accepted 2/2 updates

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  • #4101834

      anyone with updates throughout the week that were accepted 2/2 post here please. or if you were accepted at an earlier date and your acceptance date changed.

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      • #4104144

          still no updates for me.
          filed/accepted 1/29
          1 bar no transcripts
          acceptance changed 2/2
          still the same
          got my ddd for my mi state today though,
          5 more days for that

        • #4103811

            Filed and accepted 2/2. WMR updated overnight with DDD by 2/11. Can’t view transcripts, say call IPSU. Refund delayed last year but IRS would never say why! In Jan I received a letter suggesting I get an ID security pin and I did. Good Luck and Blessings to all.

          • #4103742

              I am a 2/2 filer and was accepted as well on 2/2. I wasn’t able to view transcripts until Friday 2/6 around noon! I tried all morning, with the dreaded technical difficulty and when I tried at noon I could see all 4 transcripts with cycle code 20150505 and 846 2/23/15! Hope to see my DDD on 2/11– its my birthday!!! There is light at the end of this tunnel!

            • #4103720

                I filed 2/2, was accepted within an hour. I still only have 1 bar WMR. Prior to today, when my transcripts said “N/A” for all of 2014. This afternoon the 2014 year was there for the return and everything else, but when I try to open it I get a “technical difficulties” 122 error message (has this happened to anyone else?). So I have no idea what the actual status of my return is. I’m hoping for a 2/10 DDD but I’m guessing it’s more likely to be a later one. Does anyone know what time the WMR updates each night?

              • #4103689

                  Still nothing.. Filed and Accepted 1/29, but IRS says 2/2… So waiting! I did get my state Today, it had a DDD of 2/9. Yesterday so I really didn’t expect it today! Hopefully federal will move soon!

                • #4103676
                  blah blah

                    @chelsea I’m in Louisiana just asking because I know a Chelsea I thought maybe it was her lol hey Texas is ok at least you live in the south the best place to live

                  • #4103662

                      I also filed and accepted on 2/2… the IRS is Getting on my nerves! I have 1 bar on wmr. Transcript says no refund filed!… I feel like they dragging their feet. I just want to make sure it accepted and there isn’t any errors. Wait game sucks!

                    • #4103652

                        Filled 1/ 30…said accepted minutes later via tax act email, called IRS today, said was not accepted until 2/2. Only 1 bar, cannot order transcripts!

                      • #4103067

                          I am a 2/2/2015 filer, I was accepted before 7pm on the 2nd. I have been checking everyday with no light at the end of the tunnel. I was not able to order my transcripts online it gave me an error message saying I entered my entered my info incorrectly blah blah and to try again in 24hrs I was pissed, so I tried to have my trascript mailed to me and was successful at that lastnight so I tried WMR lastnight at around 8 and I got locked out so frustrating I just want to know when my DD is and I have no glitches so I couldn’t sleep and tried again at 12:24 am and was able to get into WMR and was excited till I seen only 1 bar grrrrr so I said EFF it and finally went to sleep. So brings me to today I got up for work and thought I’d try again and FINALLY I saw 2 BARS and my DD is 2/10 tht was at 6:30am YESSSS so PLZ don’t give up. I am sorry for those of you with no answers and only 1 bar.

                        • #4103038

                            @blah blah, I live in Texas. Unfortunately. Lol

                          • #4102795

                              Filed and accepted 2/2
                              1 bar on wmr
                              already got my KS state return deposited this morning
                              Hoping to move off that one bar tonight!
                              Tells me I’m entering the wrong info for transcript – so just waiting it out for wmr!

                            • #4102675

                                im hoping for something tonight at least my transcripts,or at least by tomorrow night, hopefully. just one bar all this time and my acceptance date has changed twice.

                              • #4102669

                                  I filled on 2/2 with TT and I was accepted like 15 mins later. I have not seen anything move other the received bar from Irs. I tried to get my transcript and it was ALL blank except for my name. I am thinking I should get transcript tomorrow,… anyone know why not even transcripts?

                                • #4102536

                                    Yeah, mine was extremely simple, not a lot of money and I still got nothing.

                                  • #4102528

                                      Filed on 2/1 accepted on 2/2 early morning and nothing else. no transcript, 1 bar. Very basic return sigh………

                                    • #4102521

                                        For those of you who filed on 2/2 and are frustrated that you’re not seeing progress by now, rest assured, most likely you won’t see an update until Monday or Tuesday of next week. There are still early returns being filtered in with new returns which may reshuffle some people (i.e. push you back a cycle/week or two, but most likely you’ll only be pushed back for one cycle). So for those you see filing on 2/2 and getting a 2/6 DDD there could be many factors, but mostly likely it’s the luck of the draw or their refund was $1000 and under and therefore their return skipped a step. Which sped up their processing.

                                      • #4102511
                                        blah blah

                                          filed the morning of 2/2 and was accepted about an hour later was able to pull up transcripts 2/4 had code 20150503 and this morning had a ddd of 2/9/15 hey @chelsea which state are you in if you dont mind me asking

                                        • #4102498

                                            Filed 2/2 with complicated return and accepted 10 minutes later. Transcript was available last night with the 846 refund code. DDD should Tiesday, Feb 10. 20150504.

                                          • #4102493

                                              Filled and accepted 2/2. I was able to order transcript with code 20150504 but no other codes. Is that a good sign?

                                            • #4102457

                                                I got nothing, no transcript, no date. I called and the automated system still says processing.

                                              • #4102445

                                                  My grandmother filed 2/2 and her DDD is 2/6. But I filed 1/27 and I still have nothing, not transcripts or DDD. There doesn’t seem to be any reason for who gets a DDD and who doesn’t. Waiting sucks :(

                                                • #4102441

                                                    Filed and was accepted 2/2.

                                                    One bar, tt152, no transcripts for me yet either.

                                                  • #4102427

                                                      still the same, hoping for an update withing the next 2 days…
                                                      1 bar, tt152, and no access to transcripts.

                                                    • #4102101

                                                        Filed and accepted 2/2. Return transcript viewable with cycle date 20150504

                                                      • #4102093

                                                          still says to contact ispu number when trying to request transcript

                                                        • #4102092

                                                            still nothing to report for me…
                                                            1 bar, tt152 no transcript

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