2/3 ddd still not in my account

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 2/3 ddd still not in my account

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  • #4100426

      Had a ddd for today, just checked my account and nothing, I am using AMEX serve, any chance I still get it today or am I going to have to wait.

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      • #4100564

          Im in Arizona and just got off the phone with a supervisor because the rep seems scared to answer my damn questions!! Lmao..all I ask was do you all update throughout the day. He mentioned at 9am. I went in like stop lying, ive had this card a yr with 100’s of achs, deposits, refunds etc…not taking a long time at all..some refunds only take a cpl hours and u know thts the hardest to get refunded back to ur card. Their lying in my opinion about not seeing it…they spent too much money advertising to get ur taxes deposit on the card to b subpar!! I swear AMERICA, only in America hahaha

        • #4100542

            No deposit and nothing pending according to amex, looks like I’m Def not getting it today as stated by IRS, seems about what right considering all that’s gone on this tax season, this is ridic

          • #4100439

              I’m in NJ, are you using serve too?

            • #4100434

                I have one also and they will have hell if I have to wait anytime for my money. Ive been with thm too long amd customer service has ability that most companies dont give customer service reps, so ur deposit should post thn!

              • #4100433

                  Not sure where u are located but they update again at 9am mountain time. Hope this helps

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