2/15 and after filers chime in

Home Forums General Discussion 2022 Tax Season 2/15 and after filers chime in

  • This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by chicagoannie.
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  • #4518545

      Hey y’all. I filed and was accepted on 2/16. I checked my mail yesterday and I have to verify my ID for my state taxes in Virginia. I haven’t had any movement except my as of date changing from 12/21 to 3/14 and back to 12/21. WMR just says is being processed with TT and amount on side. Where does everyone else stand?

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      • #4519345

          F/A 2/18/22, same job, kids, etc. Had unemployment income for the first time in my life. Woke up to 2 bars today, refund approved, HOORAY cause I need it. Have a small offset for state taxes so message says my refund will be reduced, etc and should be deposited by 3/14. Never had an offset before so I hope DD happens sooner???

        • #4518953
          Olivia Over-It

            2/14 FILER
            EITC Accepted same day
            Bars disappeared
            💕Still Hopeful it’s better than last year

          • #4518719

              Hey. I filed 2/17 with EITC And CTC accepted 2/19 no update on WMR Or transcripts

            • #4518718

                Filed and accepted 2/14. CTC and Self Employment. No movement on transcripts at all, WMR on 1 bar with TT

              • #4518678

                  I filed 2/18
                  Accepted 2/18
                  No update just yet!
                  🙏🏾 Good luck to everyone ✨

                • #4518686

                    Filed and accepted 2/19
                    Got state (SC) today. Fed is supposed to be tomorrow

                  • #4518671

                      Filed and accepted 2/15. CTC, EITC, and Self Employment. DD for tomorrow 3/2!

                    • #4518665

                        I filed and was accepted on 2/15. I received state (SC) on 2/22 and Federal with eitc and ctc on 2/25.

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