1/23 pple check in

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 1/23 pple check in

  • This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4098092

      we filed and accepted with in 15 minutes had one bar now have none UGH! what is it like for everyone else?

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      • #4098803

          I received my state yesterday and I had a dd for 2/2/15… I can’t remember when exactly last year I got either 1 of them but hearing sooo many people have gotten theirs this year already that filed after we did is really frustrating. I just hate not knowing anything. Idk if the system updates over the weekend but I’m hoping to get some results soon. If it doesn’t then like I previously stated we’ll just be sitting ducks till nxt week.

        • #4098786
          Frustrated InVa

            I filed and was accepted on 1/23. I too am STILL stuck on 1 lousy bar. I’m not really worried because last yr, it took 12 days since the day I was accepted until I got a deposit into my account. Im hoping ill get some movement this upcoming week. I’ve already gotten my state return.

          • #4098771

              I tried to order transcripts last night but couldn’t get in it kept saying I was entering my info wrong so I gave up on it. WMR still stuck on 1 bar as of this morning w/ no ddd. I guess I checked to many times today cuz now I’m locked out till tomorrow. Does anyone know if WMR even updates on the weekend or are we sitting ducks till Monday?

            • #4098719

                Filed/accepted 1/23 (taxact). DDD of 2/4. Transcript was available 1/30. Bars and refund amount disappeared on WMR on 1/28. It updated this morning to show refund approved and a DDD.

              • #4098706

                  I filed and accepted on 1/23. No updates just one bar. Can’t order transcript, really hoping for an update soon.

                • #4098519

                    Oh ok. That’s great at least u know your money is on the way. I still haven’t had any changes.

                  • #4098342

                      yes i tried transcripts and nothing was available and i received a 2/4 DDD today

                    • #4098247

                        Have you tried the whole transcript thing?

                      • #4098246

                          It’s annoying me as well. I was really surprised I got my state back so fast but what I really need is that fed. Hopefully WMR will update tonight and we’ll see something by morning. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking lol.

                        • #4098243

                            we also live in wi! and got our state yesterday WMR is annoying me!

                          • #4098182

                              I filed 1/23/15 for fed and state. My fed was accepted 1/24/15 around 6pm CST However my state wasn’t accepted till 1/26/15. I’ve been on 1 bar on WMR since w/ no updates. I was given a ddd for state on 1/27/15 for 2/2/15 but I received that this morning and of course still no word on fed. I haven’t tried to order transcripts as I wouldn’t know what I was looking at or for. I’m impatiently waiting in Wisconsin.

                            • #4098160


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