How much has everyone’s return changed

Home Forums General Discussion 2023 Tax Season How much has everyone’s return changed

  • This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Boxy.
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  • #4527331

      So this year our return drastically went down. None of the Covid times credits applied to us but even with two dependents and the credits my return went down a LOT. I’m trying to figure out what exactly is causing the changes. We did not get the large CTC last year as my dependents are older. The change to the childcare credit doesn’t apply either. I’m honestly baffled that it dropped by half. Did I miss some huge changes in EIC or something?

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      • #4527686

          Mine went up by about 700 dollars, then reduced by 400 due to a 1099 that I had to file this year.

          Super awesome that they also charge you extra to file a 1099 with a W2. Love that for us.

        • #4527672

            My wife and I filed MFJ and are only getting the ATC because of the tax breaks we are getting. She doordashes and made $5k less than last year and we are making $9K less on or refund this year. We didn’t qualify for CTC. and we are getting the EITC. I guess I’m thankful for what we are getting I was just hoping to get a bit more because I’ve got bills to pay. Ugh This blows.

          • #4527624

              CTC changed and democrats have been in control! That’s what happens when people vote with emotions and mean orange man tweets upset them !

            • #4527593

                Ours went down drastically (by nearly $5,000), BUT we also had a much higher income this year which means we no longer qualify are PATHers, and we have a 17-year-old, so we no longer get the CTC for her, only the ODC. We went from $6,500 in credits for our 3 dependent kids last year down to $3,000 in credits this year. That certainly didn’t help!

              • #4527388


                  I thought my return would be lower due to all the changes that went into effect, but after I filed I saw that I was getting 5k more this year than last year. Last year I got a little over 2k, but this year it’s over 7k. I have one dependent, and claimed Child tax, EIC and education credits. I only made around 28k from my job but also paid over 3k in federal taxes.

                • #4527385

                    Mine is half the amount this year in comparison with the last few. Nothing much has changed either, just mo more COVID bennies.

                  • #4527342

                      My EIC & CTC dropped like crazy by about 2/3 I have younger children, all under 15, two still in childcare which I pay for but didn’t qualify for the credit which is weird.

                    • #4527336

                        Ours (MFJ) went up 20%, not counting what we received from stimulus ly. It would be more with that included. Our income did go up 15%, so that accounts for a good chunk of it. We do get the CTC, but no additional credits (that matter anyway).

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