1/20/15 refund ddd

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 1/20/15 refund ddd

  • This topic has 13 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Luvluv.
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  • #4095145

      Had anyone that was accepted on 1/20 received a ddd or dd yet??

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      • #4095301

          So I wonder when the next update will be?

        • #4095293

            Filed 1/22;Accepted 1/22; WMR(2 bars-approved); DDD of 1/30/15

          • #4095290

              I filed on 1/14 and was accepted the same day. I got a DDD update this morning of 1/30. I happened to look on my cell phone a few minutes ago and saw that my money had been loaded onto my Netspend card last night at 9:38. Didn’t even know it LOL.

            • #4095288

                Wmr has updated now I have my ddd for 1/30

              • #4095286

                  Woohoo!!! I got a DDD of 1/30 this morning with a note to follow up with my bank if I don’t receive it by 2/4. I was accepted through TT on 1/20. I’m assuming others will have dad this morning as well.

                • #4095283

                    well I guess I’m one of the only suckers on here that used HRB because everyones talking about Turbo Tax. Filed 1/17 accepted 1/20 11:30 am and no transcripts available, one lousy bar (no movement in over 8 days) and a big stack of bills. So much for the quickness of the emerald card…..

                  • #4095247

                      2 bars. DDD of 1/30

                    • #4095184

                        I got my DDD this morning around 3:45 am.
                        It will be deposited by the 30th. If I don’t have it by the 4th I need to contact my bank.

                      • #4095170

                          Wow…I filed & accepted on the 20th & im still processing

                        • #4095166

                            I filed and was promptly accepted on the 20th of January . I was able to order transcripts as of yesterday and I just checked and my bar has moved and I have a DDD of January 30. :)

                          • #4095158

                              I filed on the 20th and was accepted an hour later. I just checked and I have a ddd for the 30th.

                            • #4095147

                                Have the wmr update yet

                              • #4095146

                                  I just checked and I have not moved at all but I am seeing people who filed and got accepted the same time as me with ddd and able to gt transcripts. I am still at processing.

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