Tax Code 971 & 570 3/7 processing date

Home Forums General Discussion 2022 Tax Season Tax Code 971 & 570 3/7 processing date

  • This topic has 24 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by wheremymoneyat1.
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  • #4516831

      I got a 971 code and a 570 code last week. I entered the wrong stimulus amount so my refund was reduced by 1400. I hope to have an update Friday morning with a deposit date. I also have chime so hopefully that 5 days early is true😂if y’all got the same codes as me lmk if you received your refund or do we ALL have to wait until 3/7/22 until we get out refund

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      • #4521865

          I am in the same situation,I filed 2/24 & all I get on where’s my refund is that it’s delayed. I have codes 570 & 971, the 971 has been on there for 2 weeks but I have NOT received any notice in the mail. I called and got through to someone at the IRS one time & they said I was on a 45 day hold, but couldn’t see that anything was wrong or that I needed to do anything. Hopefully refund comes after that

        • #4521437

            Can someone help maybe…. I have 571 code for 3/28/22 i already received the 570 and 971 for 3/21/22. No ddd posted this morning yet🙄

          • #4521178

              Hi I file on 02/03 haven’t received anything yet my code 20220801 I have code 570 and 971
              I add a new depent , processing date said 03/14/2022 and 971 days notice issue 03/21/22 still no answer try to call irs but no luck 😕

            • #4520515

                did you receive your refund? @iwantmymoney

              • #4520071

                  Receieved 570 then 971 today recieved CP05 letter

                • #4518885

                    This sucks. And I didn’t see anything concerning the rebate credit! The only payments that we got were the Empact stimulus, and the ACTC! When was we supposed to have seen the additional $3500? I wish I got notice of that supposed payment! I am so heated right now, but it’s mainly because I have to wait.

                  • #4518882

                      We’re in the same boat as you over here. Filed on 2/1; got transcripts with codes 971 and 570 on or about the 25th. Called the IRS….Waited 2 hours and 45 minutes before anyone answered the call, just to hear that we confused the ACTC or Empact Stimulus with the Rebate credit on line 30, and should have left it blank. Now they have us in errors, and it needs to be corrected, before our reduced refund is issued. ETA is 4/19 at the latest, she told me!

                    • #4518878

                        I’m on hold as well. I have the same issues.

                        Filed 1/31, accepted 1/31, ACTC.

                        As of 2/18 my bars disappeared.

                        As of 2/25 my transcript updated with a new Refund amount, code 766. Also codes 971 and 570.

                        When I talk to a live agent I will update here.

                      • #4518825

                          Hi Everyone, I am still on the phone holding. I have spoke to one person who told me that I needed to verify my identity as well as make sure my income match completely. I’m not sure why it’s doing this and I’ve been using the same tax person with my same little people(dependents) for the last 5 years. I’m currently waiting for the next person to come on the line to verify my identity. 😩
                          The number I called is 877-777-4778

                        • #4518812

                            Hey mine says the same thing. My refund amount is 1400 less than what it was , my last codes were 971 and 570. I haven’t gotten any other codes yet. I don’t know when this was updated but I checked it last night. You said you got a 571 ,how long after did you receive the 571 code and have you received your refund yet ?

                          • #4518792

                              @amber what number did you call?

                            • #4518790

                                I am finally on hold with IRS trying to figure out what I need to do to get my issue resolved. I’ll update you all as soon as I speak to someone.

                              • #4518503

                                  571 issued this morning with ddd 3/4

                                • #4518493

                                    I have code 570 actions required , then 971 notice issued, both dates 3-14-2022. Above those it’s 3 credits to my account and Earned income credit with amounts dated 04-15-2022. At the top it says code 150- 03-14-2022. My cycle number is 20220805. Can somebody help me out lol

                                  • #4517680

                                      Transcript updated today i have a reverse code of 571 and a new ddd of 3/2

                                    • #4517663
                                      Ms tax

                                        So where it say account balance is that the -00.00 expected refund

                                      • #4517658

                                          Thank you @Ro I am a weekly so I updated this morning with those codes and a reduction of 1400. This is a sigh of relief.

                                        • #4517637

                                            Update, this morning I received 571 code and a refund issued code for 3/2. If the stimulus payment was your problem and your refund reduced by 1400 yours should be updated. Hope this helped someone

                                          • #4517462

                                              I Have A 971 Code But Underneath I Have A 846 Code With A Deposit Date Of 2/24 But I Haven’t Received Anything

                                            • #4517134

                                                I filed n accepted 2/4 eic ctc I had only a 570 code with 2/10 date as of date 3/7 .. I didn’t even have my 150 or credit codes I updated over night Tuesday night/we’d early morning to 864 ddd 2/28. I didn’t get 971 or 571 or 572 code to correct it tho? Now a person is saying I won’t get my refund even tho I have a date cuz I have no 570 reversal code?

                                              • #4516880

                                                  I’m in the same boat but I got q letter stating that I received a $4200 stimulus. On my transcripts my refund is reduced by that amount. I don’t understand why because I didn’t claim they owed me any money. I also don’t have a date yet and my processing date is 3/7 as well. I’m a weekly 0705. If yours change please update. I have codes 971 and 570.

                                                • #4516871

                                                    A 570 code this is a freeze on the refund pending futher account action, rather it be by you or the IRS. Usually 971 code following it will require action by you, via the notice that will be sent out on the date beside the 971 code.
                                                    You may also still get a notice code if the IRS fixed the issue then you will want to see a 571 (freeze resolved) or 572 (Resolved Additional Account Action)

                                                  • #4516840

                                                      Okay thanks, hopefully they update Friday and we get our ddd

                                                    • #4516839

                                                        I am in the same boat. I talked to someone with the IRS on the phone yesterday and she said that 3/7 isn’t necessarily the day we will actually get our money… it could be later than that. The 3/7 is the date that you should have your DDD by, so keep checking because you could get a DDD any time between today and 3/7.

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