1/23 Filers Any movement?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 1/23 Filers Any movement?

  • This topic has 33 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by taxonomy.
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  • #4101233

      I filed and was accepted 1/23 I have 1 bar, no movement, transcripts have n/a and no return filed on them!! What gives? Please give me some info? Could it have to do with the fact that in 2012 and 2013 I did not work and did not have to file?

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      • #4105228

          Sux Charlie, same here.
          Tanya, I really thought you meant your -Car- got repo’d waiting for the refund ;)

          Best wishes. It aint looking good for me. I’ll post any hope if I get it by day 21 – Friday?

        • #4105193

            Getting a little out of hand aint it? I have to admit, every time anything in the past came up about the ACA I did blame the opposition. This time it might be down to more than that. (not that I’d put it past their operatives in any bureau)
            I put a 1040x in a rural mailbox 1-17, received 1-21, transcripts say paid1-23.
            e-filed 1040.com 1-23 absolutely nothing yet.
            I only used e-file so I could choose which deducts to take, I wanted to take no deductions (bigger AGI means bigger home loan) but was forced in every product I tried. I settled on 1040 because it was so brainless it couldn’t fail. TOTAL FAIL. If you did sched c with drake software you will have a problem. I checked everything that mattered, alll the main numbers matched up with my scratch-pad paperwork. BUT a closer look at the forms they generate based on your numbers is a little scary. The crapware DOUBLED my gross income on 8962 or whatever it is. absolute crap, and I will venture, a conspiracy

            good luck folks. I notice others haven’t been blatantly political blaming health care. I will, but from another angle. another sabotauge from our shut-down friends/ Hold homeland security hostage? throw the bums out!

          • #4105062

              Filed 1/23 no movement. This morning cars missing but still can’t order transcript :(

            • #4105041

                Still waiting one bar tax topic 152

              • #4104321

                  Nothing changed here for me, same old same old. Friday will be 21 days, so… who knows?

                • #4103823

                    WMR updated this morning for me with a 2/11 DDD.

                  • #4103817

                      I filed on 1/23 it was also accepted that day checked my wmr and it’s still one bar. I tried to request my transcript via Internet and the conformation email never comes someone help

                    • #4103792

                        Still nothing, grats to the winners! I’ll start a new thread for sched C this date but let anyone still reading here know if catch some wind in my sails to lend some hope

                      • #4103785

                          2 bars feb. 11

                        • #4103399

                            Thought I’d check here first. Good news for you guys who got info!
                            Went to check WMR and it was down, went to check transcripts and that page is down too. Now I’m set up for disappointment lol

                          • #4102964

                              From everything I’m reading 20150505 should deposit on wed the 11th fifth week started yesterday and we’d is 5th day where is 846 code found

                            • #4102899

                                I have same cycle code 20150505 I can now view all my transcripts but I don’t know what code means either

                              • #4102869

                                  1st, I have an update my Return Transcripts are UP with cycle of 20150505 (anyone know what my DD will be?) My other transcripts still say no account filed. Kim the cycle will be on your Return Transcript you get from irs.gov

                                • #4102709

                                    Where do you find cycle codes

                                  • #4102647

                                      Omg I hate waiting for income tax!!! I not only haven’t gotten a DDD or any type of update but now wmr isn’t showing any bars and no more TT152. Just a message that my return is still processing and a date will be provided once they’ve finished processing it. I mean how much trouble would it be to have a more specific note as to what’s going on behind the scenes?

                                    • #4102360

                                        No movement i hope i see some movement tomorrow. Praying here…. -_-

                                      • #4102253

                                          No change 06:30 MST – same as last two posts.

                                        • #4102237

                                            Same here. No updates on ANYTHING .

                                          • #4102172

                                              To Kim, I was accepted on 1/23..I just checked WMR and Account Transcript..No changes/updates..Still showing 1 bar, tt 152, and all 000’s on the transcript.

                                            • #4102165

                                                Anything today guys?

                                              • #4101944

                                                  Oh and in that same forum it said that ppl with 0000 in their return meant that they were being recycled for one reason or another. Idk if I for sure understood what it was saying as it was all a little discouraging.

                                                • #4101938

                                                    Ugh this makes the 3rd year in a row I seemed to have gotten stuck in a slow moving group of returns. I filed and was accepted on 1/23 within a few hours so I was so hopeful that my return would be one of those with a 7-8 day turn around. But nooooo still sitting on one bar and transcripts both have n/a. I did just read another forum that said those of us that have n/a should update overnight. Anyone else hear anything g new?

                                                  • #4101882

                                                      Then you might just be in the same boat as the rest of us in the dark, Carrie – stuck wondering lol.
                                                      Good luck!

                                                    • #4101567

                                                        Taxonomy, my 2012-2013 show confirmation of no income/ non filing .

                                                      • #4101544

                                                          I filed 1/23/15 and was accepted 1/24/15. Just got dd of 2/6/15 early this morning after being stuck on 1 bar for what seemed like forever. Hang in there guys it is coming. It’s just taking a lot longer then any of us expected it to.

                                                        • #4101541

                                                            I sure don’t know Carrie. Do your transcripts from 2012 and 2013 show a confirmation of non-filing and no income, or do they show income (enough to require filing) as if someone reported wages you thought might not be on there?
                                                            Not knowing, that’s the only thing I could suggest to look at.

                                                            Good luck all, best wishes and many happy returns!

                                                          • #4101535

                                                              Filed and accepted 1/23 – WMR still sitting with one bar. Topic 152 (opted for direct deposit into a single account, same single acct as every year) No bottom 2 transcripts as if I hadn’t filed, active 2014 transcripts up top same as OP.

                                                              1040, Schedule C, SE, all peripheral same as last 3 years, waited for 1095-A instead of using the healthcare tool to fill out 8962. Only difference this year is I didn’t take any deductions except write-off 1/2 self employment tax (forced by all e-files) Used 1040.com same as last year. Barely made (101% poverty to qualify for healthcare)

                                                              Claimed EIC, additional child tax credit, same as last year.

                                                              Mailed 1040x for 2012 (received 1-21-15) claiming additional child tax credit.

                                                              Any experience in a mess like this? If others from our date were getting funds quicker I’d be more concerned about the amended return coinciding – it just dawned on me I missed $1000 a couple of years ago, should have waited for refund this year I guess?

                                                              Good luck all, best wishes and many happy returns!

                                                            • #4101490

                                                                Same here files 1/23 and trach has not moved….

                                                              • #4101358

                                                                  Filed thru TurboTax and accepted on 1/23 and still only have 1 bar. Transcript shows all 000 and no return filed.

                                                                • #4101351

                                                                    Carrie, same here,, still waiting…

                                                                  • #4101330

                                                                      I filed 1-22-15, was accepted 1-23, and FINALLY wmr updated around 5:30am today to approved with dd on 2-6-15. I claim EITC, ACA credit and child tax credit and was stuck at 1 bar and panicking all week! SO RELIEVED!!!

                                                                    • #4101329

                                                                        Still no movement for me any one else accepted on 1/23

                                                                      • #4101290

                                                                          hey, I filed 1/23 via turbo tax. I finally got a ddd this morning. I checked around 3:30 AM to only 1 bar.. then at 5:20 I had my second. Id check again later. Its, worth a shot. Do not get discouraged, its coming.

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