Reply To: Code 570 Waiting/Updates

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Code 570 Waiting/Updates Reply To: Code 570 Waiting/Updates

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  • #4536806

    Thought I would start a thread for just us who have the dreaded 570, so we can update each other as we either get letters, get released, or just keep waiting…..

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    F/A 2/17 Married jointly
    about two weeks later noticed we needed to verify our taxes. We didn’t receive our letter until 03/25 and verified same day. After two weeks went back into processing and then the following week we got the 570 code and a letter about a 60 day review. as of date keeps changing now its 05/20. Two weeks after 570 we got a 971 for 05/20. Is this a new letter, or referencing the review one we got?

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