05 updates tonight

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season 05 updates tonight

  • This topic has 50 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by Ida.
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  • #4538592 Reply
    Kaitlyn Martin

      Who is hoping and praying for an update with an 846 code tonight!!! Let’s keep each other posted… is there a way that you can go from blank transcript to 846 all at once ?

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      • #4539694 Reply

          Nothing yet. It’s 5:50 pm pacific.

          F/A 02-04-2024.

          NO notification. Nothing.

          Transcript shows top two boxes “NA” and nothing on bottom two boxes.


        • #4539693 Reply

            F/A 2/17, and following week IRS app notified to verify return. Finally received letter and verified online 03/25. Transcripts always “No return filed”, and no codes. Yesterday April 3rd WMR updated from “still being processed” to we received your tax return and its being processed. 2023 Transcripts still state no return filed. Hopefully next week.

          • #4539677 Reply

              Hopefully tonight we all get updates it’s been a very long time and I pray this is over …

            • #4539614 Reply

                @bowl I am in a group called it’s 810 code and when I say so many people there have the 811/846 did they forget about us , check it out a lot of them had issue just like me and got refunded so I guess I have to wait for them to verify for me to be released … there is nothing they need from me now all done ! Crying its been since 1/30

              • #4539613 Reply

                  @bowl this is truly crazy seriously!!! I called this morning and they told me they need to verify my w2g and they have the fax but they still have to verify with commission office . That was back in March of 2023 and I send all requested paper work! I truly shocked you didn’t get an update …

                • #4539612 Reply

                    Can believe I’m still waiting accepted 1/29
                    code changed last week to 4/8 now it changed to 4/15. I’m just disgusted.

                  • #4539605 Reply


                      Well we updated……with a 971 code. Wife is on the phone with IRS now…..WTH is going on man

                    • #4539609 Reply

                        Update – none for me still the same
                        150 4/8 as of 4/8and 806 4/15
                        810 2/29/24. Waiting for them to verify wages for gambling win with Fla lotto …..

                      • #4539538 Reply

                          Logged in this morning and the same the message is gone just has view account balance … praying that’s a good sign as well and this is the last week of this journey I will not file before 2/15 next year this is crazy people filing 3/1 already got theirs back that I know . I’ll keep you posted on Friday

                        • #4539530 Reply

                            *has not been processed

                          • #4539529 Reply

                              We just logged into both of our IRS accounts and it didn’t have the message in blue box at top saying, “your 2023 return has not be processing.” It went away and everything looks normal now.

                              Does this mean something good finally?!

                            • #4539520 Reply

                                Also emailed the Congressman for our State district as well as some of the representatives from our state with the information and the refund issues

                              • #4539502 Reply

                                  @nova219 I verified on the website last Thursday and was should I would be in the update on today. However I called this morning and they advised the only verification only completes one part. I had to finish the second part by phone. I would call the verification protection line to be sure. So i should update on the following Friday

                                • #4539500 Reply

                                    @ thank you I do appreciate you and trust I did the same for you and fam! I will update next cycle I have faith we both will be there. 🙂

                                  • #4539492 Reply

                                      @Angie God Bless you friend, just said a prayer for you as well.

                                    • #4539486 Reply

                                        No change again, just called IRS again and was advised to call this number 855 873 2100 then press 1 English then 4 for IRS advised to call. On hold now with them to see what the hell is going on filed and accepted 1/29 eic ctc

                                      • #4539481 Reply

                                          Accepted on 1/29, 2/12 received email to verify did it on portal, letter sent on 2/23 to verify again, As of date 2/25, received letter on 3/8 and verified, transcript still shows n/a on top 2, WMR shows “Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available.” since 2/12, 3/21 WMR shows “We have received your tax return and it is being processed” on 3/22/24 still no change to transcript showing N/A on top 2 only change is as of date changing to 4/8.

                                        • #4539480 Reply

                                            @bowl I have those same codes just not the 570 I have the 810 and waiting the 811 then 846. I am praying this means we are moving and it’s taking for ever and I filed 1/29. I pray your updates this coming week I know how hard it is I have five myself and behind on all my bills and we need this money … I’ll keep you , I know we will be cycled next week I have faith we will

                                          • #4539478 Reply

                                              @Angie we updated on transcripts but it shows the following codes:
                                              Wife called the advocate service and agent on the line said she could only see the 150 code? No clue what is going on but this is getting crazy. Our youngest son was declared by the state as disabled and we lost our car before Christmas. Now we are waiting for Lord knows how much longer on this return before we can buy a car. We have 6 kids and this is getting overwhelming.

                                            • #4539468 Reply

                                                my cycle code is 20241205 so i wont see another update until next week Friday

                                              • #4539463 Reply

                                                  @ bowl checking in on updates? I got on them knees last night and and asked for help and cried and it moved. i hope u got some updates as well

                                                • #4539462 Reply

                                                    Updates happen overnight for me, all transcripts are loaded with details and my dates and codes are appearing … just waiting on the angels to drop that magical 811 and sprinkle it with the 846 dust lol… very glad i stood in line on Saturday to verify!!!!! i should be getting DDD very soon , because i so need my money

                                                  • #4539454 Reply

                                                      Filed 2/1 and accepted
                                                      ID verify popped up – verified in person on 2/28
                                                      Lady in person released return for processing
                                                      Transcripts show 2023 at both bottom under my login – shows No record of return filed as of Mar 25, 2024 (wife’s log in shows NA for bottom two I believe)
                                                      WMR shows processing delayed beyond normal times TT152 under my info. Wife’s says still processing.
                                                      We are normally weekly so we are hoping and praying for an update tonight.

                                                    • #4539447 Reply

                                                        Verified on 3/16 and praying for an update tonight …this 810 freeze code i pray is lifted

                                                      • #4539452 Reply

                                                          Praying for some updates, filed 1/30 and accepted 810 my that a code of death but I did everything they asked and verified please give me some movement tonight !!!!

                                                        • #4538757 Reply


                                                            Same, I was excepted the 8th of feb.
                                                            And still nothing I bank with chime

                                                          • #4538730 Reply

                                                              Still nothing. No transcript update.

                                                              Filed and accepted on 2/7 with turbo tax.
                                                              Not a pather.
                                                              Weekly cycle: 05
                                                              No notifications on my irs.gov

                                                              Frustrated as well because I don’t know if there is something wrong

                                                            • #4538734 Reply

                                                                I was accepted on 1/27. Did my Bf’s return on 2/1 he received his refund on 2/28. I called Monday for an update because I had N/A for transcript and no movement on WMR. Was told that there was some processing delay that would take 9 weeks. Distraught yet hopeful I checked my transcript a few minutes ago and I have code 846 with DDD of 3-6. What a stressful tax season.

                                                              • #4538726 Reply

                                                                  Updated today to the 570 code as well :/ congrats to those that finally got their ddd!!!!

                                                                • #4538722 Reply

                                                                    I got a 846 ddd 3/6/24 this morning. Could I see the deposit sooner then that or probably not until that date or later ?

                                                                  • #4538720 Reply

                                                                      I got a 846 ddd 3/6/24 this morning. Could I see the deposit sooner then that or probably not until that date or later ?

                                                                    • #4538721 Reply

                                                                        I got a 846 ddd 3/6/24 this morning. Could I see the deposit sooner then that or probably not until that date or later ?

                                                                      • #4538713 Reply

                                                                          So I updated this morning with the 971 code with its date being 3/18. My as of date was has changed 3 times each week 3/4 3/11 and this week it’s 3/18. I claimed child credits as I do every year. WMR never showed the path message but recently changed to the delay message a few days ago. I have a feeling I may get the 846 code before 3/18 though based off prior years but who knows right…

                                                                        • #4538706 Reply

                                                                            Says 840 code means a check is being issued manually, instead of their computer doing it. Why(?), I don’t know.

                                                                          • #4538701 Reply

                                                                              I finally was updated and now i have a 840 code what is that?? I called IRS and they told me it means a hold until the end of march, but it says refund issued?? I’m so confused.

                                                                            • #4538688 Reply

                                                                                Filed: 2/11
                                                                                Accepted: 2/11
                                                                                05: weekly updates

                                                                                Transcripts updated last Friday showing me the 971/570 codes with the same date for both, 3/11/24.

                                                                                Checked transcripts today, now have 571 code (resolved) and 846 code for refund sent with a date of 3/8/24. WMR has not updated to reflect this.

                                                                              • #4538673 Reply

                                                                                  Update overnight. Filed 2/16 , accepted 2/17. Updated with a DDD for 3/6. Weekly, and still no movement on WMR. Still 1 bar, saying received.

                                                                                • #4538667 Reply

                                                                                    Got an update over night
                                                                                    Filed 2/20 TT
                                                                                    Accepted 2/20
                                                                                    DD 3/6
                                                                                    05 weekly no movement on WMR

                                                                                  • #4538663 Reply

                                                                                      My transcripts finally updated but have code 570 with as of date 3/18 and $0 no 846 yet!! IRS website still showing no letters sent. What is this!!!

                                                                                    • #4538662 Reply

                                                                                        My transcripts finally updated but have code 570 with as of date 3/18 and $0 no 846 yet!! IRS website still showing no letters sent. What is this!!!

                                                                                      • #4538645 Reply
                                                                                        Tiffani _ Philadelphia PA

                                                                                          Yay! Transcripts updated with 846 code for refund issued with a DDD for 03/06!

                                                                                          Filed and accepted on 02/18 with Turbo tax, opted to take fees out of refund & did the Credit Karma advance and deposit with card!!

                                                                                          Good luck everyone 🤞

                                                                                        • #4538644 Reply
                                                                                          Tiffani _ Philadelphia PA

                                                                                            Yay! Transcripts updated with 846 code for refund issued with a DDD for 03/06!

                                                                                            Filed and accepted on 02/18 with Turbo tax, opted to take fees out of refund & did the Credit Karma advance and deposit with card!!

                                                                                            Good luck everyone 🤞

                                                                                          • #4538643 Reply
                                                                                            Kaitlyn Martin

                                                                                              Still nothing!!! My as of date just changed again but that’s all!!! I seriously want to cry!!! So frustrated!

                                                                                            • #4538641 Reply

                                                                                                Check your transcripts. Mine were blank and tonight updated around 12am. DDD for 3/6

                                                                                              • #4538636 Reply

                                                                                                  Transcripts show as of 03/11 but TT shows 02/29

                                                                                                • #4538635 Reply

                                                                                                    Filled 2/09
                                                                                                    Accepted same day
                                                                                                    No movement with est date of 02/29
                                                                                                    still nothing as of now 12:38 AM TEXAS
                                                                                                    Bank through chime

                                                                                                  • #4538612 Reply

                                                                                                      I am hoping for good news by the morning, filed and accepted 1/29 path eic ctc. TT 152 disappeared 2 weeks ago. As of date has changed 3 times on transcripts with latest date now 3/11. Called IRS last week and just the general answers of keep checking could take 9wks and no issues that they see BUT was an “action” on my acct that had been resolved a couple days ago, so not even sure what that means. Checked on IRS site and I have no notices.

                                                                                                    • #4538611 Reply

                                                                                                        I’m praying we all get our updates! And @Kaitlyn Martin I’ve seen many people go from blank and n/a transcripts to being all the way updated with code 846. So hopefully that’s the case for all of us!

                                                                                                      • #4538608 Reply

                                                                                                          In transcripts under cycle your last 2 digits of that number

                                                                                                        • #4538606 Reply

                                                                                                            Sorry for my ignorance. How do you find out if you’re a daily or weekly? Where does the 05 generate from? Is it on our precious years transcript?

                                                                                                          • #4538601 Reply

                                                                                                              I’ve been praying for a couple of weeks now!! I’m in desperate need of this refund!! I’ve NEVER had it take this long, even when I was a PATHer!! Absolutely no info or movement!! Accepted back on 1/29!!

                                                                                                            • #4538593 Reply

                                                                                                                im hoping tonight as well

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