3/3/24 Filers Let’s keep each other updated

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season 3/3/24 Filers Let’s keep each other updated

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  • #4539002

      So, I have used TurboTax each year for over a decade (I set a reminder for 2025 to stop using them but that’s a different story). I have always been a 05 code, gotten fees deducted, had dependents and never file before IRS starts accepting all credits for review, transcript updates on Saturday, DDD for federal on Wednesday, no later than 17 days from filing and have never received Louisiana state before federal, in fact they won’t even review it until after federal is completed. So, there you have it. If you used TT, look at your previous years accept date, and that years DDD and don’t freak out until after that time frame has elapsed. I recommend using the automated system, simply to acknowledge what you already know from WMR. It never hurts to give an automated system a nudge in your direction, calling more than once, verifying, etc. is a waste of time, almost every person you speak with has zero
      experience, the IRS hires just like Walmart during Christmas season. Just chill, look at your own past history and go from there.

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      • #4539407

          I filed 3/9 and was rejected at first due to an I-PIN missing error issue I was getting. I did the online tool I-pin because I obviously forgot I had one. Ok so fixed that went in and resubmitted my return only to get rejected again. Still an I-pin issue but a dependent, so I figured it had to be my sister since I had no identity related issues with my daughter.

          So had her to the id.me thing to get verified to get an I-pin resubmitted again and got accepted.

        • #4539399

            TT sent email saying they took their funds. TPG states funded 3/19 but shows posted 3/20—this!! Over $300 thrown away yearly just for them to still hold funds. Promise I have learned my lesson.

          • #4539351

              No majors questions asked about tax return only verification of ID you will need the current years tax return an ID and socialb security number that is it

            • #4539349

                Forgot to mention, my state was deposited yesterday too. Never has that happened. Look at the IRS, keeping us on our toes.

              • #4539300

                  Yesterday the WMR app ‘changed’ messages. 846 this morning for 3/20. Good luck everyone, see you next year.

                • #4539139

                    Bottom right transcript present same day I filed. Only change as of this morning is bottom left is now present—WMR and automated service both inaccessible during update as usual.

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