1/24. No progress

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 1/24. No progress

  • This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Nikkole.
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  • #4100295

      I’m a little upset, I file my return on the 24th. It was accepted a few hours later. I have absolutely no progess on wmr. One bar for over a week. Is anyone else having this issue? Who shoul I reah out to? TIA

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      • #4100853

          @casey.t yes I am able to view my transcripts however they are all 0.00’s. I believe that we are the batch that was resequenced we should be receiving a ddd at least by next week but I am praying for 2/6

        • #4100839

            I wouldn’t stress just yet. Some ppl were recycled in with later dates, other held up bc of tax penalty or exemption, and some just got reviewed manually.

          • #4100838

              I filed 1/30, and was able to order transcripts by mail with my new address, did not look at them, but I imagine they wouldnt send them if they weren’t done since they are used for school and stuff. Our refund was over 10,000.

            • #4100722

                Same boat here..very annoying to say the least!

              • #4100710

                  Exact situation Nikkole, hoping that we get an update this evening. by reading through all the posts, I’m wondering whether we won’t update until Friday because others that could see 0’s on transcripts seem to have gotten updates after 7 days. We do have a large refund this year.

                • #4100702

                    I was accepted 1/23 according to tt but the irs lady I spoke with said I wasn’t accepted by the irs until 1/28. She told me that they had more early filers than expected and that caused delays and for some tax returns to be accepted at later dates than given by the tax preparer. I was told I should see an update by the end of this week.

                  • #4100696

                      Same exact situation here. I think it’s bc of when we filed. Keep holding on though, I know it’s gonna happen. Any chance your refund is large this year or is it average? Ours is a little larger so I’m wondering if that is why too. Hmm

                    • #4100365

                        Nikkole, I even tried to call yesterday (irs) and the lady told me she was unable to provide any information. Are you able to view your transcripts?

                      • #4100349

                          I am in the exact situation filed 1/24 Accepted 1/24 no wmr updates tscripts 0.00 no return filed 2/16

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