Home Forums General Discussion 2018 Tax Season A REFUND DATE WILL BE PROVIDED WHEN AVAILABLE

  • This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Hey There.
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  • #4206251

      Anybody experiencing this message this year or experienced it last year? What did it mean if you experienced it last year? Did you every update to the Path message?

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      • #4210409
        Hey There

          Id verify most likely. Happens specially if you file online. Happened to me last 2 years using TT. Before that I used a franchise brick and mortar spot never happened. This year the same. No worries you’ll get it. It’s like a week or 2 at max delay. So expect it on the 20thish of February.

        • #4210390

            Did you file married but seperate and still claimed the tax returns or single even though your legally married?

          • #4210387

              FYI. My cousin got this message on Tuesday and today she updated to the path message. That gives me a little more hope. I know I’m a weekly so she has to be a daily. Hope mine updates Saturday!!!!

            • #4209492

                There are others in the “Missing Bars” Group: https://igotmyrefund.com/forums/topic/missing-bars-3/

              • #4206739

                  This happened to me last year. It was for ID verification. Had to wait the 21 days to call and find out because they won’t tell you anything before that. The rep sent out the letter when I was on the phone with her it took 10 days to get it. I then had to call the number listed on the paper and make an appointment to go in and verify. I filed 1/23 last year and didn’t get my refund until mid March. Some people can verify over the phone it just depends on whether or not there is enough info on your credit report that they can ask you questions. Never got the path message by the time I updated it was past the path date.

                • #4206417

                    Last year was crazy. I got that same message, called and was told I had to ID verify, to wait on a letter, letter never came, never updated to the Path message, next thing you know I got a DDD of feb. 23rd. I filed jan. 28th last year accepted the same day.
                    This year filed 2/2 accepted within 10 minutes, on one bar tax topic 152. Hoping for a good update soon, and hopefully I wont go through half of the stress as last year. Good luck everyone.

                  • #4206308

                      @bellbor242 Did you have to wait on a letter? How long did it take before you got your refund? I pray this is not the case with me!!! Smh!!

                    • #4206257

                        Wow!! What all did you have to do? I did get married. My last name changed – that is all, but we are separated and are not filing a joint return.

                      • #4206255

                          I did last year. Not saying it is your case, but for me i had self employment claim and i had to send in a few notes.

                        • #4206253

                            I had it last year and never updated to path and had to Id verify. This year I updated to path on 1/27

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