0905 Delayed beyond normal processing time- no notice?

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season 0905 Delayed beyond normal processing time- no notice?

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  • #4539831 Reply

      Filed 2/16/24 Still waiting in dire financial need with special needs kids. No notice or transcript updates in almost 2 months. my last 2 codes were 570 then 768. No notices generated. only one job. dependent care FSA was showing on 1040 as income. wasnt sure if that was the issue since phone reps wont tell me. dropped off verification on my own at a local irs center just in case and still told to just wait with no estimate on how long. Any help?

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      • #4539994 Reply

          FINALLY movement this fine Friday morning!

          Transcript: Cycle code: 20241905, 846 “Refund Issued”: 05-15. If I read it correctly, that’s Thurs, 05-09-2024 but have not received anything. Go by the 846 “Refund Issued” date? Can anyone clarify for me?

          F/A on 02-04 then…dead silence. Nothing. I was seriously thinking that they’d lost our return.

          If the “Refund Issued” date is when our refund appears, it’ll be a week over 3 mos since F/A!

        • #4540009 Reply

            After a 3+ month waiting–IT IS OVER!! Refund dropped this morning!!
            DD 846 was 05-15-2024 but this morning, it finally dropped into our bank account!!

            WooHOOOOO! Till next year!

          • #4539972 Reply

              Same situation where we filed 2/12…EXCEPT I called the Tax Advocates, here’s what they said:

              * Initially the Tax Advocates wanted us to wait the 10-weeks, if no action by then to call them back.
              * We called back the DAY AFTER 10-weeks and they stated they would submit a request to expedite the process…stated it would take at the shortest 3-weeks and at the longest 6-weeks. So, again now we wait and wonder.
              * We check IRS2Go & WMR daily…it’s beyond a nightmare.

            • #4539971 Reply

                Just this morning, on IRS2Go & WMR, theres movement!

                “We apologize, but your return processing has been delayed beyond the normal timeframe. You can continue to check back here for the most up to date information regarding your refund. We understand your tax refund is very important and we are working to process your return as quickly as possible.”

                Nothing on transcripts! No letter/notification. Just this notice.

                F/A: 02-04-2024. It’s been THREE MONTHS.

              • #4539833 Reply

                  Filed & Accepted 02-04.

                  No notification for anything. NO request to verify. NO updates on transcript.


                  I realizethey’re extra careful at the moment but this is RIDICULOUS.

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