcripts …idk whats going on

                • #5112

                    I ordered transcripts first thing yesterday and today had a dd of 2/6 as well. This is our first year with a Bank of America account that we’re sending it to. Does anyone know how they handle direct deposits?

                  • #5090

                      Ordered transcripts 1/31, DD date this AM of 2/6! :)

                    • #5086

                        Filed with TT accepted on 1/28 fees taken from refund. Processing message. Last night ordered transcript and got a date of Feb 6 this morning

                      • #5063

                          We filed on the 25th accepted on the 28th. Got an update this morning with a DD of 2/6.

                          We filed with Taxslayer free Military filing.

                        • #5027

                            Just got the DD of 2/6 as well, was able to order transcripts late last night.

                          • #5014

                              Just got my DD of 2/6! :)

                            • #4904
                              Heidi D

                                @Nick. The 6th is wednesday not sunday! But at least we know they are coming!!

                              • #4891

                                  Only says processing for me
                                  I’m also a 1/28er

                                • #4856

                                    Just got a dd of 2/5..

                                  • #4818

                                      Woke up to check WMR only to find the same 21 day message…
                                      Called the 1800 number and spoke to a nice guy about if I had an offset or not. While on the phone I asked the status and was finally giving some good news!!

                                      DD-2/6 (which is a Sunday!?)

                                      Its kind of looking like the wmr and phone hotline are a little unreliable. Its probably best to make a call and poke and prod!

                                    • #4815

                                        Still nothing here either. I have been able to finally order the transcripts as of this morning. Hopefully we’ll get our money soon. It’s not a want with me but a NEED!!! Every year that I file mine early I get a delay. Next year I’m filing the day they open. lol

                                      • #4799

                                          Filed … 1/22… Accepted 1/28 … Still nothing at all on irs2go or wmr but hopefully all of us 1/28ers get our refund on 2/5 …. Fingerscrossed

                                        • #4785

                                            Accepted 1/28 got rd of 2/5 this morning. So yes 1/28ers we comin

                                          • #4784

                                              That’s awesome 28ers are getting dd dates finally…not me yet :(

                                            • #4782

                                                Got a dd of 2/5 accepted on 1/28

                                              • #4781

                                                  Got a dd of 2/5

                                                • #4775

                                                    got DD of 2/5 this morning after checking

                                                  • #4763

                                                      Filed: 1/25/2013
                                                      Accepted: 1/28/2013
                                                      WMR (updated this morning 2/1/2013): DD scheduled on 2/5/2013
                                                      Used TurboTax with fees taken out of deposit.

                                                    • #4762

                                                        Got a DD date 2/5

                                                      • #4760

                                                          Got a DD date for 2/5 – accepted 1/28
                                                          Here is my timeline:
                                                          Received by TurboTax | 01/28/13 12:08:23 AM
                                                          Sent to Tax Authority | 01/28/13 10:07:10 AM
                                                          Accepted | 01/28/13 11:45:58 AM
                                                          No 8863 form. EIC.
                                                          Turbotax & fees will be deducted from funds
                                                          1/30th – Had no info on me the whole day until around 9pm it showed Received and processing on WMR, same result on the hotline. I was able to order both transcripts online.
                                                          1/31st – same thing as the 30th (I don’t know why it only showed at night time :/)
                                                          2/1st – WMR is still showing that it is still processing, called hotline and gave me a DD of 2/5

                                                        • #4758

                                                            Got dd 2/5

                                                          • #4757
                                                            Heidi D

                                                              Got dd 2/5…… yayyyyy :)

                                                            • #4736

                                                                filed with TurboTax on 1/20, accepted 1/28

                                                                We have received your tax return and it is being processed.
                                                                You should get your refund within 21 days from the date we received your tax return.

                                                                I’m getting sick of the message already, I wish it’d just tell me to piss off for something different, at least in the past, they had the calendar telling you when you’d get it

                                                              • #4726

                                                                  just checked wmr again and i am still processing. @moneytime is that normal to have no dd date when it is approved? or is the dd date given on the last step, Refund Sent? do you know? just wondering because i have seen ppl w/dd dates on the approved step. but lucky u! i’m still stuck on first.

                                                                • #4723

                                                                    I was also accepted 1/28 but mine says I will get DD on 2/4

                                                                  • #4719

                                                                      filed 1/26 accepted 1/28 wmr still on 1st bar 21 days generic msg :(

                                                                    • #4709

                                                                        hey 28th fans, just got my return back, even though the site hasnt updated yet, i just got a txt from netspend of my deposit.i used taxact, now just waiting for the state.

                                                                      • #4707

                                                                          We are sorry Where’s My Refund is currently unavailable. Please try again later or call the Refund Hotline at 1-800-829-1954.

                                                                          That’s my latest message. It’s good to see I’m not the only one confused. I seriously need some retail therapy and would like to know when this may happen.

                                                                        • #4694
                                                                          Heidi D

                                                                            I filed on the 26 got accepted on 28th. Yesturday wmr said processing yet today it cant find any info. Hoping thats a good sign! :)

                                                                          • #4691

                                                                              I completed my return 1/15 accepted on 1/28 how crazy is that?? Still no dd:(

                                                                            • #4682

                                                                                @CuriousME I checked early this morning and around noon today still with the same status accepted/processing. Around 6:30pm when I checked it had changed to approved refund. No DD date yet

                                                                              • #4681

                                                                                  @ Moneytime so does that mean it changes throughout the day or did you just chk it once?

                                                                                • #4679

                                                                                    My status bar finally changed today from accepted/processing to approved refund. I filed 1/23 and accepted 1/28

                                                                                  • #4571

                                                                                      Really i dont think the date matters… i filed for my self, and filed for my daughter and both were accepted on the 24th… well.. my daughters showed approved yesterday and dd tomorrow.. mine.. well still processing and the 21 day msg.. both are identical returns.. this is some bs

                                                                                    • #4511

                                                                                        HI club 28’rs I filed with tax act on the 24th (afternoon), got accepted around 3:00 pm on the 28th. Still getting processing blah, blah, blah, 21 days, and more blah.. last year all over again. BTW payed my fee upfront for my state return, used free federal and it’s going straight from IRS to BOA

                                                                                      • #4508

                                                                                          On the TT facebook someone said they were accepted 1/28 and has a DD of 2/5

                                                                                        • #4500

                                                                                            accepted on 1/28. WMR shows that it is processing and that I should see it within 21 days. Same info when I call the hotline

                                                                                          • #4498

                                                                                              I’m a 28er and my status is still showing “will receive refund in 21 days” hopefully will see a DD tomorrow

                                                                                            • #4488

                                                                                                I filed on 1//27 and was received on 1/28. WMR still says that it is processing and that I should see it within 21 days.

                                                                                              • #4481

                                                                                                  I filed 1/26 with TT online was accepted 1/28 I checked the wmr and hotline this morning 1/31 still processing and it also say within 21 days.I have noticed not many 1/28ers so I am glad I am not alone.

                                                                                                • #4473

                                                                                                    i filed on 1/28th around midnight and was accepted the same day at 11am. on both wmr & hotline says that my return has been received and it is being processed. it also tells me that i will receive my refund within 21 days.

                                                                                                  • #4435

                                                                                                      Filed with TaxAct on 1/24. Return accepted by IRS on 28th around 3pm. WMR says processing/received (the first status bar filled). I am having my fees deducted from return then DD in BoA. Hotline says same as WMR. Hoping for more information in the AM!

                                                                                                    • #4431

                                                                                                        Obviously the 28th wasn’t a popular day. I filed the 27th, was accepted about 11 am (PST) the 28th. I checked WMR earlier today, the status bar only says received. I haven’t called the hotline, my check is to be deposited into my checking account that updates throughout the day.

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