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      I just thought this would be a good place to discuss what info the individual IRS Agents are giving when we call for updates on our return.

      Here is a starter straight from the feed!

      1/19 Info Says:
      April 11, 2012 at 3:32 pm (Edit)
      I just got off the phone with a rep from the IRS. He was very helpful. He told me to call back and ask for a referral letter. This letter is sent to the person that is actually processing your return. The person that is processing your return has 30 days to reply to you directly as to what is going on with your return. I hope this helps.

    See the Latest Replies to this Topic: Out of the mouths of IRS Agents


      Singlemom Says:
      April 11, 2012 at 8:26 pm (Edit)
      Just got of the phone with an irs rep and asked her to file the referral process. She had no idea what i talking about she had to ask her supervisor and when she came back on the phone they told me i was told internal information and i was given a number for an advocate to call. Urrrrgggghhhh

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