570 02-28-2022 971 Notice issued 03-07-2022

Home Forums General Discussion 2022 Tax Season 570 02-28-2022 971 Notice issued 03-07-2022

  • This topic has 17 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by NicoleJ.
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  • #4519316

      That’s what my transcript says and has said no change just that doesn’t anyone know what that means?

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      • #4523541

          Filed 1/24 . Had about 3-4 different 60 days letters . got a DDD today. Good luck everyone

        • #4523091
          Terrance Walters

            I filed the first week of February and I filed the same way last year and they sent me a letter for proof of residence I sent my documents in but havent heard anything else still waiting on my money

          • #4523068

              I filed on April 15th on 2nd day my bars disappeared with tax topic 152. my tax transcript updated the 4the week. On on May 12th I showed and adjusted refund amount at the top with a 570/971 dated for 5/30 (future date). This morning 5/19 my transcript was updated with a second 971 code dated 6/06 and no 571/846. I still haven’t received anything in the mail. Anyone else have this happen and received their refund? Help.

            • #4523066

                I filed first week of February. My transcripts have the 570 2-28-2022 as well. I dont have a 971 on my transcipts, but did receive a few letters. I just spoke to a rep at the IRS and was told to wait ANOTHER 120 days.

                They KNOW my issue ( I entered wrong income amount, but they have the correct W2), but they will not adjust it themselves. I was told to call back after September!!!

                This is $6,000+ me and my kids really needed.

              • #4522938

                  Filed 2/4 accepted same day. Was asked to verify identity in April. Now i have a code 570 dated 05/09 and Code 971 dated 05/16. I received the 971 noticed today (05/14) stating they’re doing an additional review that could take up to 60 days. Notice also says I don’t have to do anything. Refund amount hasn’t been adjusted and wmr says “processing” no mention of delays.

                • #4520891

                    Cycle code 20220605
                    570 2/28/2022
                    971 3/7/2022
                    Received letter on 3/10/2022 says allow 60 days for review nothing is needed from me haven’t had a update

                  • #4520752

                      Omg @lolli exactly the same here

                    • #4520697

                        I have the same. Proc. Date is 2/28, 570 date is 2/28, as of date is 3/7. No 971, but I did get the “up to 60 day notice” twice, a duplicate. No update on two weeks. So strange and frustrating.

                      • #4520549

                          Processing date 3-7
                          Got my cp05 letter today

                        • #4520535

                            Filed and accepted on 2.24
                            Processing delay and 570 on transcript with date 2/28. No notice no changes no updates.

                          • #4520534

                              I have processing date of 03/14/2022
                              I filed on February 4 it was accepted same day. Transcripts says 570 then 971. I am praying they process today. But I will update if it changes.

                            • #4519983

                                Filed and accepted 1/24. I have 570 code with date 2/28 and 971 code with date 3/7. As of days is 3/7 .Received 2 duplicate 4644c letters already saying they need up to 60 days and nothing is needed from me. Transcript hasn’t update in about 2 weeks i think . WMR says being processed.

                              • #4519965

                                  So i filed and was accepted 1/24/22
                                  2weeks later for codes
                                  570 date 2/28/22
                                  971 date 2/14/22
                                  No updates and my as of date is still 3/7/22
                                  Processing date 2/14/22
                                  Literally haven’t update in over a month this is ridiculous already

                                • #4519964

                                    I have code 570 dated 02-28-2022 then after that 971 dated 03-07-2022 I filed on 1/24 my cycle is 20220605

                                  • #4519963

                                      Nope no chamge no mail no refund. No chamge to my refund amount on my transcript literally nothing

                                    • #4519325

                                        So your 570 still have date for 2-28-2022? And you didn’t update? Not even another 570 with a different date what is your processing date. What’s ur cycle date . I hadsame dates and codes. So something should of been done either the system will automatically release the hold unless you need to do something like verification or a irs rep will stop the release and you get a whole new 570 code with a future date . It’s not that something new happened just need more time

                                      • #4519321

                                          It means they sent/are sending you a letter in the mail. Lots of people are getting them because they entered the wrong amount of stimulus or advance CTC, or because they need to verify identity. It doesn’t mean you’re not getting your refund, some saw a DDD a week later.

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