1/23 Updates

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 1/23 Updates

  • This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Bobby Mcinvaille.
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  • #4093548

      No change for me. Filed 1/14, accepted 1/20, still one bar on WMR.

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      • #4093737
        Bobby Mcinvaille

          I had bars before they opened and they went away Tuesday when they opened I am still sitting at “Your refund is still being processed” I do know what the hold up is I have no differences in prior years or no offsets.

        • #4093734

            I was a part of the batch last year. My refund went into my account on 1/28. Year before, on the 2nd. They no longer have “a scheduled”.

          • #4093704

              I am only assuming that ddds are coming very soon . I called last week and had a off set. Then called just now and no longer do. I had applied for consolidation on my defaulted loans back in November and as of January 21 the company paid my loans of. So I am unsure if the irs already sent dept of education that money or what? Confusing process

            • #4093693

                Last year I filed on the 15th, I was accepted early in the test batch and got mine on the first DDD of 2-5 or 2-6. I didn’t have an issue filing early, I didn’t wait long. The only year I really had an issue was 2012 when they changed it all to 21 days, because it gave us all an acceptance and we can expect our refund on such and such day. But a lot of people’s weren’t processed by then, so their info changed. The IRS has to first accept your return, then process and approve it, then refund sent (DDD).

              • #4093652

                  Basically the schedule says we will get them 2/6 if we filed jan 20-24. My state (Wisconsin) DDD is 1/29/15. WMR has 1 bar and tax topic 152.

                • #4093650

                    Last year I was accepted on 1/27/14 and received my refund on 2/6/14. I think we will see updates over the weekend. If not, Monday at the latest.

                  • #4093649

                      Last year most of the people who filled early weren’t in the first batch. I am not sure how the IRS processes the returns. I filed mine 1/15 last year IRS didn’t open till the 30th I think. I didn’t get my refund till 02/20. I was going CRAZY! My coworkers who did there’s on the 30th all got their returns the first week of Feb. I hope that isn’t the case this year!

                    • #4093550

                        I dont think we will see any updates until monday.

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