File a complaint on IRS employee
clash said:
Joined: Feb 16, 2012
Posts: 1
February 16, 2012 5:43 AM Quote This Flag Private Message
A lot of us have been mistreated when we call about our refund, I found this and thought it might be helpful. Here is an excerpt: (01-06-2009)
Elements of Misconduct
The Taxpayer Bill of Rights II (TBOR 2) defines three elements of misconduct:
An employee violated a law, regulation, or rule of conduct (these cases are worked and reported by Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA);
An IRS system failed to function properly or within proper time frames (these cases are worked as Taxpayer Advocate Service cases); or
An IRS employee treated a taxpayer inappropriately in the course of official business. For example, rudeness, over zealousness, excessive aggressiveness, discriminatory treatment, and intimidation. (These cases will be worked/handled by management within the employee’s function.)
Here’s the link with more details: