3 important questions for early accepted tt user

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 3 important questions for early accepted tt user

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by dawnmb1176.
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  • #4093090

      Hehti was accepted thru tt on 1/13/15 i have 3 questions i would b so greatful if ppl cud answer for me #1 does the 21 days for refund start on the 13th when i was accepted or the 20th when irs opened #2 why does the tt refund tracker app say my ddd will b feb 20th how cud they know that when the its wmr is only at 1st bar & doesnt have a ddd yet & feb 20th is WAY more than 21 days from the 13th &the 20th and last ? is …is there a possibillity of dd going out for people accepted before the 20th like me on or before jan 30th or are the 1st dd not going out til feb for anyone

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      • #4093098

          thank u mcrt88 for all the info i feel better & can stop going thru hundreds of posts trying to find these answers i appreciate everyones help

        • #4093097

            thank u so much i feel a lot better that it wont b feb 20th. now if anyone knows if they start the 21 days from the time i was accepted which was early 01/13 or if they start it from the 20th when they officially opened.

          • #4093096

              Hi, like you I was accepted early, 1/12. I am currently still sitting at 1 bar on WMR with no DDD. The IRS says that it’s UP TO 21 days from the opening of tax season, which is today, however most people receive their refund within 7-10 days. The TT date of Feb. 20 is a general date that all people who filed early are receiving, it’s not accurate, nor is it for sure. You will not know the exact date until it posts on WMR. The IRS may have already processed our returns but they will not begin to approve refunds until today, you should see an update within 24-72 hours from this morning. The earliest refund date I have seen on the cycle charts is Feb. 5th-6th, but none of those charts are “official”, they are all just estimates. The IRS doesn’t typically release their refund cycle chart anymore. Hopefully, if it’s anything like last year, the first DDD will be 12/28, since tax season started earlier than usual on 12/20. That would be in line with previous years but you just never know. Like I said, you should see some movement on your WMR within the next 24-72 hours. It updates once every 24 hours, typically between 1-5 AM, so hopefully we will wake up to some good news tomorrow :)

            • #4093095

                That’s how it goes usually

              • #4093094

                  The tt app says the 20th too, but I don’t think that’s the case. It’ll probably change when wmr updates.

                • #4093093

                    Last year TT was way off like that on my refund tracker too. In think they do 30 days just to be on the safe side

                  • #4093091

                      sorry that first word heiti was a typo was just supposed to say “I”

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