
Home Forums General Discussion 2021 Tax Season Unemployment

  • This topic has 18 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by S3H.
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  • #4487015

      I could use some help. I’m trying to figure out a few things. Does anybody have any earthly idea when they will send the money for people that had already filed their taxes before they passed the cares act or whatever. I’ve seen a few people on here say that there’s had been approved or something along those lines and they had a date the 12th through the 19th from what I have seen I was just curious how they were able to determine that. I’m trying to figure out how much I will get back out of that 10,000 I’m not in a high tax bracket probably the lowest and it’s me my son’s mom and my son. Thanks for the help. Hope every ody who is still waiting gets some answers soon. I know how frustrating it is. Goodluck!

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      • #4487347

          @Jenn where did you read this??

        • #4487332

            Guess what guess what guess what!!
            I just read that the unemployment tax refunds start this week!! (week of May 17)
            woo hoo!!

          • #4487283

              I filed on 2/14 with W2 and unemployment. I lost my bars and nothing has happened since the still processing message. I do see an adjustment on taxact but that is all. I opened my return to be sure I did not need to amend and it is showing filed. I am just waiting for some type of movement. It has been a long time. Does the system update tomorrow?? I need something to happen!!

            • #4487180

                @wyguy74 I also saw on social media that people have been already receiving their payments so idk if what the IRS woman said was correct!

              • #4487178

                  Also…I must add that I spoke to a VERY rude woman at IRS bout a half hour ago who told me that no adjustments or payments will be made until after the filing season which is the 17th, and this includes ALL returns, whether u filed early or not. So I don’t understand how people have been getting ddds for the 10th, 12th etc. This is beyond frustrating! Someone help!

                • #4487177

                    Well I received my account transcript in the mail yesterday and I can see nothing on there that reflects any kind of info on when my unemployment refund would be issued! So if someone could help me interpret my transcript and tell me what I’m supposed to be looking for as far as a ddd for my unemployment refund I’d be very grateful!

                  • #4487176

                      I filed through tax act, it says congratulations on filing for 2020 with the bigger return amount but if I click view return it goes to the page to send it in electronically.
                      Do I have to send it in again to get this bigger refund?
                      I really need the money so I don’t want to mess it not wait longer then necessary.
                      Thank u

                    • #4487126

                        @TexasSingle which pdf document on TurboTax did you look at, and where would the change be on that doc?

                      • #4487122

                          HRB doesn’t show any update for mine
                          I’m a single filer so I’m expecting to get it next week or the next at the latest. Tax refund on $10.200 paid should be $1,020.

                        • #4487106

                            I logged in to TurboTax after receiving an email saying I didn’t do anything. On the front page it shows my original refund amount I got back in March. But if i open the file for my tax return PDF is shows my corrected about and reflects the additional I will get back.

                          • #4487104

                              TurboTax has updated my refund amount but Ive yet to recieve anything.

                            • #4487098

                                I also checked my TurboTax and my transcripts and nothing has updated yet

                              • #4487086

                                  I used Turbotax had unemployment logged in and the amount has not been adjuste.

                                • #4487085

                                    We all have a deadline to have our taxes filed by so they should have a deadline to send us our money by.
                                    Just saying.

                                  • #4487084

                                      I filed 2/14. I have not received anything. I checked TAXACT and my new balance was updated but I have been still processing since 3/6. I spoke to TAXACT and they said the IRS revised my refund amount but I have not gotten anything. I just want a refund. I would have been happy with my original amount and they could have given me the difference later. I am beyond stressed out.

                                    • #4487076

                                        Well I used Jackson Hewitt which was with exception of a few bad dating choices this was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. But I tried to log in to see if my amount had changed. Since they had to refile my taxes 3 times the amount was a disaster. It still listed my return as “processing” even though I’d received my refund at the end of March.

                                      • #4487023

                                          Did you use an online tax software to do your taxes? If you log in, you should see the adjusted refund amount there. It doesn’t say the date you’ll get it, but you’ll know how much to expect!

                                        • #4487022

                                            I was wondering the same thing

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