20150402 updates

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 20150402 updates

  • This topic has 6 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by luciano24.
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  • #4102326

      Anyone else with this cycle period? I am beyond p.o.. Was received on 1/20 transcripts available. No DDD. On phone waiting now.

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      • #4102920

          Still no update this morning. Tuesday will ne 21 days. Are you kidding me???

        • #4102606

            I have a cycle code of 20150402, I files the 20th, accepted the 22nd by the IRS, transcripts have been visible for 2 weeks and I still only have 1 bar on WMR…. grrrrrrrrrrr!!!

          • #4102587

              Same cycle here. I owed back taxes. Checked scripts last week on Monday and the debt was paid in full on my 2011 scripts. I have the aca penalty, but no 570. My 2014 scripts are good to go, I’m just missing the 846. I’ve had those since last Monday, too. I thought I was going to get my refund really fast this year BC my scripts were available only a few days after I was accepted (1/21). Nope. I’m just floating around in irs limbo. This sucks. 15 days… I’ve literally never had to wait this long for a refund. WMR just says my refund has been applied to a past due tax liability, but I’m supposed to get the difference, right? Lol. It’s a big difference!!

            • #4102410

                That’s Presidents’ Day. Nothing is going to be done then…..grrrrrrr

              • #4102408

                  Have processing dates of 2/16. What does that mean????

                • #4102387

                    Same boat. 20150402, no updates despite everyone saying “Tonight!” every day.

                    I received notification on the morning of 1/20 that I was accepted (filed something like 1/18 on TT). Stuck with 896/570 ACA stuff but no further movement at all.

                    Please update if you find or hear anything.

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