1/26/15 filed and accepted

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 1/26/15 filed and accepted

  • This topic has 59 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by karen.
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  • #4096281

      Anyone like me still waiting for wmr to update. I have one bar, no ddd, and when I checked my transcript it said n/a. It’s still early but just curious.

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      • #4111835

          The Horror!!!
          I filed in January, was accepted JAN 24TH, bars went away JAN 30TH. I called February 25th and I was told I was going to get a letter. I called again March 17TH, the rep told me a letter was sent March 9th and I should wait 60 days. Today MAY 12TH my status still says processing a refund date will be provided. I have been trying to get a Live person for 2 hours, their menu has changed. My 1040 was the same as the last 5 years, income, child tax credit. nothing else. Tax advocate wont help either.

        • #4109377
          Jen J

            Here’s my situation. Hope it helps someone!

            January 26th: Filed and Accepted:

            February 1st: Bars Went Away and a “Refund date will be provided when made avialable”

            February 5th: My return was pulled for a “Random ID Fraud Review” on February 5th and Iwas told when I called that I could expect my return anytime between that date and March 19th.

            February 26th: WMR updated to “Return has been accepted and we are processing”

            February 27th: WMR updated with all bars being back with 2 completed and a DDD of March 4th.

            In my experience in previous years I have always gotten my money in my account 2 days before my DDD. Last year it was available at 8pm 2 days before the DDD. I have a Netspend card that I use for my returns.

            Hope this helps some of you! It turns out there was HUGE number of people being pulled for this “Random ID Fraud Review” weather or not there was actual fraud or not.

          • #4109332

              Turbo Tax says my taxes were accepted: 01/22

              Accepted according to IRS: 01/26

              Lost Bars: 01/31
              Could not (and still can’t) view transcripts.

              Called IRS: 02/18
              I was advised that my file had been flagged for ID theft. I was told to call back in 2-3 weeks.

              Called IRS: 02/24
              I spoke to a woman named Maria who was a total failure. She said the flag was still “pending” for ID theft. She also said that I needed to “allow for mailing time” despite this being a direct deposit. When I asked why I needed to allow for mailing time, she said “How should I know what method you used?” I was shocked. She ended up hanging up on me when I asked for a tax advocate.

              As of this morning, 02/28, the bars are back! I have a DD of 03/04.

              I hope this helps others.

            • #4109283

                We also filed the 26th, and was accepted the same day. We were supposed to get a refund by Feb. 16 when that didnt happen I called the IRS, and could not get a response. I then called a tax advocate who tells me, we have to go thru a verification process before our return will be processed. So after, having all our bars disappear on WMR, and our transcripts saying nothing filed, we had to send in identification verification forms, a paper copy of our return and all attachments. She says she will call us back March 12 to see if we have received it yet. This is irritating, we have no letter from the IRS or anything on wmr telling us what to do. Still waiting, got our state back, still notta on federal. Sooo frustrated.

              • #4109031

                  I filed and was accepted Jan 27, 2015 – As of February 26, 2015 still processing – I called the 800-829-1040, then press prompts in this order…12241 – But they told me due to my topic request – Where’s my Refund??? There was an extremely high call volume and then the system hung up on me!

                • #4109030

                    I filed and was accepted Jan 27, 2014 – As of February 26, 2015 still processing – I called the 800-829-1040, then press prompts in this order…12241 – But they told me due to my topic request – Where’s my Refund??? There was an extremely high call volume and then the system hung up on me!

                  • #4106490

                      I am freaking out I filled my taxes on the 26th and on the IRS website it keeps showing received but not accepted. My 21days will be on the 16th. I see everyone keeps talking about a transcript. Totally loss can someone help with what to do.

                      Thanks in advance!!!

                    • #4106404

                        I FILED 1/26, still on 1 bar, can only see refund transcript which only states no return recieved, i’m very worried but have to wait.

                      • #4106367

                          @destiny your probably still processing alot of people couldn’t see their transcripts until days later, it would just say n/a, no return filed, and all zeros.there could be a delay with yours like many of us that filed in January.

                        • #4106277

                            I filed January 26 and was accepted hours later. I just called and asked them what was going on and she said she couldn’t see anything on my return. This is my first time filing. What does it mean when you can’t see anything on the return??

                          • #4106179

                              UPDATE!!!! As of 4:30am I was able to finally see my transcript all four have information about 2014. My cycle code is 20150604 which I believe means next Tuesday but it also says 03/02/2015, wmr is updating apparently so I wasn’t able to check and see if I have two bars. I filed 01/26/2015 got a 4464c letter dated 02/02/2015 on 02/06/2015. Hope this helps

                            • #4106178

                                I was filed and accepted on january 26 around 3pm. Still nothing. I am calling them today

                              • #4104992

                                  I filed on 1/26/15 the IRS acknowledge my refund until 2/3/15 now it’s the2/10/15 and am still on the bar I filed with liberty tax wmr still saying received and still processing Wtf y is it taking so long anyone experiencing this…….egh piss off

                                • #4104714

                                    We filed with Turbo Tax 1/24, accepted 1/26. NO UPDATE. Called the IRS today and spoke to a super nice rep who actually researched our account. The first time she came back she asked if we ever had an issue with our returns … I told her no (because we haven’t) … She came back a second time – with the same question … third time she told me our refund was pulled for Identity Theft – seriously?!?! She said while it is investigated it could take 90 days. She told me to call back in two weeks to see if I can get an update. Our filing status, dependents – all the same from the last few years. Our refund is even within dollars of previous years … how the heck do we get pulled for Identity Theft?! SO MAD!!

                                  • #4103402

                                      @rasten nope, everything pretty much the same outside of not having health insurance.

                                    • #4103400

                                        @kay Did you have anything different this year?

                                      • #4103388

                                          As of today I got a 4464c letter :( had still nothing on my transcript n/a, 0.00, no return filed, but before said 2-16-2015 now says 2-23-2015 updated this morning before I got the letter, but no codes, wmr still has one bar, bar never went away, still has tax topic 152

                                        • #4103285

                                            I filed 1/26/15, accepted 1/26/15. This morning 2/6/15 I got an EDD of 2/10/15. Hope it comes sooner :)

                                          • #4103126

                                              I filed on 1/26 and accepted on 1/26. Status bars gone in wmr. It just says still processing and a refund date will be provided when available. Try to access transcripts and it says not available just to call fraud department. Am I being audited? Has this happened to anyone else? So frustrating and scary.

                                            • #4102589


                                                MAYBE 1/26 ER’S ARE DOOMED. I have not seen a lot of 1/26 filers updating anything good.

                                                I filed and accepted 1/26 but only 1 bar and no transcripts

                                              • #4102557

                                                  Well its been 10 days since I filed, and still nothing. One bar, tax topic 152, still says n/a, 0.00, no return filed on transcripts. I keep seeing that when ppl talk to irs agents that they are telling people that the date they actually efiled was not the day the irs processed it. Which makes me wonder if I filed on 1/26 and approved, should I call and see if that’s the day they got it,

                                                • #4102526

                                                    I filed and was accepted on 1/26/15 and still no ddd or transcripts

                                                  • #4102413

                                                      Any luck yet

                                                    • #4101961

                                                        Hi guys!

                                                        Filed 1/27
                                                        Accepted 1/27
                                                        Approved 2/4
                                                        DDD 2/6

                                                        Already posted as pending in my account….yay! Happy season I hope you all get your money soon.

                                                      • #4101945


                                                          THANK YOU!!!

                                                        • #4101929

                                                            @sheryl…just left you the # and the prompt sequence to speak to a live agent.

                                                          • #4101928

                                                              I called the 800-829-1040, then press prompts in this order…12241

                                                            • #4101925

                                                                @Jules WHAT WAS THE # YOU CALLED FOR IRS, I CANNOT GET THROUGH!


                                                              • #4101853

                                                                  @ SHERYL

                                                                  It is sooo frustrating.. I feel like one of those women waiting for their child support check from a dead beat dad!! LOL
                                                                  I will update whe I see any change. From what I have been reading online, not many people that filed 1/24 or 1/25 have had a DDD yet or received a refund yet. I have been looking for any answers all over the place. But you and I are not the only ones obviously. I wonder if it’s because we filed on the weekend and we really weren’t accepted the date that TT /IRS said.

                                                                • #4101846

                                                                    I have the same situation. Filed TT EFILE FREE EDITION EITH EIC, HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD 1/26, RECEIVED 1/26 ONLY 1 BAR ON WMR

                                                                    I did taxes for my sister on 1/20 received 1/20 accepted 1/23 and her ddd was 1/30

                                                                    did taxes for my friend 1/26 received 1/26 accepted 2/1 with ddd of 2/4 and she has her money.

                                                                    I CANNOT REQUEST TRANSCRIPTS EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE CORRECT. I FEEL IRS HAS NOT RECEIVED FORMS!

                                                                  • #4101837

                                                                      filed 1/24 accepted 1/24… only 1 bar on wmr.. unable get tax transcripts.. tells me info is not correct when I KNOW it is.. still no update on DDD.. it’s been 11 days and NOTHING!

                                                                    • #4101828

                                                                        WHERE CAN WE FIND IRS PHONE NUMBER TO GET A LIVE PERSON? CANNOT GET THROUGH!

                                                                      • #4101429

                                                                          Ok, I just got off the phone with the IRS. The agent was maybe one of the NICEST people I’ve ever talked to. I filed on the 26th and was accepted the same day. I asked her since my bar disappeared did that mean that I was currently under review. She actually looked for me and said that 1) I am not, and 2) IT DOESN’T SHOW THAT I WAS ACCEPTED UNTIL 2/2!!!!!!!!!! WTF???????????? Why is this happening to people? I told her that I got a confirmation email from the IRS on the 26th saying I was accepted then. Ugh! This means that my 21 days starts from the 2nd, not a week before on the 26th. I feel like falling on the floor and sobbing

                                                                        • #4101378

                                                                            Not anything on mine and a friend filed three days after me and hers is approved

                                                                          • #4101260

                                                                              Refund received on time

                                                                              WMR still at 2 bars

                                                                            • #4100788

                                                                                SBBT updated around 11am-12pm they received my refund n took out fees. DDD 2/4. HOPEFULLY I will receive it as planned

                                                                              • #4100599

                                                                                  You guys are lucky. No movement on mine

                                                                                • #4100243

                                                                                    early morning update as promised ddd was released by my bank and I have my refund

                                                                                  • #4100220

                                                                                      No third bar, n sbbt still haven’t received anything as of yet. Fingers crossed

                                                                                    • #4100040

                                                                                        i just dont get it never waited this long still no ddd nothing on transcript

                                                                                      • #4100031

                                                                                          WMR-2 Bars

                                                                                          Hopefully i will see progress tomorrow

                                                                                        • #4099662

                                                                                            Ready for tomorrow to be here lol. I am going to have to take some melatonin to go to sleep tonight.

                                                                                          • #4099655

                                                                                              Filed and accepted 1/26 with a ddd of 2/3. SBBT updated an hour ago showing that they have my refund. Waiting for my credit union to credit my account.

                                                                                            • #4099456

                                                                                                I am in the same boat. Making me angry

                                                                                              • #4099442

                                                                                                  am pissed accepted on 26 here it is 2/2 in nothing no transcript wmr still one one bar call irs was told it could take up to 21 which is bull if people who filed on later dates are being approved last time i file with hrblock period.

                                                                                                • #4099373

                                                                                                    Filed: Jan.27 @ 1:15pm
                                                                                                    Accepted: same day @ 2:05pm
                                                                                                    Approved: Jan 30
                                                                                                    DDD: before Feb 4

                                                                                                  • #4099088

                                                                                                      Filed on 1/26
                                                                                                      Accepted 1/28/
                                                                                                      WMR two bars
                                                                                                      DDD for 2/4
                                                                                                      Used Turbotax Free version. No deductions from refund.

                                                                                                    • #4099008

                                                                                                        filed & accepted 1/26, wmr updated to 2 bars several days ago with a DDD of 2/3

                                                                                                      • #4098992

                                                                                                          i filed on 1/25 accepted 1/26 on still one bar and cant get a transcripts wtf???????

                                                                                                        • #4097876

                                                                                                            I filed mid morning 1/26- accepted right away. No update on WMR. but today when I looked at my transcript (my account one) it now says feb 16. Anyone knows if that means progress?? Thanks1

                                                                                                          • #4096562

                                                                                                              I filed on 1/24, accepted same day and still one bar.

                                                                                                            • #4096485

                                                                                                                So, it looks like people who has acceptance on the 24th and the 25th has a ddd on 2/2 and looks like the 26th acceptance will either be 2/2 or 2/3 and my approval will be available to see tomorrow 1/30.

                                                                                                              • #4096418

                                                                                                                  Filed and accepted 1/26 using TaxAct. Simple 1099, EIC, etc. No penalties.

                                                                                                                  Update on transcripts last night around 1030ET. All available to me.
                                                                                                                  Cycle date 20150404.

                                                                                                                  1 bar. Tax Topic 152, no DDD on WMR.


                                                                                                                • #4096350

                                                                                                                    I filed and was accepted on 1/26. I have nothing but one bar and TT 152 on WMR. I did have a change on my transcripts this morning. I used to only be able to click 2014 on wage transcript which didn’t say anything. Today the n/a is gone on my account transcript and I can click 2014. Still n/a on the other two. When I look at my account transcript it says no return filed but it has a date of 2/16/2015. Could this mean I’m close to being approved?

                                                                                                                  • #4096314

                                                                                                                      nothing on wmr this morning but transcript was available with a code of 20150404 and the direct deposit date was listed for Feb 16th (sooo far away)

                                                                                                                    • #4096310

                                                                                                                        Filed and accepted on 1/25. Checked wmr this morning and I have a DDD for 2/2. Haven’t been able to order transcripts. Hope this helps.

                                                                                                                      • #4096292

                                                                                                                          I filed on the 24th and was accepted a few min. later using taxhawk. I checked WMR last night around 10 and it was processing. This morning at 6am I have a deposit date for Monday.

                                                                                                                        • #4096285
                                                                                                                          Mish mosh

                                                                                                                            I just checked (5:41 am EST). No change. One bar. Filed & accepted on 1/22. No transcripts either.

                                                                                                                          • #4096283

                                                                                                                              I think it’s already updated I check around 5 this morning got a ddd 2/2 filed on the 24th

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