Processing day..2/11/19 Anyone get a update or DDD yet?

Home Forums General Discussion 2019 Tax Season Processing day..2/11/19 Anyone get a update or DDD yet?

  • This topic has 62 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Ana.
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  • #4265104

      Just wondering if anyone with today’s processing date have received ddd or update of any kind

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    • Author
      • #4323703

          Nothing for me 🥺

        • #4323576

            Anyone file 2/11 and get ddd

          • #4319262

              Filed 2/9
              Verified 3/6
              Transcript date is the only one updating
              3/4 to 4/1 to 4/8
              Super lost now 😞😓

            • #4318933


                Were on the same boat. Sucks

              • #4318931

                  And no update still 😞

                • #4318839

                    filed feb 11th still nothing as of march 21st no DDD

                  • #4317147

                      Same process date and as of today no change

                    • #4309061

                        Filed 2/9, IRs said they got it 2/12 (weird) then now I need to verify, should get the letter no longer than 14 days 😩 Sooo many filers needing to verify identity does not make sense

                      • #4308919
                        Lauren McCarthy

                          I filed 2/11 as well and was accepted same day.
                          Friday 3/1 the WMR bars disappeared and say: Your tax return is still being processed.
                          A refund date will be provided when available.
                          and also has tax topic 152 with all my info still on the left hand side including my refund amount.
                          Should I be worried at this point? I have been reading many different comments.

                        • #4308848

                            Thanks @caroline — that gives me a bit of hope! =)

                          • #4308843

                              No mam I was not. Still can’t
                              get them.

                            • #4308828

                                @caroline were you able to see your transcripts prior to calling?

                                Filed/accepted 2/6 and went to no bars, still processing and TT152 on 2/25.

                                What does your WMR and transcripts say now (after getting the DDD by phone?)

                                I’m debating whether or not to call….

                              • #4308827

                                  Filed 2/11 accepted same day. Have both credits. Bars disappeared 2/23 with still processing. Called IRS Friday and she gave me a ddd of 3/6.

                                • #4308771

                                    Tax topic 152 does not mean that you’re under a manual review. It just means that you probably claimed one of your kids, the earned income credit, or some other credit that has been delayed because of the government being shut down. I also had the tax return being processed code 152. I had that code for over three weeks, I called the IRS and they said everything looks fine. As of Friday I have a direct deposit date of March 6th. Just hang in there

                                  • #4308750

                                      I was accepted on 2/11/19
                                      My status bar went away a few days ago and states that my return is being processed and a date will be available at a later date with a 152 topic. When this happens, your tax return was flagged and is under a manual review. It can take days to months to complete.

                                    • #4306307

                                        Accepted on 2/12/19 but no DDD yet my page still says.
                                        We have received your tax return and it is being processed
                                        Topics 152
                                        Anyone get an update yet?

                                      • #4305353

                                          Accepted on 2/12/19 but no DDD yet my page still says.
                                          We have received your tax return and it is being processed
                                          Topics 152
                                          Anyone get an update yet?

                                        • #4294436

                                            I am a 2/11 processor, cycle 0405

                                            I have a DDD on my account transcript of 2/27

                                          • #4294402

                                              Woke up to DDD on 2/27 on transcript but WMR says still processing I’m assuming that will
                                              Update tomorrow

                                            • #4294393
                                              Eric Franklin

                                                Ddd on transcript 2/27/19
                                                Wmr shows return is being processed

                                              • #4290670

                                                  I just talked to the IRS
                                                  I filed 02/13/2019 accepted the same day never had path message.. on one bar they said no date yet but should have a date in within 2 weeks nothing wrong just slowly processing she said they are very behind…

                                                • #4277241

                                                    I received update today Path and Eic ddd2/22 field 1/31 accepted 2/1 my boyfriend filed 1/28 accepted 1/28 path and eic still no ddd not sure why

                                                  • #4276391

                                                      Yes and 846 code for 2/22/19 wmr updated to refund approved

                                                    • #4276378

                                                        Got ddd of 2/22 today I wonder will we start seeing deposits before that

                                                      • #4274068
                                                        K. Murray

                                                          My WMR says my return is delayed with tax code 1541. Checked my transcript and it has a process date of 3/4/2019. No refund code is showing.

                                                        • #4272980
                                                          Tatyana odom

                                                            My process date is 2/25 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ I’ve never gotten it that late

                                                          • #4272943

                                                              My wheres my refund changed to no path message, but says you return is being processed. Checked transcripts and have my 846 code with ddd of 2/22. Yes :)

                                                            • #4272880

                                                                Was on path seen transcript yesterday that said process date of 2/11/19 but now I just checked 3:01 eastern time and it says just processing an that they received it

                                                              • #4272827
                                                                Tatyana odom

                                                                  Well I was on PATH but as of now it says “it’s being processed” but I could see my transcripts days ago… smh 🤦🏾‍♀️

                                                                • #4270236

                                                                    I got my $ last year on the 22nd and the year before on the 23rd. I’m not expecting much more than that.

                                                                  • #4270232

                                                                      I filled and was accepted on 2/4/2019 and my WMR still is on one bar I have both credits does anyone else have this issue? No path message yet?

                                                                    • #4269152
                                                                      Brandon g

                                                                        the 23rd is when I got mine last year. I expect the same this year. nothing has changed. there’s no additional delay. stop mind fing yourselves.

                                                                      • #4268925

                                                                          I have a processing date of 2/11 and have had it since 2/11 and it never changed to a later date. Last year I got my refund 10 days after my processing date… the 22nd. I hope I get it the 15th but thinking it will be the 21st.

                                                                        • #4268469

                                                                            I have the same date of 2/11 on my transcript. I’m a pather so I might not see an update till this weekend, fingers crossed!

                                                                          • #4267432

                                                                              Have a processing date of 2/11/19 and here we are 2/12/19, has anyone seen any change? We are pathers and we are part of the early January (1st one) test run.
                                                                              Has anyone had any date changes or anything? Thanks

                                                                            • #4266604

                                                                                Did anyone have an update anywhere? My Process date was 2/11

                                                                              • #4266479

                                                                                  I did find this from an Admin in a forum from last year on this site. Not sure if this helps anyone better understand what a processing date is?

                                                                                  I’ll try to explain it as simply as I can with the best of my knowledge. That date is more or less a “process by date” so that returns don’t get stuck without a resolution. As the date approaches then the system is flagged to scan the account again to see if there was a problem that caused it to no be resolved. For the most part having your refund released (846 code) resolves the account and it closes it out. For those of us on PATH that means we cannot receive that refund prior to 2/15 so the system will scan the account and see the credit codes that fall under PATH and assign a new “processing date.” Those dates are always a Monday date and everyone who processed during that cycle will have the same date. This does not however mean that everyone will receive their DD on the same date as there are other things to factor in.
                                                                                  Long story short- the “processing date” does not correlate with a DDD and can actually be weeks later than when you actually receive your DD.

                                                                                • #4266471

                                                                                    No updates on transcript nor tracker for me, 2-11 processing. 20190403 as well

                                                                                  • #4266449
                                                                                    Shalyn Carr

                                                                                      My son had a processing date of 2/11 & his money was in his bank account that day. IRS2Go did not update until 2/12 saying refund sent, when it was already received.

                                                                                    • #4266435

                                                                                        I also have processing date of 2/11 and no update on DDD.

                                                                                      • #4266374

                                                                                          Path message does not mean anything. It does not mean you’re one step closer to a ddd. It states that it is being reviewed but showing instructions or explanation. Read the faq people. Also stated in the faq, transcripts aren’t information that reveals your ddd. It’s simply for validating income. Stop believing everything you see on the net getting your hopes up. Simply read what it says. If you need your bills paid, continue working. You don’t need that 4K tv you been dreaming. You dont need those nba floor seats or hair and nails done. Save and invest so you don’t need to wait for a ddd next year. Have a good day! Ps, if you’re offended, then this relates to you.

                                                                                        • #4265848

                                                                                            nope no update as of yet still on the path message just will be glad when I get a ddd ma got bills to pay

                                                                                          • #4265644

                                                                                              At this point my opinion is not to expect anything until the 23rd. I’m not sure about transcripts updating, I’ve seen some people say theirs went from a 2/11 to a 2/18 processing date and a few changed to a 2/25 processing date so who knows. It is definitely different this year.

                                                                                            • #4265599

                                                                                                What time does the transcripts suppose to update? Also, since we have a process date for today…what should we expect?

                                                                                              • #4265500

                                                                                                  I went on the irs site and looked up the handbook and from what I read Feb 23 is when we will see movement of any kind for PATHers. We shall see…

                                                                                                • #4265452

                                                                                                    mine is also still 2/11

                                                                                                  • #4265444

                                                                                                      Just checked transcripts and it’s all the same, still processing date of 2/11.

                                                                                                    • #4265397

                                                                                                        The people with the Path message last year all seemed to get their refunds last year on 2.22.2019 so I was thinking it may be 2.21.2019 this year before the IRS starts to release the funds. I have not checked my transcripts in awhile so mine may have also changed to 2.18.2019.

                                                                                                      • #4265396

                                                                                                          Still on PATH

                                                                                                        • #4265387

                                                                                                            I also had an original processing date of 2/11 but on 2/8 it updated to 2/25 :(

                                                                                                          • #4265384
                                                                                                            GIna FIowers

                                                                                                              Following, I have seen on other forums where people who had 2/11 processing dates got changed to 2/18 processing dates as of today.

                                                                                                            • #4265274

                                                                                                                I had mine accepted the 17th and it is still processing

                                                                                                              • #4265242
                                                                                                                Brandi B

                                                                                                                  same here…i hope i update to a DDD for the 15th!!

                                                                                                                • #4265207

                                                                                                                    Nothing still same PATH MESSAGE

                                                                                                                  • #4265202

                                                                                                                      i have 2/11/19 processing date but no DDD but hoping for something by Saturday

                                                                                                                    • #4265200

                                                                                                                        Every other year I have received my refund 4 days before the processing date, obviously this year is different. It sure doesn’t take the irs long to get their money, but when it comes to them refunding it takes forever. I will update as soon as I have an update. Happy happy tax season… lol!!!

                                                                                                                      • #4265188

                                                                                                                          Per the IRS, the processing date listed on ur transcripts is the date they actual begin to process the return for completion. However….some have DDD that are b4 their actual process date so who the hell really knows. It’s all very discouraging when dates that are listed pass and we still have zero visible movement. Either way, best of luck to all and lets hope this week brings better news for all!

                                                                                                                        • #4265176

                                                                                                                            Need ! State says they cant verify wages at rhis time. Will thatt affect my federal as well?

                                                                                                                          • #4265159

                                                                                                                              so I also have 2.11.2019 processing date also 20190405 what does the processing date mean?

                                                                                                                            • #4265141


                                                                                                                              • #4265136


                                                                                                                                • #4265133

                                                                                                                                    Following so I can update with any changes.
                                                                                                                                    I have 2/11 processing date, but no updates yet.

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