1/21 filer with no ddd

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 1/21 filer with no ddd

  • This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Jay.
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  • #4096341

      I’m a 1/21 filer accepted 1/21 can’t get transcripts and stuck on one bar. Is there anybody left that’s a 1/21 and haven’t had any movement yet. I feel like I just got forgotten and lost in there system.

      I don’t understand why ppl who filed later are getting a ddd. So if anyone has any updates please share here.
      Thank you

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      • #4098050

          I was accepted 1/20 and have no DDD or available transcripts. 3 years in a row now I’ve been shafted while other accepted after me get their money…

        • #4098028

            I filed on the 1/21 and have a with a cycle date of 20150605. I have one bar and is unable to get transcripts. If I am reading the chart right I will not get my returned processed until the 2015/ 06/05 the sixth week which falls on 02/09 and the 05 is the fifth cycle day which is Thursday the 12th. Which means I wont receive my return until possible the 2/18. I hope I am wrong.

          • #4097964

              Anyone else i filed on 1/21 and only have one bar with topic 152 and my sister filed in 1/24 and got hers today 1/30 so not far wtf is going on

            • #4097700
              Felicia V

                Early filer accepted in test batch. Stuck on one bar, no update. Ordered transcript and it has code 570 at the bottom and says “Additional account action pending”. Not sure what this means. Could it be a processing error?

              • #4097573

                  We filed & were accepted on the 21st……..no transcripts, one bar………..getting kinda nervous………….

                • #4097514

                    So for the 1/20 filers that was still waiting you should be able to see your transcript now with a cycle 0405 to be deposited by next Thursday. I’m seeing a lot of people saying they can see it also I can view mines

                  • #4096707

                      1/20 filer, no DDD. At least it’s several of us so hopefully we’re all in a funky batch…? ::fingers crossed::

                    • #4096699

                        We filed on the 1/21 accepted 1/21 with turbo tax and stuck with 1 bar on wmr. It is getting really annoying……..

                      • #4096598

                          Got accepted to the 22nd still on one bar I see people that have filed after and have a dd date

                        • #4096524

                            I also filed and accepted 1/21 with Turbo Tax. One bar no ddd and no transcripts. I hope I get an update tomorrow.

                          • #4096494

                              Filed 1/20 accepted 1/22 with H&R Block. Transcripts available today 1/29 no ddd yet.

                            • #4096471

                                I am in the same boat. I actually filed on 01/19 and was accepted on 01/21. I have no progress on WMR? and my no transcripts available. There is another thread of here as well regarding this with many people in the same situation. There is one user who posted an educated ‘guess’ regarding cycle dates that believes anyone who filed on 01/21 or before should have everything accepted by tomorrow morning. Lets hope so. I’m tired of waiting.

                              • #4096465

                                  Same here nothing wtf is going on people that filed after us should wait till we get ours first

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