1/21 updates

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 1/21 updates

  • This topic has 35 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Randy.
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  • #4093139

      For me everything is the same… filed on the 17th… accepted early on the 20th… still one bar on WMR this morning

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      • #4093292

          Wow you people really got butt hurt over someone pulling a fast one on you.. Try to not be so sensitive and life will be much more fun..Yeah I clicked it and laughed at myself for basically asking for it.

        • #4093279

            CAN SOMEONE KICK LONNIE12???? His screenshots are beyond wrong and have NOTHING to do with taxes!!

          • #4093278

              Lonnie12 is making his rounds on all the threads

            • #4093277

                @Kayj don’t ask lonnie12 for screenshots and don’t click his links. Just a bunch of nasty pics.

              • #4093276

                  @Kay don’t ask lonnie12 for screenshots and don’t click his links. Just a bunch of nasty pics.

                • #4093274

                    @Lonnie12 can you print screen a shot of that?. You can block your information. This is really hard to believe.

                  • #4093273

                      Valerie is a TROLL

                    • #4093271

                        Ok, had to check on SBBT myself, as it wasnt finding me and my return has been accepted. This year I did the completely free, no fees whatsoever with TT and being direct deposited to my bank. In this case, SBBT does not ever get your refund, as there are no fess for them to process.

                      • #4093261

                          Lonnie 12 IS A TROLL

                        • #4093257
                          Ms. Concerned

                            I filed my taxes using HR Block site on the 19th. The irs site is saying they don’t know me and HRBlock site says its been transmitted but not accepted. Is anyone else having this problem and if so do you know what the problem is!

                          • #4093201

                              I was on earlier, quick update….Accepted 1/12, got a DDD 1/27 about 45mins ago. Will keep you all posted.

                            • #4093196

                                Ok I tried that SBBT website and entered my info and it says no record was found :/

                              • #4093193

                                  @Dion My wage transcripts were available the day after I filed and were blank so not sure that means much – especially if they are blank. Its the return transcript that is supposedly an indicator that they are finished processing and approved. Or thats what I have picked up on from prior years – after the return transcript was available I got my DDD a few days later…

                                • #4093192

                                    Where do you go to check for transcripts?

                                  • #4093190

                                      I filed on 1/9 and got accepted on 1/13, I checked my transcripts around 9am EST and had my wage transcript but it was blank. I don’t know if having wage transcript is good or not I just checked because I seen others talking about checking for Transcript.

                                    • #4093187

                                        @gail https://cisc.sbbtral.com/ is the SBBT site to check if your refund has been deposited.. (this is just for TT users I think

                                      • #4093184

                                          And how do we get that info off of SBBT?

                                        • #4093183

                                            MCRT88: What if you did the free filing through TT? Does the refund still go to TT first, or straight to our bank account from the IRS?

                                          • #4093181

                                              I had filed with freetaxusa and was submitted early and locked. It never got accepted yesterday or earlier like lots of others who filed early. So I filed on tt at 8:30 am est. it was accepted immediately after and already shows on wmr. I had to email freetaxusa because I had paid for state and audit coverage but couldn’t even efile state with them because they had no update and can’t file seperate. Idk why it was an issue but indiana still shows pending and federal is good to go finally with tt

                                            • #4093180

                                                It is the bank that TT, Jackson-Hewitt, Etc. use to process the refund, remove their fees and send it to your bank. Its Santa Barbara Bank and Trust. It is where the IRS will send your refund first, then SBBT will send it to your bank.

                                              • #4093178

                                                  What is SBBT?

                                                • #4093176

                                                    Well, SBBT has my info and my fees to be taken out, they don’t give me a date or anything but they do have my info! Filed 1/9, Accepted 1/12, Still one bar w/ refund amount and Tax Topic 152.

                                                  • #4093174

                                                      I filed as early as I could which was 01/15 (had to wait for a form to be ready to file) I used TT. I was accepted about an hour later on 01/15. I checked WMR a few hours later and everything was there (one bar, refund amount and tax topic 152.) State was accepted yesterday 01/20 I’m in georgia. So far no changes, everything has remained the same since 01/15. Didn’t really expect it to though since yesterday was the first official day.

                                                    • #4093172

                                                        From my investigation, some who was accepted/approved by 1/15 will have a DDD of 1/26-1/27.

                                                      • #4093171

                                                          Filed with TT on 1/15, accepted 1/20. Still one bar on WMR and no date on TT.

                                                        • #4093169

                                                            Just posting on this thread also…filed 1/16 on eztaxreturn.com was accepted minutes later. As of today 1/21..i have 1 bar and 152 tax topic. NYS return was accepted this morning also.

                                                          • #4093166

                                                              Filed via TT on 1/11– Accepted 1/13. WMR- has one bar with topic 152. SBBT has my stuff so I dunno!

                                                            • #4093165

                                                                I was accepted yesterday. No change on IRS side. But on Turbo tax instead of saying 21 days it says I should get it by the 10th of February.

                                                              • #4093163
                                                                Jason klinger

                                                                  Same here accepted waiting anybody have info on. The person that got DDD of 1-26 posted on tt

                                                                • #4093159

                                                                    Filed on the 19… Accepted morning of 20… No info on WMR… A little freaked out…

                                                                  • #4093157

                                                                      I filed last night with TT and was accepted two hours later and had one bar on WMR. This morning I now have tax topic 152.

                                                                    • #4093154

                                                                        So far mine is the same 152 message. I was accepted early on 1/12. I have only seen one person so far on any forums say they received a DDD: https://ttlc.intuit.com/questions/2604149-update-i-just-checked-wmr-and-i-have-a-ddd

                                                                      • #4093149

                                                                          Efiled and got accepted on 1/20 around 11am EST. I’m only going to check once a day around noon (as hard as that is going to be) until I reach the DDD. Then I’ll go maniacal checking here, there and everywhere lol.

                                                                        • #4093141

                                                                            Everything the same with me too. Filed 1/14, accepted 1/16, wmr still has 1 bar, refund amount showing, and Topic 152. Filed with TT, having fees taken out, SBBT account available no money yet.

                                                                          • #4093140

                                                                              I filed on 1/13/15 was accepted the same day. WMR showed 1 bar, accepted and processing. Account in SBBT showing as well. Two days later bars are missing, refund amount missing, just says returned being processed and and a dd will be given when available.

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