05ers with update but still bottom 2 blank and no 846

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season 05ers with update but still bottom 2 blank and no 846

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  • #4102923

      Hi guys did all of us 05ers get the top two transcripts update but not completed and the bottom two transcripts still blank. I was told they will update again after 7 am by someone on here lol.anyone else waiting ?

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      • #4103104

          The rest of mine is updated with the 846 refund issued code guys and all 4 transcripts are full

        • #4102977

            Going back to sleep until then lol congrats guys and @nikki I will say a little prayer for ya.

          • #4102974

              Lol no we dont…wouldn’t that be the pits. Sometime after 7 am today it will re update.

            • #4102973

                I’m so sorry…. I filed 1/20/15 accepted same day . Transcripts went blank last Friday at 11ish and now just have all my info and 05 cycle but aren’t done updating because there is no codes listed under still some unavailable areas. So maybe it will still update for you seeing as it still has to finish updating for us too!

              • #4102970

                  Same thing here! Top 2 available bottom 2 still blank. Im really hoping we don’t have to wait another week to see those update.

                • #4102963

                    Same thing here. I can see the top 2 now with information but not the bottom ones. Feeling so much better now that the refund transcript shows 20150505.

                  • #4102948

                      Nothing for me at all…. Last year I know mine updated in the middle of the day….. Around 11 am…. I’m praying something happens for me today….. I need this!!!

                    • #4102932

                        Meee toooo!!!! This season has bye far been the worst!!! Lol

                      • #4102928

                          @elligirl90210. Yes I’m in the same boat as you are. I’m just excited to see any update lol!

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