
  • This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Robo.
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  • #4098258

      I see that some people that filed on 1/28 are able to order transcripts now so I’m betting they’ll get their DDD tonight. I filed on 1/29 and I’m wondering if I will have to wait til Monday to hear anything? Does anything move on weekends? Thanks in advance!

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      • #4099386

          Filed and accepted on 1/29, 1 bar on wmr!

        • #4099144

            I filed through TT and was accepted 1/29. I had an accepted bar yesterday but today it says Unavailable try again later..

          • #4099128

              No update for me yet. WMR has been down since last night. I’m assuming I will not have any change until tomorrow. Figured since it’s Sunday but thought maybe there was some hope!

            • #4098905

                Mary… I’m not sure if they update on the weekend but I think someone on Facebook said they work on the weekend.. not sure though..

              • #4098537

                  I wouldn’t expect anything transcript wise until Monday. :)

                • #4098408

                    I filed for a client on 1-28 was accepted within minutes.. I’m just wondering how this is going to go because she still haven’t received last year taxes. I will be following this post. I’m about to do someone else tax. Last year I was 1121er and ooo boii was that a stressful time..

                  • #4098336

                      i filed and accepted 1/29 i have an offset too. first bar no transcripts. following

                    • #4098294

                        So is there pretty much no hope until Monday or can things happen over the weekend?

                      • #4098286

                          if my mental calculations are correct, us that filed and were accepted 1/28 should get a transcript and wmr update tonight or tomorrow. its 1207am midwest time for me.

                          based on what ive seen, people that were accepted the 26th, and posted something on the 30 have gotten ddd, same with people that have posted on the 27th. so everyone that has been accepted on the 28th, should expect some kind of update on the 31st. i figure it is 4 days since you were accepted that you receive an update.
                          it is the early hours of the 31st for me, and still no update. wmr 1 bar. transcrips n/a. but judging by everyone else, use 1/28s should see an update at anytime.

                          remember to keep checking the transcripts. there is no limit to that as far as i know. once you see that updated you are in the clear pretty much…

                        • #4098285

                            about to do my 1099 next year with less than 13k income so i dont have to file. more money in my pocket every month and don’t have to deal with this b/s

                          • #4098284

                              i filed 1/28 accepted 1/28 still nothing. 1 bar wmr. n/a transcripts. bank account no deposits. sbbt no deposits. wtf?

                            • #4098280

                                Jessica –

                                Me too. Filed with TT and was accepted almost immediately.

                              • #4098272

                                  I have no new info for you but I filed 1/29 as well and want to follow this post. I was accepted and had one bar within a half hour of filing with turbo tax.

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