Waiting game

Home Forums General Discussion 2021 Tax Season Waiting game

  • This topic has 15 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by TaxMan.
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  • #4458666

      My transcript says refund issued 2/24. Where’s my refund says return received. I bank with navy federal and I don’t see anything pending for tomorrow

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      • #4459544

          RIP Kobe, it is typically the last digit of the cycle code on your transcripts. See below:

          Cycle Code Ending in 01= Friday
          Cycle Code Ending in 02= Monday
          Cycle Code Ending in 03= Tuesday
          Cycle Code Ending in 04= Wednesday
          Cycle Code Ending in 05= Thursday

          The 05 cycle code is guaranteed weekly. I believe the rest to be daily, but I am not 100% certain of that. Everyone who I have ever done taxes for have been 05 cycle, weekly.

        • #4459542
          rip kobe


            how do i know if im a weekly or a daily? how do i find that out?

          • #4459539

              Grace, accounting and Tax Law are like oil and water. Accounting is the implementation for monetary allotment, and Tax is the degradation of monetary allotment. In other words, Accounting builds and monitors the P&L, while Tax tries to rip it apart.

            • #4459538

                With the IRS pushing back the initial receipt date from January 29 to February 12, it would be safe to assume that the “typical” occurrences would not stand. Everything will be roughly two weeks “later” than usual. If you did not receive your refund on 2-24, your next most likely day will be 3-3 as a “weekly.” Check WMR Saturday if you want, though it may not be functioning correctly (as usual). But that is your best bet at this point.

              • #4458893

                  Taxman…what about HRB? I have always received it on the last Wednesday of Feb. Does that mean I am getting it tomorrow? I have no way of getting the transcript. God I hope i get it tomorrow.
                  I am a single mom graduating with a bachelors in accounting but all this kinda of turns me off of it. lol. Think I am gonna go get a MS in data analytics instead. lol.

                • #4458861

                    I’m not sure if I will receive mine tomorrow, I’ve always received my dd on Wednesday’s every year, the wmr is still at one bar for me

                  • #4458828

                      Thank god for TaxMan! I agree with Steve his responses are making me feel much better!

                    • #4458804

                        You’re welcome Steve. I have been in the tax industry for over ten years with two Master’s Degrees in Business, specializing in business law and tax law.

                      • #4458801

                          Thanks taxman all the info u been giving out is putting me at ease i really appreciate it

                        • #4458799

                            If you went through TT, then you should check SBTPG. SB receives you refund before your bank and then transfers it over. But you probably already knew that too.

                          • #4458790

                              If u went thru TT and had fees taken from refund….that’s a whole different ballgame

                            • #4458783

                                Okay, it will not read on their end as processing either. The treasury does not work like typical ACH transfers.

                              • #4458730

                                  Alot of banks dont SHOW pending deposits. Call them.

                                • #4458729

                                    Same… Only thing I have pending is VA disability for the 26th. Nothing for tax returns.

                                  • #4458681

                                      I there is an 846 code showing 2-24, you will most likely receive the refund tonight/tomorrow. They often will not show as “Pending” until it is already released to your bank.

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