1/29 filed accepted N/A

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season 1/29 filed accepted N/A

  • This topic has 14 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by Ejsmom.
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  • #4537920 Reply

      I filed and was accepted 1/29. I called on Tuesday 2/20 and was told I was selected for verification and to wait for a letter and that I could call back to see if it was sent out. Then I called today 2/22 and was on hold for about 20mins and was told there is no verify or letters being sent out in my account. I told her about the WMR and account notification about verifying but she said to disregard it for now because it is a generic response thousands of people got that ended up not needing to verify. Also, that she would see it on my account if I needed to actually verify. She also said my return was actually processed on 2/5 and that’s when my 21 days started. The agent said my account was selected for further review but by the 26th it’s supposed to be finished processing and by the 27th I should see an update. But if there’s no update or further action required, I have to call again to see what needs to be done. I’ve been able to see my bottom 2 transcripts but as of today, my account transcript is gone. My transcript had no updates though, just said no return filed (no codes that notices were sent, totally blank)

      Idk if anyone else is in the same boat or have heard the same response so I’m wondering if it’s true or another agent just trying to get me off the line.

      My previous tax year cycle code is 05 and I’ve always been a weekly, so I’m hoping for an early update tomorrow or Saturday.

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      • #4538665 Reply

          My transcripts finally updated but have code 570 with as of date 3/18 and $0 no 846 yet!! IRS website still showing no letters sent. What is this!!!

        • #4538652 Reply

            Here my journey
            Filed 1/29
            As of date 2/26
            Faxed documents 2/13
            Processing 2/14
            Went to identify verify 2/23
            Tried cal twice was told no need but still on screen
            3/1 update transcript first time with code 810 refund freeze code
            As of date update 3/18

          • #4538624 Reply

              I filed 1/24, accepted 1/25. Been NA no movement on anything at all. My return and record of account transcripts have been NA and everything else was showing no return filed. This evening my return and record of account scripts are there, but the rest say the same no return filed. I’m just happy to see ANY movement at this point. My state return was just sent out today, I never usually get state before federal.

            • #4538613 Reply

                I am hoping for good news by the morning, filed and accepted 1/29 path eic ctc. TT 152 disappeared 2 weeks ago. As of date has changed 3 times on transcripts with latest date now 3/11. Called IRS last week and just the general answers of keep checking could take 9wks and no issues that they see BUT was an “action” on my acct that had been resolved a couple days ago, so not even sure what that means. Checked on IRS site and I have no notices.

              • #4538585 Reply

                  Update- no updates
                  As of date 2/26/24
                  Fax wages 2/13
                  Went to processing
                  2/23 asked for identification verification called online advise was unable to assist and over the phone rep say they do t see where I need to do that but they see it on my profile. I am praying for updates tonight , at least update the transcript so I don’t have to call

                • #4538218 Reply

                    Hopefully I have some updates Monday , my as of date is 2/26 and I filed 1/29 it’s never been this long and don’t really expect anything to update over the weekend

                  • #4538190 Reply

                      Filed and accepted 01/22/24
                      WMR shows Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available. For more information about processing delays, please see our Refund Frequently Asked Questions
                      Transcripts show N/A
                      Bottom transcripts show with year 2023 but no return has been filed , completely blank .
                      Logged in to IRS account and it shows no notices being sent 😫
                      Anyone else in this situation ?

                    • #4538136 Reply

                        I’m with you I’m going thru the same situation. The only thing that has changed as of today is the msg on wmr went from tax topic 152 to its still being processed.

                      • #4538130 Reply

                          I haven’t had any updates even after the massive update today. Just gonna wait till next week and hope I see something then 🤞🏽
                          Happy everyone who was stuck is seeing 846’s! Hopefully I’m next 🥹

                        • #4538016 Reply

                            I filed on 1-31 at 7pm
                            Accepted 1-31 at 710pm
                            I have no EIC or CTC
                            Schedule C only
                            My IRS account page shows no letters at all
                            I have bottom 2 transcripts 2023 blank with a as of processing date of 2-26-24 with no codes either
                            Top 2 transcripts are N/A
                            WMR is saying delay message
                            It’s never took this long before

                            I just checked my transcript and got a 846 DDD of 2-28-24… it’s never ever took this long…. But I’m glad it’s over

                          • #4537992 Reply

                              Filed 1/29 and then system said need more info got letter 2/13 faxed same day w2 and 2/14 it change to received and being processed. Today I was hoping for an update but no update online say no return filed and 2023 transcript at bottom are blank, hope it doesn’t take long and I am was hoping I am in updates for Thursday…. I did check balance for 2023 online and it does say an adjustment Is being processed

                            • #4537991 Reply

                                Filed 1/29 and then system said need more info got letter 2/13 faxed same day w2 and 2/14 it change to received and being processed. Today I was hoping for an update but no update online say no return filed and 2023 transcript at bottom are blank, hope it doesn’t take long and I am was hoping I am in updates for Thursday…. I did check balance for 2023 online and it does say an adjustment Is being processed

                              • #4537926 Reply


                                  I hope that’s the case for all of us stuck here. Hoping for an update tmrw or at least next friday 🤞🏽

                                • #4537922 Reply

                                    I would think you would see a transcript update overnight. I’m usually a weekly as well and see none of my transcripts but was told there was a letter sent out for me. There was a glitch for some that got their ddd today. I would think you were just in the next batch. I’m hoping they were wrong and I update too 😂 we will see!

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